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Date Posted: 04:04:01 03/05/05 Sat
Author: Karen
Subject: Ottowa, Canada bad article and contacts

Good Canadian paper... Not the first time I have read garbage from this paper or any of its sister papers. Here is the main paper URL as well as contacts for the editor and the author.


Earl McRae
Phone: (613) 739-5133, ext. 469
Email: earl.mcrae@ott.sunpub.com


Let's get those letters going and cross post the article and contact info widely.


Wed, March 2, 2005

No more bull from banned brutes

By EARL McRAE -- For the Ottawa Sun

The administration of Premier Dilton "One Term" McDoily finally did something right: Bye-bye pit bulls.

It won't be enough to guarantee One Term a second term, but it might get him a few more votes in the next election from those who escaped being eaten alive by pit bulls that, as all but the insane know, are an animal with a loose screw in their heads of life-threatening intentions.

Bruce Springsteen should pay good riddance to these nasty creatures in a new song, Born To Bite , but of course the mourning pit bull lovers today are sticking to their tired refrain that it's not the dogs that are droolingly nuts, it's those cement heads in the owner population who, being nuts themselves, train the beasts to be chomping, salivating, intimidating, maiming, killing machines.

Personally, I believe anyone who buys a pit bull -- even those owners who look and seem harmlessly normal, even loving -- are closet oddballs with psychological disorders, otherwise why would they want as a pet a pit bull that, through reputation, is a loose and scary cannon?

The only reason people buy a certain breed dog is looks and disposition, and the pit bull is never going to win a beauty contest or Mr./Ms. Congeniality.

Pit bull owners in their black armbands today whine, "ya but, ya but, ya but pit bulls don't top the list of Most Bitingest Dog" which is like saying there were more fighters who threw more punches against opponents than Mike Tyson, which is true, except that Mike Tyson, whose head was a whole toolbox of loose screws, caused more terrible damage with his fewer punches.

Tyson could seem like a pussycat out of the ring, but don't forget he's also the guy who said his merciless mission in the ring was "to drive a man's nose through his brain."

One attack from a pit bull and its unsurpassably powerful jaws and death is a high possibility.

As for those who howl the irresponsible owners, not the dogs, should be targeted by the law, no problem, I'm for all of that as well so as they won't transfer their mental and emotional temperaments, satisfied through their pit bulls, to something else dangerous to society.

Enforced spaying, neutering, and muzzling of them, too, is fine by me.

Actually, pit bull owners should take solace that their banned brutes haven't all been sentenced to immediate death, which is what I would have done -- pit bull genocide -- the way all those mad cows were dispatched to the Great Beyond to keep us safe and healthy.

The owners still get to keep their pit bulls until they (the dogs) die of natural causes or are put to eternal sleep, and then no more, but until then all that's being demanded is that they (the dogs) are (a) muzzled in public, (b) spayed, (c) neutered, and how bad is that?

If I were a pit bull, with its proclivities for machismo and intimidation, I'd think it's kind of cool to be seen strutting around muzzled like Hannibal Lecter, my unique and defining signature. It could be worse. If I were a horse, a donkey, a goat, a cow, a swine, a chicken, a duck, or a goose, I'd be banned from living in the residential city, period.

And, pit bull owners, if you really care about your little darlings as you say you do, then consider the following from the City of Ottawa website on its animal bylaws, information from experts.

Spayed female dogs won't get horny anymore and annoy you with their whining and crying and nervous pacing, and you don't have to worry about horny male dogs jumping them ever again, and it prevents diseases of the uterus and ovaries, and skin disorders, and reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Neutered male dogs won't be going around marking their territory with smelly pee, and it prevents prostate disease and some other cancers, and it cuts the chances of them wandering away from home, looking for some hot action.

The Spay/Neuter Clinic: 1851 Merivale Rd., open Monday to Thursday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., phone for appointment: 613-798-8970.

I know you're feeling better already, and -- lick, snuggle -- good for you.

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