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Date Posted: 08:04:20 06/15/05 Wed
Author: Jake
Subject: He shrugged a little, traipsing through the apartment easily, trailing his fingers along tabletops and the like, as though appraising it, and then paused when she turned back with her question, twisting his lips a little, and then lifting his polo off of his torso. "I thought I would open myself up like a canvas for you - let you ink me up with whatever form of creativity your mind can come up with." He was a sight, that was for sure, especially when unrobed - his tanned chest littered with scars and a freckle here and there, muscles quite evident and quite abundant.
In reply to: Jake 's message, "She knows what you want and she's got it so she flaunts it.. so get up on it -- players only love you when they're playing.." on 07:04:23 06/15/05 Wed

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  • She turned back around to him, arching a brow and faintly drawing a breath before pursing her lips. She lifted her dark gaze back upto him and set her jaw a little "Have you eaten in last hour? I don;t want you passing out or anything." She'd actually had a design in mind for the past couple of weeks and had been trying to get one of her brothers- or even Danny- to partake... and now she had her canvas. (NT) -- Sharayah, 08:35:15 06/15/05 Wed
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