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Date Posted: 07:36:33 06/30/05 Thu
Author: Jake
Subject: He raised a brow, quite surprised at her sudden aggression, raised his hands in mock defense against the onslaught of her words. Truth was, he wasn't much scared of Malakai, they'd always seemed to get on well. "Easy there.. you'll get your money." He crossed his own arms over his chest -- and here he'd thought he'd been doing her a favor, letting himself be tested on for her new design. "When did you start hating me so badly?"
In reply to: Sharayah 's message, "..." on 07:03:35 06/30/05 Thu

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  • She pursed her lips and arched a brow absently, shrugging her slender shoulders nonchalantly "I don;t hate you... don;t really know you. Just pisses me off when people try and scam me." She worked hard and put a lot of effort into what she did- she didn't appreciate people messing her around. Besides which he was way too cocky- and he needed bringing down a peg or two. "You know not every girl wants to jump you Jake... you need to come down to earth" (NT) -- Sharayah, 07:54:25 06/30/05 Thu
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