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Subject: x.dark..mark.x

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Date Posted: 20:43:27 06/21/05 Tue

.Please forgive me father

.For i know not what i do

.I just have not had the chance

.To ever meet you

.I never knew that i would grow to be

.My mother's evil seed

.and do these evil deeds..

Her face and body were scored by the teeth of many others, and she fought as fiercely as ever and more shrewdly. but the strange horse, no matter what the breed or valor, swiftly acknowledged Morsmordre's supremacy or found itself struggling for life with a terrible antagonist. And Morsmordre was merciless. She had learned well the law of club and fang, and she never forewent an advantage or drew back from a foe he had started on the way to Death. She had lessoned from the Devil, and from the chief fighting, and knew there was no middle course. She must master or be mastered; while to show mercy was a weakness. Mercy did not exist in the primordial life. It was misunderstood for fear, and such misunderstandings made for death. Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, was the law; and this mandate, down out of the depths of Time, she obeyed.

Hideous black clouds hung above in the atmosphere blotting out all the light that could be shed through, but wait, it is not morning at all. No it is night, the time at which the demons dance their dance of death, where the shadows seem to call your name. Mother Luna tries her best to let her silvery rays mingle through the darkness, and in some places she succeeds more than others. The darkness of the forest canopy swallows her silks of ivory light, only allowing a few forgotten strands to twist their way from her lips. A chilly night breeze wound its way through the foliage twisting its fingers around each life form it came into contact with, the gales of air were followed close behind by the clammy fingers of a light mist. Night creatures scurried back and forth across the paths and not to far off in the distance a shriek can be heard, the last dying cries of a rabbit picked up and ripped apart by a ravenous coyote. Its very life shut between the sharpened teeth of its trap like jaw, everything was over in only a few minutes and then there was silence once more

[ x darkmark x ]

Leave with me my love

Plan this for
6 months

They say I think like a
friesian (x?)

Beneath skies of an azure blue gray, accents lie in a
bloodied hue

My father goes by
And my mother by
I'm built to tower
unknown yet

My Heart is held in the hands of
no one

our plan is made by an

These plans were made for you above

I am whom they call

You may find me with aim on

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