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Subject: Thunder I am, Lighting my servant | |
Author: Thunderking |
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Date Posted: 16:56:41 02/18/05 Fri In reply to: [hybridtheory] 's message, "[linkinpark]" on 13:59:41 02/18/05 Fri The stallion smiled back at the fae. Upon arriving in his terriroty, his tones drifted to the lovley fae beside him. "Welcome to the realm of purple crest. My home and yours as well." He then notice her shiver. "My apoliges I should have told ye it would be a might cold. It shall warm up within the next week or so. This is the end of the waning winter. although for now come with me and I shall show thee warm place to reside." He picked his way carefully along the rockey paths making sure his charge did not slip and hurt herself. Higher they climbed, till they reached a small crack large enough for a medium sized horse to fit through. 'Do not be frightened once we pass through. Tis perfactly safe." He nudged her gentaly. He then dissapered through the crak. His large bod just fitting. Through darkness they trudged. Until later a dim light came into veiw. It steadly grew brighter and then just as suddenly as the tunnel started it ended. The two horses were found on a slightly steep path down toa small valley. A stream ran through it and the grass grew green dispite the winter. Not a drop of snow lay in sight and the atmosphere grew delicously warm. "This is where I weather the winters. Scince tis such a small valley it never gets really cold and at nights there is but a chill in thee air." He led her down to the valley waiting for her to settle. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
[linkinpark] | [hybridtheory] | 14:15:39 02/20/05 Sun |