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Date Posted: 19:35:02 11/17/03 Mon
Author: Clem
Subject: Re: I fully agree with you
In reply to: supreme_fighter 's message, "Re: I fully agree with you" on 15:35:16 11/14/03 Fri

Actually, I have BG2 for Macintosh. But, I only played it for a short while before
stopping. Felt like it was a getting a little repetitive.

You know I am a huge RPG fan...maybe ridiculously too much of a RPG fan.
It's the genre I play the most by far. Probably only play some arcade stuff, some action/adventure, and some fighting. But, I usually steer clear from sports games (I hate the X-treme sports especially), fps, and racing games. Fps give me motion sickness.

Anyways, getting back to BG2. I usually play RPGs like I read books. Therefore, I often
play many at the same time :) For me it is a nice way to do things. Because, if a RPG
ever feels repetitive I take a break and for a change of pace play a different style RPG.
Then get back to the other one again sometime. Which admittedly sometimes is a long
time or even haven't gotten back to yet...like BG2 ;)

Currently, I'm immersed in a replay of Front Mission 3 (there are 2 different scenario storylines), Disgaea: the Hour of Darkness (which just might be my favourite 2003 RPG), finishing up Tales of Eternia, and finishing Laura's quest in Unlimited Saga of which there are 7 quests in total and I've finished 2 others (a very very underrated and fun game).

I'm also very excited about FFX-2, Tales of Symphonia and FFTA just to name some
newer RPGs that I have not played yet. FFX-2 and Tales of Symphonia have only
been released in Japan so far. I don't mind playing imports...as I've played quite a few.
But, I'm glad that they will be released here too.

So, it might be a while before I can get to BG2 again. I hope the story does get more deeper and interesting. I wish the characters were more appealing. But, I'll take your word for it and try to stick it out to the end. Sounds like from what you said it also has replay value then actually.

I'm sure I can finish it sometime. Since
I am truly a RPG nut But, I also have quite a few unfinished RPGs and RPGs in the
to be played pile. Like Ogre Battle for instance. Quite fun...but somehow it's been
awhile since I last played it. Have to finish that one sometime too.

And, another thing. I prefer it when the game is a nice balance of linear structure and non-linear play. Too much in one direction and nice things are often sacrificed or forsaken in sense.

Btw, what RPGs are you playing right now? And, when was the last time you played
Vagrant Story? I last replayed Vagrant Story during the summertime. It's such a fun game to replay every now and then. Just like Parasite Eve, Front Mission 3 and FFT.
I'm pretty sure I'll be replaying Disgaea after I finish it. I hope you get a chance to
play Disgaea! :)

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