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Date Posted: 13:43:29 02/16/04 Mon
Author: Matt
Subject: Re: Combination
In reply to: Callidan 's message, "Combination" on 10:47:05 06/30/03 Mon

Nah, Silver items are always weaker than Hagane ones. It you'd found a Hagane Vambrace, it would have the same strength as the one you'd combined. It probably wouldn't have as good experience stats though. Silver items that you find (or snatch from enemies) usually have higher experience points for Phantom, Undead and Light (I think I'm right in saying that). They definately have 20 Experience Points for some of the classes and affinities. Damascus items have 10 Experience Points for most of the classes & affinities - not all though. Good tip I found out was... when you get to the Junction Point workshop in Town Centre East, there is a Crimson Blade close by with a Hagane Tilt Glove on his left arm. It has 12 points for each of the Types (Blunt, Edged & Piercing). Conbining 2 of these makes a Freiturner and the Type Points will be about 19 or something like that. One of my Dread Gloves has about 60 Type Points for each type! I made the one for the other arm earlier, before I'd found the Tilt Glove man! That only has Type Points in the 20s. If you can make loads of Dread Gloves with really high Type Points, you can combine them to get loads and loads of Type Points, or you could combine them with other pieces of Dread Armour, i.e. Dread Leggings, Dread Armour, Dread Helm - to increase the stats of your other equipment. If you combine a Dread Glove with a Dread Helm I don't think it gives a Dread Helm though. I think it's Dread Leggings. Either that or Dread Armour.

Take care

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