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Date Posted: 21:49:54 02/17/04 Tue
Author: supreme_fighter
Subject: Re: *spoilers possible* Boss Fight help and info on a particular chain ability
In reply to: Matt 's message, "Re: *spoilers possible* Boss Fight help and info on a particular chain ability" on 12:52:17 02/16/04 Mon

If it is your first round of playing the game, the holding L2 technique is good, but in your next rounds you can play differently. Have a good set of armour and let him make his nasty "blood sin" attack without holding the L2. Just use the "reflect damage" (not reflect magic) defence to return his damage to himself. It is the fastest way to kill him. The correct time of using the defence is when the video is fixed on Ashley's face.

Good luck

>You can gain points towards your Battle Abilities by
>smacking up the Dummies, but you have to kill a living
>(or not-so-living) enemy to choose which Ability you
>will remember from suppressed memory.
>The Phantom PP ability... is that the Defence one? If
>it is, then yes, you do have to unlock all the other
>ones (Chain and Defence) before you can get it. It's
>it's the Chain one, then no, you don't have to unlock
>all the other ones. But you do have to unlock all the
>Chain ones - I think.
>I found the Guilderstern battles pretty easy
>(relatively, considering he's the big cheese boss). I
>used my Halberd which I'd sharpened up on the Evil
>Dummy so it had high experience points for Evil and
>Light. I was using that against all the Humans around
>the place aswell. For Guilderstern I'd just attached
>the Evil and Light gems to further boost the stats. I
>had The Heavy Shot, Mind Assault and Instill chain
>abilities set because they each have only 1 Risk, and
>they are also very useful. When he does Bloody Sin,
>you just have to hold L2 until you have control and
>then do a simple break art to make him lose
>concentration and fly right over you. Anyway man, you
>probably know all this! lol. Just thought I'd share
>some stuff I'd learnt. Also... watch for when he does
>Ascension (he flashes red) and try and get close to
>him, because after he does the spell, he stays still
>so you can start off a nice long chain of heavy hits
>to get rid of him!
>Take it easy!

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