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Date Posted: 15:47:29 04/27/04 Tue
Author: asian guy who love games... games like MGS
Subject: Finaly after years of waiting. just my thoughts. nothing more

i love VAGRANT STORY. its the most uniqe game iv ever played. it has all the things u need to make a game feel real. and its gothicly beautiful. reminds me of soul reaver.
but its a old game. yet i just played it in 2004. and it still surprise me. its like a comic book. but yet its a game. who ever made this game is a... very... cool guy. i love these japanese minds. they have such crazy storys. unlike HALO which sucks. and stupid pointless games like... all the new games out there which involves too much power and too much matrix. its sad... its freaken dumb and pointless. im longing for games that have meaning. like metalgearsolid. or if not at least be cool and smooth like tenchu (tenchu2 sucks like taking a bad bad DUMP). stop it with the stupid magic and crazy effects which looks very stupid and fake. very lame. i cant believe japanese are falling into the publics desires instead of making there own crazy yet calm games. ONIMUSHA. i like it but it kinda suck alot

will. the only problem i had with VAGRANT STORY was... ASHLEY. he looks cool but... why is his ASS so huge. "whatha" when i saw him. i was sadden. he looks very cool and a hot hero. buy his ASS... and thats about all there is that is bad about the game. the rest great or aight. why is ashly the only wierd looking one. everyone else look cool

dam this game is crazy. when i met the zombies... oh yeah i was so happy. as if this game was too good to be true. they even had zombies which made it all so much better. even better than resident evil

want to say more. but it seems i have already said too mch

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