Subject: OPALS--Everyone please read! |
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Date Posted: 18:03:19 07/08/12 Sun
Posted on behalf of Nancy Carr and Richard Burrows:
Hello to dance (NDEO), music(OMEA), theatre(OTEA) and visual arts(OAEA) Oregon Professional Organizations!
After several months of conversations, meeting,s and planning, it is "a go" to work on discrete Oregon standards for dance, music, media arts, theatre and visual arts. The following notice was sent out by Michael Fridley from the Oregon Department of Education ODOE):
"Revision of the Oregon Arts Content Standards
The Oregon Alliance for Arts Education (OAAE), the statewide advocacy organization promoting PreK-12 instructional access to the arts for all students, is leading an effort to revise and update the Oregon Arts Content Standards. In partnership with the leading professional arts education organizations and in consultation with the Oregon Department of Education, OAAE will develop and fund a statewide working group to align Oregon’s arts standards to the new voluntary national standards in the arts and the Common Core State Standards. These standards will re-affirm that arts (dance, media arts, music, theatre and visual arts) is a core academic subject area in the well-rounded curricular education of Oregon’s PreK-12 students. Look for more details in August. For more information, contact Michael Fridley at"
We, at OAAE, are truly excited that the work can begin, that Oregon will be hearing from educators around arts education instruction in the schools by licensed teachers. We send this message to you to activate your organizations culling interested individual to be on the writing teams and then others to be on the review teams. Please send information to your organization members about this work and have them email Michael Fridley at ODOE of their interest.
OAAE also alerts you to the need for the professional oganizations to designate 2 members to be part of an OPALS leadership team - 2 members from each professional organization - to meet prior to the establishment of the writing teams and the review teams, in Salem in September.
Date: Friday and Saturday, September 21 & 22, 2012
Place: Salem, Oregon
Activity: Leadership Planning Meeting for Oregon Partnership for Arts Learning Standards (OPALS)
Oregon Statewide Leadership Planning Meeting Event:
Hotel to be announced.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Schedule (all travel, host and meeting expenses to be paid by OAAE):
Arrive at Hotel on Friday (by 6P, no exceptions)
7P Dinner and powerpoint presentation with discussion materials
Overnight stay at hotel
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Working Meeting 8:30A - 4:00P
Breakfast provided
Lunch included in meeting schedule
Topics: Work schedule for standards writing for 2012-13
Depart by 4:00P (no exceptions to closure/departure time)
This may be the leadership team's only face-to-face meeting until completion of the work; that determination, by consensus, will be established at this September meeting.
Interested writing team and review team members, contact Michael Fridley at
Professional Organizations proposals of two leadership team members, contact Richard Burrows at
Questions of OAAE, contact Nancy Carr at
Thank you,
Nancy Carr and Richard Burrows
-->Any OTEA folks who want to be involved should email Nancy, Richard, Michael, and please cc Jo Strom Lane at so we don't have too many hands in the pie. Thanks!
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