Sophia Morrison (Determined)
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Date Posted: 20:17:12 09/15/12 Sat
My name is Sophia. I went to south Salem high school and was a thespian from 2006-2010. In 2006, we hosted the state thespian conference. And we had a dance of epic proportions! (Not that anything where 800 high school actors an actresses were gathered wouldn't be).
But this dance, was unlike any dance I have ever been to.
I'll tell you a little cheesy story...
Crazy lights were flashing everywhere. The room was dark, and humid, due to the 800 bodies dancing madly. Being a "host", a group of friends and I stood near the back just talking. That's when a song started, universally known as the "slow song".
I saw a boy catch my eye, but didn't think much of it and looked away.
Then a small tap on my right should provoked me to turn around, and see him before me.
He had brown curly hair and deep brown eyes. A sweet smile, and lovely stature. He asked if he could "have this next dance", in an almost British accent. And I looked at my friends, they all had the "OOOOOOO" look on their faces. Rather priceless if I'd say so myself.
He led me by the hand tithe center of the crowded gymnasium floor, an the next few minutes were a blur of magic. By the time I had come back down, the music had changed. He thanked me for the "pleasure of dancing" and bid me farewell.
No matter how hard I looked over the course of that conference, I couldn't find him again.
All I know is that he is from Redmond, and that he was a sophomore so he was in the class of 2009.
I'm 20 years old now. And I've had many a boyfriend. I've been broken, and loved. I've had some "heart fluttering" moments.
But none have ever come close to that night on the crazy dance floor in 2006.
SO! With all of that said. I am asking you, if I could have a list of names of the thespian class of Redmond high school, who graduated in 2009....
OR if you know this person, then please help me find him?
It sounds absolutely insane, I'm aware. But what theatre student isn't?
I live in Tulsa, OK now. But I plan on coming home for the holidays.
Thanks for reading this :)
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