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Subject: *The elder buckskin stallion stands under a leafless tree, a slim shelter from the bitter weather.*

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Date Posted: 09:58:08 01/25/03 Sat

*His dull, cloudy, grey eyes scan the territory and every horse in it. He absorbs their actions, their words, and their expressions. He will know every horse in this territory as well as they know themselves. He is not one to be caught by surprise by anyone.*

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[> Subject: §Interest§

Invading Hell
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Date Posted: 20:42:47 01/28/03 Tue

Crimson 'vix catches sight of the buckskin steed from the corner of her eye. Visage is turned towards he as occuli look to him curiously. Slender frame stands regally, watching.

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[> Subject: .::.Wicked Curiousity.::.

Black Thunder
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Date Posted: 03:14:44 01/29/03 Wed

Glacial optics watch the bronc eyeing him over slowly auds flicked lazily forward so this was this so called powerful magic user, well he certainly dosnt look the part she muses muzzle lowering to munch at the tuft of grass emerging between two rocks her gaze never leaving the stallion

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[> Subject: (oopsies)

BT's player
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Date Posted: 03:17:31 01/29/03 Wed

(err its meant to be::) Glacial optics watch the bronc eyeing him over slowly auds flicked lazily forward so this was this so called powerful magic user, well he certainly dosnt look the part she muses muzzle lowering to munch at the tuft of grass emerging between two rocks her gaze never leaving the stallion

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

Seductress Of The Storm
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Date Posted: 14:45:25 01/29/03 Wed

*the dappled gray mare trotted up to the buckskin stallion. Curiosity had gotten the best of her. Since she had joined the herd she hadn't been as cautious of others like she had when she was alone. Though she wasn't trusting of anyone still her hard soul was slowly unfolding....though she still loved a good fight* Hello, I'm Storm. So your euripedes. There has been much talk of you lately *tilts her head to one side and flicks ear forward waiting to see if the stallion would respond*

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[> Subject: subject, blah

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Date Posted: 18:53:03 01/29/03 Wed

*WIthout turning towards the mare known as Storm, he asks her a question, as if he didn't know the answer. His eyes continue to scan the territory.*

What is all of this talk about pray tell?

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 20:08:57 01/29/03 Wed

Oh nothing really senseless babble. It's not often we get wizards and their apprentices to these lands *looks at the stallion and holds back the urge to step on the cocky horse's tail. She was trying to be friendly and he ignored as if she was some kind of jester in a court. She arched her neck and pricked her ears forward seeing what the stallions reply would be*

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[> Subject: Quiet observation

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Date Posted: 05:42:02 01/30/03 Thu

The introverted bay Healer watches the magician, a stallion he reckonened to be not much older than himself, with his quiet, intense eyes that take in every quirk and characteristic of the other male - reading without judging.

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[> Subject: *He turns his head slightly towards the mare.*

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Date Posted: 11:52:29 01/30/03 Thu

*His arrogantly polite tone is hard to read, for this stallion is hard to read. Thats the way he wants it.*

Well my dear, there is nothing very special about me or my apprentice. We just know a few tricks.

*He blows into the air in front of him. A whirl of colors appear before him, moving and shaping into a picture. The picture is of the mare before him and as quickly as it appears he blows it away again. He smiles at her, though not quite in a friendly manner.*

Just silly tricks

*His manner shows the mare that he obviously knows more then just silly tricks. His eyes scan slightly to the bay a few yards away and his mouth forms a cocky half smile.*

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 16:06:04 01/30/03 Thu

*looks at the stallion sarcastically * If all you knew were silly tricks then you wouldn't be so arrogant about it...there's more to you than that *grazes a few steps away keeping her eyes on the buckskin*

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[> Subject: ..::Boredom::..

Invading Hell
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Date Posted: 19:57:35 01/30/03 Thu

/Interest in elder buckskin is lost. Snort is 'mitted as muzzle is lowered to ground and ivories begin to rip at legumes./

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[> Subject: Mild interest

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Date Posted: 19:07:30 01/31/03 Fri

*He turns slightly towards the mare, mildly interested in her spunk.*

Do tell my dear, what are we all about?

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 17:07:19 02/01/03 Sat

*looks at the stallion quietly for a moment then responds* If I knew I would'nt waste my time being over here *smirks slightly then continues grazing*

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[> Subject: Slight confusion

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Date Posted: 17:54:37 02/01/03 Sat

If you don't know what we are about, then why would you make a statement that you do?

*HE stares at her quizzically, basically just playing with her, just being difficult because he knew how. he found this mare interesting.*

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[> Subject: Beare The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 21:10:06 02/01/03 Sat

*lifts head and looks into the stallions eyes.* Ah my friend I never said that I knew exactly what you were about. I said that I know there's more to ya'll then that...I never said I knew what it was * Smirks to herself and arches her neck sick of just grazing it was horribly boring*

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[> Subject: Amusement

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Date Posted: 15:58:14 02/03/03 Mon

*He laughs out loud*

You are quite a character aren't you? I can tell you deserve bigger and better things for a mind like that.

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 17:49:19 02/08/03 Sat

*smiles* Thank you but unfortunately I think this is as good as it gets for a mare like me *looks about lazily*

((ACK MY COMP DIED!!!! but thanx to Uncle Bubba I will be back on!!!!!!!YIPPPPEEEEE))

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 17:30:44 02/09/03 Sun

*the mare pawed at the ground her face expressionless. Painful memories tore at her mind but she quickly put up her mental defenses. She had vowed to ever speak of her past again and had almost let it slip. She continued to paw until she finally realized she had begun to form a small hole. She slammed her hoof next to the other one then examined the buckskin stallion seeing if she could get a reading off him*

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[> Subject: Understanding

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Date Posted: 19:19:46 02/09/03 Sun

*He knew that she was hiding something about her past from him, and he found it intriguing that she was taking such an interest in the old wizard. His dull eyes watch her paw into the ground, her nervousness and uneasiness overcoming her.*

You forget my dear, that I am a wizard, I do have the limited ability to read minds.

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 14:13:12 02/10/03 Mon

*looks at euripedes with a faint smirk* Yes I seem to have forgotten that M'lord but I shall not worry about that yet because how deep would you really want to delve into my mind? * says the last part with a sinister emphasis. There were parts of her mind in which she didn't even dare venture. Parts that were trapped behind a barrier she had forged a long time ago. A barrier that had started to slowly crumble in the past few days. Those dreaded parts of her mind were slowly leaking through the nooks and crannys poisoning her thoughts. She could barely keep the facts straight lately. The mare realized she had gone off into her own subconcoius and drew herself back to reality wondering what the stallion had seen*

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