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Subject: "Malussinn!" He roared, irate with unconcealed fury.

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Date Posted: 13:59:23 01/28/03 Tue

A month's ration of choice words shot at the stallion that Ballyhara had previously held in such high regard. His tone was frigid and brusque, mocking even as it boiled vehemently, "My home, taken out from under me and awarded to a pesky cretin? I expected better from you, dear king of many years. Throne restored, you havn't a thought for the loyal few who supported you throughout your ill run campaign." His eyes flashed dangerously, a sardonic bite weaving within his harsh words, "Never mind all that. I can, and will, rid scum from my territory. Know this: her blood is on your hands."

The charcoal pinto shot a final disgusted look at the royal family before departing for Death Valley.

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[> Subject: Laughter

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Date Posted: 20:34:53 02/01/03 Sat

The sorcerer watched the stallion leave with a satisfied smirk curving his lips with the contentment a cat might hold after catching a particularly difficult mouse. Ah yes, Malussinn would go down hated. His arms crossed, the sapphire robe shimmering grimly with the movement. His plan had gone off perfectly. All he had needed was to obtain the secret of the territory, to twist it, and to set the right pawn into place.

"It's so simple that even you won't be able to stop it," the starkly white man murmured, his eyes, void of color and of the pure emotion that inhabits all creatures, moving to settle upon the black stallion. What a pitiful creature, that stallion was. The sorcerer had always been amazed by the length of the King's reign... no matter, soon it would end. "And finally, my dear Malussinn, you will die. I will watch you; I will see your blood run fatally from you and I will make sure that the pain is unbearable. Oh yes," he laughed viciously, pleasure lacing his voice, "you will finally get what you deserve." A moment more he studied the hated stallion before leaving, fading out so gradually it was as if the wind was wiping him from existence.

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