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my soul brings tears to angelic eyes the evil valley head mistress sasyahed in to the lands of infintie valley, having grown weary of the never changing panorama of evil valley. so maybe she had an ulterior motive, but that would not be explained or uncovered until a further date, a little farther along in to eternity. in her characteristic manner, that vaguely reminiscent of a feline, she meandered in to the domicile of the evils. her plume, ebony streaked with silver, flickered against her limbs lazily, before wrapping coyly around her hocks. the light danced over her form, embracing it, caressing it, reflecting off the silver that raced and scrambled so recklessly over her withers and hindquaters. her arabian blood was betrayed effortlessly by her finely dished and sculptured features, in her lithe and slender form, in her proud and noble stance. her poise was that of a fighter, and she was not headmistress of the evil academy for no reason. she was one of the best fighters in the realm of the evils, a fact she did not doubt. what reason had she to? she was in charge of teaching others to battle, aside frozen dreams, the gamma of evil valley, and an arrogant male she'd already conquered. her heart was surrounded by frost, and had yet to be claimed. she held no honest rank, aside from head mistress, but that was something she was intent on having soon change. she made a large impression on any place she entered, and though she could be intimidating, she did her best to appear welcoming and warm, in hopes someone would come converse with her. a e r i a l moughtful of poison headmistress of evil valley |
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