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drowning so it seems your mouth is full of poison she found herself once again in the lands of infinite valley. she almost smiled at how familir the lands seemed, even though she'd been here only once before. her gaze fluttered about quickly, searching for the form of vague, the valley's lead mare. she was not hard to spot, and aerial quickly made her way to the other's side, pate tipping in respect to the one she'd grown fond of quite quickly. a million thoughts bubbled in her head, but she forced them all back, out of the way, intent on giving a proper greeting before going on a rambling speal about why she was here. "salutations, lady vague. how do you fare?" a smile became fixated upon her features, and her zenith returned to its previous lofty position. she paused for a second, not really expecting an answer to her cordial greeting, but waiting for one regardless. and now on to buisness. "lady vague, i come to inform you of the mutiny, and ask a question of you as well. first, the mutiny will be occuring soon. today, or tomorrow, depending on how long it takes frozen dreams and i to gather our forces togeather. i need to know where your lands rest in regards to the mutiny." once agains she paused, to allow the words spoken to seep in. it was an important question she brought forth, but she had choosen to direct it mainly to lady vague instead of to lord x because she disliked the idea of ruling by association, and believe that both the lord and the lady should have equal power over the domain they ruled. and now for her question. her gaze grew more serious, and a little more sombre, but remained gentle and sincere. "lady vague, when i was last here you spoke of once being a unicorn. you seemed so sad about it. tell me, friend, if you had the opportunity, would you like to be a unicorn again?" though she could not yet tell the lady why she asked the question, a knowing smile grasped the ebony one's eyes as she let the words flutter in the air between their two bodies. a e r i a l mouthful of poison | ||
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