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Date Posted: 22:56:14 02/18/02 Mon
Author: Terror
Subject: She shoos her player away. "Those handbooks are always so wordy. In other words, you're not suppose to idol yourself,so you can't join your own fan club...geez."
In reply to: Black Widow 's message, ""What?" She looks so dumbfounded." on 22:42:42 02/18/02 Mon

She glares at her player, who was merely sitting on a pile of books.

Lizzy glances up at the horse. "Did you know that the duck-bll platapus is a blind mammal that lays eggs?"

"What? What are you doing?"


"This is my territory. Go bug one of your other characters. Like that darn dragon."

Lizzy laughs loudly. (OOC: yup, this is an OOC involving me...just wanted to point out my use of alliteration...or whatever that thing's called.) "Nah, she's busy with her own life, and, may I point out, she's a carnivore-one that hasn't had much food, rest, or patience lately. She might actually try to eat me. And then where will you be?"

"In a territory free of all humans-just where I want to be."

"Nah, cause then I'll send Sydney on you. She likes horses."

The mare shudders. "Send her to that dragon. I wouldn't mind one bit if she was eaten."

She laughs, closing her book. "Yea, wouldn't that be something?" Not saying goodbye, since Lizzy knew she would not steer clear of Terror for long, the human vanishes, along with her disheveled pile of books.

"Finally!" growls the dark mare, before pointing to the spot which had recently held her player. "That is why I don't like humans!"

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