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Date Posted: 22:13:03 03/05/02 Tue
Author: Sensata
Subject: She sighs, hoping all along she wouldn't have to answer that question...
In reply to: Terror 's message, "Her curiousity fights annoyance at the mare as she speaks. "Give up a daughter."" on 21:54:05 03/05/02 Tue

"In my old herd, it was mostly composed of young horses, horses that weren't ready for real life, recently weaned," She thinks for a fleeting moment of where Mir was living now. "It was somewhat like Onyx Pass. When I was a little younger than four, I had Mir. I never really thought about having a foal, I just wanted one. I didn't just have Mir either, she was a twin. Her brother was still born. She was helplessly small, and mostly everyone thought she would die in winter. They thought I would to, because the birth of twins to a lot out of me. I got the alpha mare to take her to CM, and tell her that I had died, so as not to make complications. I lived a regular life, but I always wondered what she was like. I decided to come back to see her, and I thought maybe she might want to come live with me."

She sighs, ending her tale. She eyes Terror for a moment. "Terror, did you..leave anything out when you were telling me about her before?" She narrows her blue eyes at the mare.

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