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Date Posted: 22:02:59 03/28/02 Thu
Author: Lizzy

About 2:40 on Tuesday there was a major car accident less than two miles from school. One of the kids from my school died. The other is in critical care. The kids who saw it (since that is right after school) say that Tony (the one who died) was speeding and going about 80 on the very wavy school road (speed limit is 40mph). Luckily for me, I was at home and very ill on that day. Otherwise I would have seen everything. That's usually where I am at that time.

I'd like everyone to know that they weren't wearing their seatbeats. The car rolled 6-10 times (the exact number isn't clear). They were flung through the windshield and out of the car. If they had been wearing seatbelts, they would have suffered only minor injuries. The car, itself, was merely dented.

No, none of them were close friends. I didn't even know Tony. Today, in fact, I found out that I sat in one of his seats at class. Someone had wrote on the desk in permident marker: "RIP SIL." Ryan, who is still alive and finally off life support I knew fairly better. He was the class clown and always had a smile on his face.

Please, please, please put on your seatbelt. Even before this happened, I always wore them, as did my passengers. It almost broke my heart when I down that road on Wednesday that I found myself going about 65mph without thinking. Yes, I'm a speed demon. Only now I'm concious about it. Take care everyone! Drive safely and wear your seatbelts! Please, please, please!

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