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Date Posted: 10:24:41 07/05/07 Thu
Author: Lisa
Author Host/IP: adsl-074-167-176-107.sip.ard.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Re: Thinking of Scarlett everyday.
In reply to: Cheryl 's message, "Thinking of Scarlett everyday." on 02:12:30 07/05/07 Thu

What ever you do, DON'T do the TPLO on her, the traditional should be fine my friends dog had it and is doing well. she is not a really active dog right who runs that much and plays right?? the most important thing right now is to get some weight off her if she is over weight and keep her as quite as you can with rimadyl or dermaxx. do not let her run at all right now as it might be a partial tear now, but will eventually tear all the way. and that the board marlene is talking about is GREAT, that is the one I mentioned to you in e mail, it will be worth it for you to join ASAP. I pray to god that none of my kids ever blow out a knee again, it was just horrific for me from the first day I brought my boy home. I nursed him so carefully for 8 weeks and than BOOM he dies, it was just a horrible memory and experience for me and I did everything 100% correctly. it is hard for me to even think about this surgery so I shouldn't say anymore. just a BIG HUG to scarlett. also I know your going to let your vet do this but I would STILL want an orthopedic Dr operating on my dogs knee vs a regualr vet. my vet here in NC will not do them, but my vet in Cali did.... its good to get another opnion to. because she is so big, if you do go to the ortho don't be surprised if they talk you into the TPLO just tell them NO THANKYOU. They will do a traditional if you request that is what you want. I don' think the recovery is any worse than the TPLO.

As you know the TPLO killed my dog so I would NEVER reccomend this operation, I just can't in good faith!!!

i hope for the best for your girl, also how old is scarlett?

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