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Date Posted: 14:25:44 07/05/07 Thu
Author: Marlene
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: hope you'll consider Kat's response
In reply to: Kat - EBBie/Munsen Mommy 's message, "Re: Positive in put needed re: surgery on Scarlett's knee" on 12:11:35 07/05/07 Thu

If there's anything I could do over, it would be to have rested (confined Mack) for long enough after the first injury to have it heal by itself. Arthritis is a major villain in your decision...and it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. They develop a lot of arthritis even when the surgery is done.......they develop even more if it's not done. I didn't "get it" and for sure the Big Guy didn't "get it". He thinks exercise is the answer to everything and would sneak Mack out. He didn't see the light until Mack had to have the second knee done.....even then I didn't trust him and did all Mack's rehab myself.
Weight is also a BIG deal.....having them as lean as possible and confining w/crate, leash with constant vigilance gives them the best chance at healing naturally.
As I remember...you have other dogs? That will be one of your biggest problems in healing - whether post surgery or going the long confinement route.
They have no sense.......and will play, even in pain, keeping the inflamation going and the arthritic changes developing. You have to turn into a Nazi drill sgt.
Sigh.....I had much less gray hair before Mack's injuries and confinements.

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  • Re: Positive in put needed re: surgery on Scarlett's knee -- lynne, 21:04:35 07/05/07 Thu
  • Lynn - answer -- Kat - EBBie/Munsen Mommy, 06:35:02 07/06/07 Fri

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