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Date Posted: 12:48:18 09/09/07 Sun
Author: Jacke
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Stopping in to share a slice of my world

Miss Molly Brown is slowing down...she spends most of her time sleeping, and has a definite "gimp" in her gait. All of her energy (what there is) is spent following me from room to room, or door to door, and snuggling close for bedtime.

Spoody too has taken on the behavior of a more mature boxer. He is graying around his muzzle and wondering what in God's Green Earth possessed us to become cat owners....I have to wonder that myself as Spood would like nothing better than to eat both of 'em.

Catfeil and Socks were dumped here a month apart. Both are kittens. Catfeil is about fourteen weeks old and I found him thin, weak, and crying in my iris beds about eight weeks ago. Socks was dumped here about two weeks ago, bloated with worm, sneezing, and so weak he could hardly walk. Both are curled up together asleep on the back porch. Playing musical cats and dogs is interesting to say the least. I hope Spoody doesn't hurt either of them, but at least their little bellies are full today, and they are a purring lump of fur for the moment. Have had no luck rehoming and Doug has since grown attached to the yellow cat.

I saddled Phebes up this spring and started her under saddle. The rest of the summer has been spent conditioning Puddin' who has carried me over 800 miles since I started logging her mileage last season. We will enter our second competition the third weekend of this month Sept 22-24th. I will be hauling her to Corydon to compete our first 25 mile Limited Distance. Will be riding along side a woman who has won two National Championships. She volunteered to mentor us for our first 25 mile to ensure that Puddin' is not pushed harder than need be. We can do 20 miles in three hours now, so I expect she will finish fine. We don't expect to get a ribbon this time, just want a good completion. Then Puddin' will be retired from her distance work and I will have to concentrate on getting Phebes trained and conditioned. I'm setting my sights high for her. Hope to join the American Endurance Riding Conference, our local distance riding club, and Arabian Horse Association. I'd like to take her to a National Championship by age 7....if you are going to dream, may as well dream BIG!

Pretty much sold out my commercial iris garden. No longer have time for it. I will continue to dabble with my own hybrids, sell those, and just have a bed of plants to use for pollen / crossing. My garden produced 3 outstanding crosses last year which I have not registered yet. Want to wait and see how they winter over and if they have a good increase. If so, I'll register those next year, and introduce them for sale in 2009.

Doug's Mom passed away in the spring. That has been a difficult transition for him. He spent the past fourteen years taking care of her needs. Only the last few months were spent in nursing home care. I admire Doug for what he did. It is one thing to care for someone over a short period of time, but to care for them daily for that many years takes a good heart and dedication.

Doug is currently working for a company that makes those fancy halographic images on CD and DVD covers. I'm working in a medical office in community mental health.

Hoping that all is well in your world...it finally rained here today after almost 90 days of drought. If your grass is green, count yourself blessed!

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