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Date Posted: 20:16:41 09/23/07 Sun
Author: Jacke
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Puddin' completed her first 25 mile ride (actually 30)

It was a tough RUGGED!!! course along the Ohio River, hills, hills, more hills, rock, gravel, and more rock, very little water available on trail, above 90 degrees dry and dusty. We finished the first loop of fifteen miles but had problems with our equipment. My water bottle holders came unzipped and I had no water, I usually drink a bottle and give Puddin' one on the dry stretches, then we lost a boot. Another rider gave me her easy boot from her saddle pack, it came off four times. Then we had a bad trip and nearly crashed as the front boot came off. I usually run her barefoot but had opted to boot because of the bad terrain. The boots just were so awkward for her. We placed eleventh out of twelve, but in Endurance, to finish is to win. Not many people can go out do 25 miles at speed, let alone the 50 and 100 mile endurance rides that the really athletic horses complete. Arabian horses are INCREDIBLE. My mare was the next to the oldest horse on the course, riding with a halter, no shoes over some of the most grueling terrain I've ever encountered. She's a winner in my book. Not sure, may be her last race. I have to get started with Phebes, time is a wasting! The sooner I get her broke to trail, the sooner she can compete. I'm not sure if I'll do endurance limited distance with her or competitive trail.

Happy to see folks on the board, felt really good to hear from you all.



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