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Date Posted: 12:16:25 01/07/04 Wed
Author: b
Author Host/IP: evrtwa1-ar2-4-62-023-087.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net /
Subject: Legolas! The description is dead funny, just like all the others.
In reply to: Bracken 's message, "I got Legolas." on 22:51:28 01/06/04 Tue

Legolas Greenleaf

Son of Thranduil, Lord of the Elves of Mirkwood

you are clearly the cleanest member of the fellowship, but then again, when you look at the competition, that's not really such a difficult task. you can also lay claim to the title of ponciest member of the company. you are always eager to be the first one to lead away from any possible danger and your skill in battle appears to mainly consist of standing as far away as possible and posing, and occasionally shooting a few arrows when it seems absolutely necessary. perhaps you are hoping that if you hang around on the edges long enough, you will learn to glow like all the other elves and thus be able to make a really trendy entrance. so far it hasn't happened yet.

you rock up at rivendell so that you can admit to elrond that you and your buddies screwed up big time and let gollum escape, but while you're hanging around you discover aragorn and end up joining the fellowship. whether you did this purely because aragorn was going, or because you had had too much coffee that morning and couldn't think straight is difficult to tell, but it was probably a bit of both. nonetheless, you are seriously one hyped up elf. considering the speed at which you move, compared to the speed at which any of the other elves move, suggests that you are either on a major caffeine high or everyone else is on valium.

there is clearly a lot of jealous rivalry going on between you and boromir over ownership of aragorn. unfortunately for you, boromir gets an extra 10 points when aragorn kisses him, however after this incident boromir is forced to pull out of the race and you get aragorn all to yourself. so now there is ample opportunity for you to even up the score and there's plenty of days worth of frolicking through the woodlands still to go. on the other hand, if you get tired of aragorn playing hard to get, just remember that the dwarf is always ready and willing for a bit of close friendship.

you seem incredibly intimidated by the hobbits and gandalf, and never speak when they are around. in fact, it's only when you are alone with aragorn or the dwarf that you really start making conversation. supposedly you have incredible farsightedness, however you seem to want to keep this ability to yourself, and never actually utilise it unless someone asks you directly, nevertheless, once you have been asked, you give an immediate description of what you can see, along with the latest weather report and any other inane comment that may come into your head.

your favourite pastime appears to be stalking aragorn and attempting to impress him with your trendy elf skills. so you are an elf. so you can walk on snow. get over it , it's not that exciting.

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