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Date Posted: 03:35:11 03/23/05 Wed
Author: Doyle
Author Host/IP: ESS-p-144-138-109-168.mega.tmns.net.au /
Subject: Re: Bwah!
In reply to: Bracken 's message, "Bwah!" on 23:39:41 02/15/04 Sun

Well.yes. That's exactly what SpyWare does, first off. SpyWare is software
that can infect your computer (through viruses, bad e-mails, or through
certain fraudulent sites), and it's usually used to monitor any electronic
payments you make so that they can capture your banking / credit card
information. Also, your Internet Service Provider (bigpond) would be able to
monitor where you go, if they were asked by the police, or something. Other
than that, no one really cares enough to monitor your computer, unless
you're surfing kiddie porn sites, and you fall into a police sting, or
something. All of those others are unlikely, however, with sufficient virus
and spyware protection software, like Norton Anti-virus.

I think what you're asking, though, is if like, general search engines like
Yahoo! are monitoring where you go. And the answer to that is no, not
really. They are no doubt legally obligated to offer privacy policies and
to hold their users to certain rules, but Yahoo itself does not track you.
In fact, the reverse is true. Your computer (or rather, your computer's
cookies) will keep track of places you've been so that when you go back
there, your computer will remember and load the pages faster. But not in a
Big Brother sort of way. I mean, if they were required to monitor your
computer by the police, or something, then yes, they probably possess the
technology. But they would have no motive for doing so. They're pretty
much just protecting themselves, so that if you *do * violate internet
rules, they're not held accountable. Sort of a.surf at your own risk thing.

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