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Date Posted: 02:02:30 09/02/06 Sat
Author: Doyle
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: A rant...
In reply to: Doyle 's message, "I meant plains..." on 08:12:42 08/30/06 Wed

Why do shows have to add new regulars all the time? Specifically, after only *one* season? I mean, a show can't possibly have developed its characters after only one season, and yet they go add some new people in season 2. How about focusing on the characters you *already* have in the show, huh? Shows seem to think that each new season warrants a new cast member being added to the opening credits/made a regular, but it's not needed. For one thing, those who were the regulars in the 1st season get relegated to the background, while the new people take all their screentime. Also, why make new castmembers regulars if they're not going to appear in episodes for half the season? New people get added at the start of a new season and then there will be numerous eps that they don't appear in. So what was the point of making them regulars to begin with? Why not just leave them as guest stars? Okay, there *are* exceptions to this gripe of mine. If the new characters are well-rounded, well-acted, *useful* characters who add something important to the show and aren't just there to utter a few pointless one-liners or whatever, then they are welcome additions. It's when shows add new regulars (just for the sake of having someone new in the cast) that really irks me. Very often, new characters prove to be crappier than the originals, and it ruins the dynamic between the original regs/the show by having these new regular characters. Focus on the main cast who were in the show from the start! Here endeth the rant.

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