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Date Posted: 06:57:26 07/19/09 Sun
Author: Doyle
Author Host/IP: CPE-144-136-133-225.qld.bigpond.net.au /
Subject: Triple surprise! Mwahahaha....
In reply to: Heather 's message, "Surprise again!!!" on 04:22:09 07/19/09 Sun

HA! I fooled you! I came back and looked super-fast. In fact, it may well be a record for me. Perhaps even a shorter amount of time than most of my chat BRBs.

You may have caught me offguard/unawares by responding to my last post fairly quickly...but were you expecting ME to respond to YOU again so quickly? I think not! I'm unpredictable that way (okay, I lie, I am very predictable. Just ask sil...or, hell...even you yourself know how predictable I am. I find an actress or singer I like? I obsess over them for about a month and then move onto someone else - but never forgetting the ones who have come before;)

How often do you check this board anyway Dennis?

Oh, off and on. Irregularly. It just so happens that today I checked and you had posted again. I was going to be checking back here again soon anyways because, as I said, I have to save stuff while I still can. The board had been acting up and not letting me back to it for a while, so when it was working again, I seized my opportunity. The fact that I just happened to check here today (the day that you chose to post again after quite a lengthy absence) is purely coincidental. If I hadn't been coming back here to save stuff, I probably wouldn't have checked the board again for some time, and might not have seen your posts for days, weeks or even a month or two. So don't go thinking that I check here, like, every other week or somesuch. I don't. Honestly ("Yeah right," says Heather, "This coming from the same guy who was constantly begging us all to "Come chat!" back in the day."). Yes, admittedly, I was desperate to talk to y'all back then and was a little over-anxious to chat. I look back on those days now and cringe. Sorry for the way I was back then.

I speak to Bracky every once in a while. I had qc on my LJ friendslist but she's pretty much disappeared sadly. And I have NO idea what on earth happened to SB. I think I tried emailing an old email address of his and never got a response. Sad, sad. It's weird to think that SO much time was spent in chats when now I spend zero of my time in them.

You've spoken to Bracken? I haven't heard hide nor hair of her in FOREVER. Swedish Bob and qc I've heard from even less (if such a thing is possible as not-hearing from someone in longer than 'forever'). Perhaps my over-eagerness to chat scared them away? My enthusiasm was my undoing:(

As for chatrooms...I haven't been in one since we stopped chatting at this board's chatroom. I was always behind everyone else with getting stuff to use to keep in touch. I didn't have AIM until almost all of you had stopped using it. I eventually got it, though, and chatted with Bracken and silver on it sometimes.

WHAT? Both are going away in October? Or just the website? Whyyyyyy? For the love of cheese sulv, WHY???

That is my understanding. By October...the Sanka (and anything to do with it) will no longer exist (that's why I'm preserving what I can by saving as much as I can). As for the 'why??' part - you'll have to ask sil. She knows ALL.

That's so sad.
I guess I should try saving anything I want to remember soon. I've looked at the site a couple times not too long ago and some of that stuff still cracks me up. Some of it I don't understand anymore, hehe. But a lot of it amuses me so.

There's stuff I don't quite get/understand either...but, nevertheless, I'm saving it all. Since there's so much to save, and it's taking quite a while to do it all, I'm not really having the time to sit and read what I'm saving. I'm just copying and pasting everything into Word (though putting the different stuff into different folders, of course). Once it's all been saved, THEN I can take my time to sit and slowly read over it. However, whilst saving stuff today, I did manage to skim over some of the things I was saving - and, yep, a lot of it still cracks me up. You *know* it's good when stuff from years ago is still making you laugh even today:)

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