- anxious vincent -- vincent whiting (hapyy vincent), 07:49:36 07/05/17 Wed
and how much
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buying small to statrt with -- carla wheatley (glad to find u), 06:15:26 12/24/16 Sat
buying smaller amount on first transaction asim wary as been ripped off before with a lot of money so i'm wanting to just place a small order make sure every things fine then ill be able to make bigger orders from you
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Thank-You -- Joyce & Amy Miller, 19:47:29 05/24/08 Sat
I would like to Thank everyone at Miami County Speedway for the race in Denny's memory. The flowers and warm welcomes and the plaque was deeply appreciated. A special Thank -you to Mac & Connie, and also to Connie Hughes.
Joyce & Amy Miller
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- Nonwings -- mike foreman, 21:54:34 05/12/08 Mon
How many nonwings are showing up there? Interested in coming up for a weekend.
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- 2005 Vision Chassis For Sale -- alyson, 14:17:19 04/13/08 Sun
Item Number: 330226301552
2005 Vision Sports Chassis - yellow body with black frame. Lots of chrome (Rear bumper, nurf bars, and front bumper), tach mounted, 600cc R6 Yamaha (Alcohol) Car has always ran as Restrictor. But would make a great starter car in any class. Would be willing to drive some distance for delivery. You can email me at thundervalleyali@hotmail.com if you have any questions.
Spare Parts: Front axle with spindles, 2 Top Wings, 1 Front Wing, Steering Arms, Pan-hard bar holder, 4 Torsion bar stops, gear hub, 3 Bird cages w/ bearings 2 New & 2 Used but good, Chain Tightner Spring, 750 Torsion Bar, (4) 800 Torsion Bars, 725 Torsion Bar, 825 Torsion Bar, 775 Torsion Bar, brake assembly, 3 radius rods, 2 complete wing mounts, Tool for installing bushings in axel, fuel regulator, PRO Shocks: SB62, 63, (2) 624
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- JR SPRINT FOR SALE -- KELLY, 10:00:27 03/07/08 Fri
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- PMP 600 for sale -- John Sparlund, 16:29:11 03/24/08 Mon
2008 PMP 600 split bar with 2002 multi Yamaha R6 with Shively Carburetors. Ran only 4 times last season. 2 1st place finishes, 1 2nd place and 1 3rd place. L/R ARS adjustable shock, R/R ARS shock, front AFCOs. Kirkey Ultra Light seat. Deep dish top wing. Large nose wing. Aluminum himes.
2004 with 2007 update split bar with 2005 Gordon Seros multi motor (freshened up at end of last season) with Hollingsworth Carbs. AFCO shocks. Update includes in radius rods, rod ends, upright radiator, pedals, torsion bars, throttle cable, body kit including floor pan and firewall, tailtank, brake rotor. Deep dish top wing, large nose wing. New Holly Red fuel pump and regulator. All new fuel hoses. Fresh powder coat. New Crow belts. Since update never ran.
Gordon Seros injection available.
Both cars have AN fittings for fuel and water lines.
Many, many spares including top wing(s), nose wing(s), rims, tires, shocks, etc.
Please contact John @ 951/443-6434
Will email pics upon request.
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- New Sunpro Tachometer for sale !!! -- Justin, 08:09:21 02/06/08 Wed
I have a new Sunpro Powerline Tachometer for sale. Model number is CP2012. Still in original packaging
I am asking $60.00 SHIPPED ( We can take off some additional money if you can pick item up in Fort Wayne).
Some features are:
3.5 inch slim design
Adustable shift points w/shift light in tach.
0-10,000 rpm range
compatiable with 4,6,8, or 10 cylinder engines.
great lighting for easy visability
If interested please email me at facstk@yahoo.com
Picture is available upon request.
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Jr. Sprint for Sale -- Darrin Shoemaker, 07:45:34 01/21/08 Mon
#99 Hendrix JR Sprint
2006 SSMC and Regin 11 Champion,5th in NMMA
This car is race ready and comes with the following:
2-Total Concept Yamaha Motors
Mychron 3 Tach and beacon
Has split wing design and comes with 2 extra wings
Spare shocks and coils, some brand new still in the box
Extra front and rear axles
Tons of spare parts- gears, air boxes,wheels, tires, and more
This car is fast!! Many feature and trophy dash wins
Price......$ 4,800.00
Call 573-544-5924, leave message
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- 06 Factor 1 MX5 for sale -- casey, 17:36:22 01/14/08 Mon
2006 Factor 1 ( MX5 ) Multi with momo R6 with 12 sqft wing
both rear shocks are factor 1 adjustable, front brakes
1 sets of fuel injection (stock)
2 top wings (1- 10ft)( 1 - 12ft) with mounts
2 front wings
2 front axels (1 bare 1 with spindels)
1 complete set of radious rods
5 spare shocks
1 pan hard bar slider cockpit adjustable
Spare wheels & tires for every corner of car
A lot of spare misc tools & parts all for 2006 factor 1 MX5
$ 12,500.00
New MOMO R6 never started
1 stock fuel injection
1 complete wiring harness
$ 4,500.00
6 x 12 enclosed trailer setup for a micro
$ 3,000.00
CASEY JONES cell# 816-868-9539
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- New Web Site, new Name -- 600 cc Sprinter, 09:51:25 01/07/08 Mon
*L*-Has anybody but me seen what used to be the nmmaracers.com web page the rules are alot better, more compatiable with Out law racing. Yeppers, I like the new name too.
600cc Micro Sprint USA!
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- For Sale: 08 Ridgway -- Ken Flint, 17:32:50 12/10/07 Mon
For Sale: 08 Ridgway, new car, Afco coilovers,Keizer wheels,S&S header, 03 Yam R6 alc fuel inj, weight jacker,2 top wings,spare body,race ready just needs body painted your color. $11500
Also 04 Haulin race trailer, 8.5x20,tandem 3500# axles,beaver tail, ramp door, 48" C/S door, 4 12v dome lights w/battery on tongue,new tires,spare tire,white with bright alu front and rear. $4000
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- 2003 Factor 1 For Sale. -- Phil Bell, 17:44:48 12/06/07 Thu
2003 Factor 1 car complete and ready to race. Car has very strong 600 F4 motor.Also lots of spare parts. Asking $5000.00 Firm.I will answer any questions you may have, Please call @ 9765)451-9071 ask for Phil also please call after 6:00pm.
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- INDOOR Nationals $3,000 to win -- Roy Sandusky, 06:16:43 11/25/07 Sun
Indoor Nationals $3,00 to win outlaw 600 $1000 to win STOCK
$700 to win JR sprints log on to www.20twelvemortorsportspromotions.com note extra "r" in Mortor ! thank Roy
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- Junior mini sprints for sale -- sandy, 10:52:11 09/10/07 Mon
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- Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 8 -- Craig, 10:54:56 10/16/07 Tue
It's now grown into an off-season tradition, and it's time to start preparing for: The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 8, January 26, 2008 @ the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, IN!
It's Big: When the final entries arrived, over 350 booth spaces became occupied! Making the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show, the absolute biggest show of its kind in the entire Midwest!! Vendors from 10 States, and as far away as Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina, make this the 2nd "DON'T MISS" event of each new year (Chili Bowl is first:) !! This Swap Meet/Trade Show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies all under 1 massive roof! The 67,000 Sq. ft. Champions Pavilion was sold-out by early-January, leaving many a potential vendor, who waited too long, out in the cold.
Attention Vendors: Entries are already arriving daily! This show has sold-out 6 years running, and we have pretty much maxed-out on available building space for this traditional date!! Please don't wait too long and be left-out! Reserve your booth(s) today!! You can now quickly register online by visiting our website: [url]www.shoestringracing.com[/url]
[I]"Clay Klepper and wife Jamie were on hand at the Shoestring Swap Meet Show in Indianapolis this past weekend. Klepper said that a lot of leads were generated for some new business and that the show was a success. “Not only did we sell a lot of product on-site, but we also made a lot of good contacts for future work”, said Klepper. “It was a lot of fun visiting with a bunch of old friends from my racing days and speaking with current and future customers.” CK Designs handed out 10% OFF COUPONS to anyone attending the show to promote his dealers (which are redeemable at any authorized dealer). “I really want to support my dealers which all do a great job. I think this may help drive a little bit of business their way and also inform my current customers of some new products that I have out.” [/I]From the [url]www.ckdesignsinc.com[/url] website
[I]" The swap meet this past week end was great for us and seemed to be for everyone else. (except we were to far away from the girls in bikinis! (just kidding) We did well and we count on the swap meet to sell parts we do not need to come up with money to buy the used parts we do need. Without the swap meet, we could not afford to race, so I just want to express my appreciation for your efforts." [/I]From a Local Indiana Sprint Car Team
It's Fun: Roundtables have become a very popular off season attraction, and the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 8 will not disappoint with 2 complete Roundtables!! The first will be the Indy Race Parts "Promoters Roundtable", featuring many area race and race track promoters! This will feature an open discussion with the folks that keep short track racing alive! This will be followed by a new twist on the Roundtable! The Racin' w/D.O. "Storytellers Roundtable" Presented by H.A.R.F.!! This will feature just what it's billed, GREAT STORYTELLERS! It will be a small table in order for these folks to share with you tales of our favorite pastime... Which certainly isn't baseball! Already on board for this table: Two of the best tale tellers, Indianapolis Motor Speedway Historian Donald Davidson, and [url]www.openwheeltimes.com[/url] editor Kevin Eckert! Check our website for future announcements for both Rountables!*
Another part (actually all day:) of the day will be our first ever "Modified Row"! A whole row of nothing but Modified cars, stars, and parts! We want to thank Bob Pierce Race Cars for helping make this happen, and hope all you Modified racers look forward to this as well!!
Also returning will be the very popular "Beast Check Room"! Thanks to Bob & Janice East, you will have a secure place to drop your "goodies", so that you can continue to enjoy the day without having to haul them around or take them out to your vehicle!
Many more announcements will come as the day draws near! Don't forget about our private meeting rooms that are available for whatever you may need.
It's a Tradition: Indy finally has a Swap Meet/Trade Show BIG enough for "The Racing Capital of the World"!! Be sure you join us in the Champions Pavilion for all the "wheelin', dealin', good times!!
Make your plans now to either vend or attend... You won't disappointed!
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 8 January 26, 2008 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN. For further information go to: [url]www.shoestringracing.com[/url]
Any other questions, please call us: 317-381-9931
General admission $8 (under 12 free)
Indy Fairgrounds Parking $3
Show opens to the public @ 8 A.M. Saturday January 26, 2008
Scheduled closing time is 3 P.M..
Promoters Roundtable Scheduled to start at 12 P.M.
Storytellers Roundtable Scheduled to start at 1:30 P.M.
* Line-up of Round Table and scheduled times, subject to change
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing everyone there! Shoestring Racing
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- 2005 Stallard Roller -- Bob C., 11:32:57 09/21/07 Fri
2005 stallard Roller with new paint, new tires, new adj. shocks, wing slider, 54 in. outlaw wing or 12 sq., car was completely gone through last winter and has 3 races on it this year, hever been rolled or bent. 7000.00 call 618-771-2424
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Thank-You -- Joyce Miller (heart), 06:50:17 09/13/07 Thu
Amy and I want you to know how much we appreciated the acts of kindess and flowers sent to us in the passing of Denny. Denny has so many great friends, and to all of you we Thank You.
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Kart to trade... -- Thomas Barth, 22:15:55 08/30/07 Thu
I got a kart a 2001 phantom banshee racce ready i will trade for a mini spriint.... don't have to be anything Nuts... just a good starter one..... i got pics of the kart also... got alot!!! of money invested.. it is turn key..... ready to go......
just email me....
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2003 Factor 1 For Sale -- Phillip Bell, 18:02:07 08/01/07 Wed
For Sale 2003 Factor 1 car race ready with lots of extras.
car comes race ready with a very,very strong 600 F4 motor.
This chassis has all brand new parts as of 2006.I am asking $5000.00 for everything.Please call about all the extras. (765) 453-9071. ask for Phil.
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- 600 Forsale -- Randy, 12:40:03 07/17/07 Tue
I Have a Renegade 600 good starter car. Few extra parts to go with contact me for pictures. And if you want ro make an offer.
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- 250cc -- ty, 06:52:06 07/07/07 Sat
can anyone tell me if the 250cc micro sprints are ever raced if so where and when? We are looking at one but want to make sure there are even any races around here that under 600 cc we are new to this thanks for any help
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- Haulmark Race Trailer For Sale -- Linda, 11:03:23 06/25/07 Mon
1999 Haulmark Elite II, 20 ft race trailer for sale. It has checkerboard flooring, finished white walls, a generator door, and is black. Asking $4000.00. Call Linda 765-860-7186. Thanks
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- non wings sat. nite. coles co. -- ed carter (non wing), 07:01:49 06/18/07 Mon
sat. nite. coles co. 600 class cars take off wing bring car and driver and run. call 217 246 7865 ed.
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- Wayne County Speedway "$5500 Shootout" June 15th -- Doc Chuck, 20:31:37 06/10/07 Sun
"$5500 Shootout" June 15th -- Doc Chuck, Sunday, June 10, 08:21pm [1]
Wayne County Speedway is proud to announce a "$5500 Shootout" event for June 15th, 2007. The Club and Board of Management will offer an $1100 purse to each of our 5 Outlaw classes with a full 20 car field. We will pay $500 (five hundred dollars) to the winner and pay back the top 10 cars in each class that has a full 20 car field; Wing, Non-wing, Restrictor, Junior Sprints with Stock Appearing Yamaha KT100 or Briggs & Stratton W/F, and for the first time ever our Senior Outlaw Wing Class for drivers 45 yrs. and up!!!
This will be a fun event and a lot of race teams have already said to us "We will be there!!"
5-9 entries, 10-14 entries, 15-19 entries
No Gate Fee
Grand Stands $5
Pit Passes $25
Children Pit Pass Non-driver 12 and under $10
Driver Entry Fee member $5, nonmember $10
Club Membership available $30
Drivers Meeting 6:30 PM
Hotlaps 7:00 PM and Racing to follow.
Outlaw Racing Class order; Non-wing, Junior Sprints, Restrictors, Senior Wings, Wings.
I spoke with Mr. Dean Parker this afternoon and he is again promising me a smooth, multi lane, racey, "No Dust" track. He is a master at track prep!!!
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- The New Wayne County Speedway -- Doc Chuck, 23:49:01 06/06/07 Wed
Junior class -- Shannon, Monday, June 04, 08:37pm [1]
At the meeting held tonight at Wayne County Speedway it was decided to modify the junior class rules. The officers and members of WCS would like to welcome ALL junior cars. Yamaha KT100 with a can muffler as well as the Briggs and Stratton World Formula engine are welcome. The Yamahas and Briggs must be "stock appearing." We look forward to having the junior cars and drivers back at WCS. Rules are effective immediatly. The next race is this Friday June 8 with O'Reilly Powri. We will be running the Juniors, Restrictors, Non-wing,and Outlaw winged cars. Drivers sign-in will begin at 3:00 p.m. This will be a fun evening with good racing on a dust free track.
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- The New Wayne County Speedway -- Doc Chuck, 23:35:18 06/06/07 Wed
The New Wayne County Speedway -- Doc Chuck, Wednesday,
>June 06, 10:22am [1]
>Thank you Shannon for staying up late Monday night to
>post the club decision to modify our Junior Sprint
>program. I appreciate the enthusiasm your post has
>generated. I spent more time last evening receiving
>phone calls listening to pros and cons of our decision
>than I have spent watching Junior Sprints race at the
>Wayne County Speedway has a very progressive club
>membership for 2007. We are racers that want to go
>racing. Our new "Outlaw" concept has eliminted so many
>details that used to be actively disccussed. The new
>"Stock Appearing" approach to the Junior class is a
>big step forward to bring the Junior Sprints in line
>philosophically with the other 3 classes.
>The term "Stock Appearing" is a very simple concept.
>Please don't make this hard to understand. The motors
>have to look like they are stock. The Yamaha KT 100
>and the Brigss World Formula motors are now both
>invited into our Junior Sprint class and the Yamaha
>does have to run a stock appearing can muffler.
>I have personally met face to face with Briggs and
>Stratton factory engineers to discuss the World
>Formula engine. They explained the tedious process
>they went through developing this engine. It is their
>opinion that the engine comes stock as a very fast
>engine and difficult for even the best race engine
>builders to make any improvements. Briggs has tested
>and retested modifications and have found that most
>will slow the engine instead of making it better. The
>engineers I spoke with believe few people will be
>successful finding any modifications to make the
>engine faster. Briggs has already done this in
>developing the engine.
>This is where the Yamaha KT100 has some distinct
>advantages with the "Stock Appearing" rule. It can be
>modified to make more power and is a great engine with
>many years of success in the racing industry. I have
>raced the Yamaha KT100 in go carting for many years
>both with a can muffler and tuned exhaust.
>We at the Wayne County Speedway want a successful
>Junior Sprint program with families coming to have fun
>again. I believe our new rule modification is a big
>step in the right direction. Please allow us the
>option to see how it works. Come race with us and have
>fun. The race schedule is on our website in the Track
>Info section.
>Mr. Dean Parker has promised me a smooth and dust free
>multiple lane race track at every show. He will work
>and rework the track as needed. The "Dust Bowl" is
>Onward and Upward.
>Doc Chuck
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- Stallard Sellout -- Bob C., 21:04:34 05/19/07 Sat
2005 Stallard with a never raced 05 R6 with some mods. on carbs. Been completely gone thur this spring with lots of new parts. Comes with 3 top wings, 2 nose wings, 4 fresh ARS adj. shocks LR with remote, wing slider, new paint, new tires, 5 extra wheels and tires. Sell as a roller or race ready serious inquires please, located in Illinois call 618-771-2424
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- WCS -- Shannon, 13:25:48 05/08/07 Tue
Wayne County Speedway is under new leadership as of April 30 2007. Dr. Charles Neal is now president. WCS welcomes "Chuck" as well as new board members, David Simmons and Doug Stringer.
The O'Reilly Powri racing team will be back this Friday May 11. Multis, non-wing, restrictors and juniors will be running. We welcome drivers and fans from Miami Co. as well as all tracks to come and join us.
Fees for this event are:
Pit Pass $25
Drivers entry fee $30 members $35 non members
Grandstands $10
$500 to win the multi class with 20 car count
$500 to win the non-wing class with 20 car count
Junior and restrictor class payout will be based on car count.
A drawing for a 4 wheeler will be held during intermission.
A FREE night at the Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon Il. will also be given away.
Drivers this is 2 weeks of good racing and good payout for top finishes. Positive things are happening, excitement is building and all we need is you to make the races a success. WCS appreciates the support of other tracks.
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- Dyno Daze at Erwin Motorsports -- Tom Erwin, 06:30:35 05/08/07 Tue
Don Guhl's "Dyno Dayz"
« Thread Started on Today at 8:21am »
Don Guhl is bringing his Dyno to town! Want to know how much HP you have? How about torque? Where do you have it and where do you need it? Need to find a little more? These questions can be answered!
Dates: MAY 17th starting at 9:00 am
May 18th starting at 9:00 am
May 19th from 9:00 - 1:00
May 20th if needed.
Please call Erwin Motorsports at 260-868-0123 to make an appointment (otherwise you could be waiting awhile for your turn).
Appointment times/prices:
allow 1 hr for 3 pulls at $50.00. Guys this is cheap for the information you get.
allow 2 hrs if you want to tune. $200.00 for first hour and $150.00 for every hour after that. Feel free to bring different carbs, headers, silencers, etc. to see where you can gain the most hp.
*****Cash or Money Order payable to Guhl Motors ONLY*******
Self starting micro or mini sprints only, carbs or injected, splined rear axle or keyed with 4 pin hubs.
This is not an "engine dyno" that measures only the engine performance without relation to your car and set up, but rather measures power at the rear wheels. So you get an actual measurement where it counts.
All information will be held confidential at your request! Your dyno information will not be shared with anyone but you, and only you and Don will be present during dyno, unless you request otherwise. Drivers and adults only, in dyno area. For those that have never experienced a dyno pull on a chassis: it's very loud and totally cool.
Please call Erwin Motorsports at 260-868-0123 to make an appointment (otherwise you could be waiting awhile for your turn). DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST - YOU MUST CALL FOR APPOINTMENT!
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- Resrtictors -- Randy, 15:35:08 04/12/07 Thu
I just purchased a 600 and i would like to run in the restrictor class does anybody know where i can get the restrictors from thanks.
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- 02 bailey 600 race ready -- brian, 11:29:04 04/01/07 Sun
02 bailey with 99 gsxr 600 never wrecked
-torsion front and rear with fresh shock
-beadlocks on the right side beadlock look-alikes on left
-nose wing and 10 sq top wing with electric wing slider
-engine just had top end freshened
-set of rear sprockets, car jack, and axle nut wrench
-spare front, left, and right wheels with tires
$4250 can e-mail pictures bnance39@bellsouth.net
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- Check out this thread on "Maximum Dirt"!!!!!!!!! -- Fuzzy, 09:53:29 03/12/07 Mon
Anyone who ever went nose to nose with Loretta Esworthy should enjoy this article. Goto furum, then general discussion. See "An interesting article................" by Tom Lauderbaugh.LOL...
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- 97 Race Ready Bailey -- Joe Taylor, 07:30:43 02/01/07 Thu
1997 Baily Race Ready! This car has a 1999 F4 with Alky carbs and FTZ header. This car has a brand new rear axle and has been went through from the past season and is race ready. Many spare parts go with this car mounted tires, front and rear axle, torsion bars, etc.
Pictures are available.
Call 260-349-8721 or 260-347-1306
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- FOR SALE 2 jr. sprints -- ed carter, 16:03:51 03/10/07 Sat
2 jr. sprints yam. blue printed kt 100 s call 217 246 7865 5000.00 firm.
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- Thank You -- Dwayne, 11:30:40 03/05/07 Mon
We would like to thank all the vendors and racers that brought parts and cars to the swapmeet. Also thanks to all the lookers, buyers and bench racers who took part.
Thanks Miami Co. Speedway
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- NMMA Meeting Results -- Richard Kreisel, 16:46:43 02/02/07 Fri
The Board of Directors of the NMMA met in St. Louis on January 27, 2007. Following is a point by point summary of the outcome of the meeting.
1. The NMMA has formally established a Point Fund for the 2007 season and is actively seeking the services of a professional Promoter.
2. In order to be eligible for the newly established Point Fund, one must compete in at least 10 NMMA sanctioned races & amass 500 points.
3. The Pit Stop Magazine has been eliminated. Of the $20 previously funding the magazine, $17.50 will now go directly to the point fund and the additional $2.50 will go toward offsetting the costs of promotional activities.
4. The NMMA has signed a contract with Hoosier Tire Midwest to accept their offer of financial contribution. The contract requires competitors at NMMA sanctioned events to utilize Hoosier tires on all 4-corners of the race car. The money contributed by Hoosier will increase as additional tracks affiliate with the NMMA. This money will go directly to the newly established point fund.
5. Sanctioned tracks will be allowed to hold non-sanctioned races. Previous sanction agreements restricted tracks from holding Micro events not sanctioned by the NMMA. This is no longer the case.
6. Rules regulating the Maximum Entry & Pit fees at NMMA sanctioned tracks have been eliminated.
7. Rules regulating the Minimum Payout at the Big 3 races have been eliminated. The Big 3 events will require application by interested tracks. These applications will be reviewed by the Board and the proposed purse structure of each application will be considered in the evaluation process.
8. NMMA membership requirements for track officials have been eliminated (except for the Big 3 races).
9. Time Trials at all events have been eliminated.
10. Regulations on how weekly race programs should be run have been eliminated. A track hosting an NMMA sanctioned WEEKLY event may choose the race format that best fits its situation. Only the Heat and Feature point totals for WEEKLY events will be used toward the National Point total. Heat and Feature point totals will include points for finish position as well as PASSING POINTS. Passing Points will be 1.5 points per position gained. Otherwise, run the weekly programs any way you want to.
11. Sanctioned tracks may choose the classes they want to offer on a weekly basis. All Classes must continue to be offered for Championship Events.
12. Reporting requirements for sanctioned events have been reduced. No longer will a “stack of forms” be required for submittal following an NMMA sanctioned race. Obviously the points totals will need to be submitted, however, a computer program is available AT NO CHARGE for tabulating points. The only additional submittals required would be copies of the sign-in sheets and the referee’s report.
13. With the elimination of time trials, the Champ Show format has also been changed. Championship races will run two heat races (inversions of each other) with passing points paid for each. Features starting positions will be straight up based on Heat Race Point Totals. A dash of the top 6 (or 4, depending on car count) “high point” cars will determine the first 6 (or 4) starting positions.
14. Rules Proposals have been eliminated. A 5 person Technical Committee has been established (Region Chairpersons will handle nominations from each Region). This committee will recommend to the Board any necessary &/or suggested rules changes. Formal suggestions to committee members or board members are welcome at any time.
15. The NMMA will stay with the 2006 IKF rules for the Jr. class. (This will allow the continued use of ceramic bearings in the Yamaha)
16. Grooving and Siping of tires (including RR spec tires) will be allowed in all classes except Jr. Sprint.
17. Fuel Injected Engines running fuel injection in the A & NW classes will be allowed to run alcohol and aftermarket airboxes (all other rules as outlined in the NMMA rulebook for “Fuel Injected Engines Running Fuel Injection” must be followed). This is an attempt to move away from the use of gasoline (as a safety precaution). Gasoline will continue to be allowed, but is not recommended.
18. The Governmental and Competition Rule Books have been stripped of outdated rules and content. Generally speaking; most, if not all, of the rules that seemed ridiculous and unnecessary have been removed.
19. The NMMA is looking into the possibility of making the insurance coverage an option. This would reduce the cost of membership for those not wanting the insurance by approximately $35. Further details will be released as they come available.
20. The $2 per member payment to the PitStop editor has been eliminated (obviously, as the Pit Stop has been eliminated). The money will be spent to upgrade the NMMA website making it a more informative and useful site.
21. The number of printed paper copies of the Governmental Rule Book will be drastically reduced with each affiliated track having copies for distribution as necessary. This will save the organization money that can be put to good use promoting the sport and rewarding the drivers for their accomplishments.
The NMMA has long been criticized by racers as well as track owners and promoters. Track owners and promoters have taken issue with the NMMA for “telling them how to run their races” and “requiring too much paperwork to be submitted”. Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 were specifically aimed at addressing the complaints of these track owners & promoters.
NMMA Racers have long felt shorted on appreciation for their accomplishments. Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 20 & 21 are designed to reward the racers choosing to participate in NMMA events. The point fund will continue to grow as the organization is revitalized. With upgrades to the website, Racing News, Results, Photos, Technical Articles, etc. can be posted and shared with others in the racing community, generating a better outlet for racers to thank their sponsors and fans.
The goal of each of these changes is to make the NMMA a more appealing option to the Micro Racer and racetracks hosting Micro Sprint racing events. The availability of classes for younger drivers (Jr. & Restrictor) and classes where the common racer can feel competitive (A-Class & NW) is one of the most important aspects of the NMMA.
I am encouraged by the outcome of the January meeting of the NMMA. All in all, it was the most productive I have ever attended.
Richard Kreisel
Region 11 Chairman
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- 04 saywer 05 kawasaki 636 -- kEVIN BERRY, 18:50:59 12/23/06 Sat
2004 sawyer chassis with 2005 Kawasaki 636 motor. Hyper Racing modified the motor for alcohol. They programmed the fuel map with the motor on a dyno and got 127 HP out of it. I bought the deluxe motor package, which cost 5,375.00. You can look in Hyper racing’s catalog or on their web site to verify this. The motor was purchased in the late spring of 06 and only has 9 races on it. This car has a fuel safe tail tank with a bladder. It has a remote adjustable shock on the right rear and an electric wing slider. I am asking 8,000.00 for the complete car plus extras. Call me at 765-423-1936
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- Race Car Show -- Dwayne, 04:35:35 01/12/07 Fri
I have set up a Race Car Show at the Logansport Mall In Logansport In on Saturday and Sunday March 10th and 11th. If you are interested in showing your race car please contact me. I have to have a car count a week before the show. Setup will Friday the 9th at 9pm after the mall closes and breakdown will be Sunday the 11th at 5pm after the Mall closes. No cars can be moved in or out at any other time.
Contact Dwayne McIntire 574-753-3238 email cplusd@Lneti.com
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- Race Car Show -- Ron Verash, 15:36:01 02/28/07 Wed
The Second Annual Race-A-Rama is March 30 -April 1 at Concord Mall in Elkhart, Indiana. This show is open to any type Race Car. From Soap Box Derby, to Karts, Mini Sprints, Modifieds, Stock Cars, Vintage Cars, and Dgagsters, too. All cars will be set up inside the Mall with Static Displays. Also a 50 year racing and memoribilia collection will be set up for full viewing. Well over 20,000 photos. TV's playing racing tapes, and a model car display. For spectators, this event is free, and for Entrants, pre-enter is $15, $20 at the door. Call {574} 234-2798 for more info. Thanks, Ron Verash.
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- Race Ready 2001 Factor 1 -- Kent, 05:46:56 02/27/07 Tue
2001 Factor 1 for sale. It has an 02 Yamaha R6 with Odum carbs, an S&S header, and an after market Air Box with K&N filter. This car also has Aluminum Carrera shocks, a light weight Kirky seat, rear panhard bar adjuster, Miller steering box, direct mount front wheels, left front brake, splined rear axle, and bead lock wheels. Several spares including Radius rods, torsion bars, shocks, front springs, sprockets, axle spacers, wheels, and Top wing.
This car is fast and ready to race! it has won several features and currently holds the track record at MCS.
I'm asking $6500.00 for everything.Call Kent @ 765-860-7153 or 765-985-3315
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- Micro Sprint Swapmeet -- Dwayne, 11:04:06 02/10/07 Sat
Micro Sprint
March 3rd, 2007
Miami County Fairgrounds in Peru, Indiana
9 AM to 3PM
Early Set-Up at 7 AM
$15.00 per 10 x 10 Booth Space
(includes 2 person pass per reservation)
General Admission - $2.00 at the door
Additional information or to reserve your booth call:
Connie at 574-753-3238 or
Julie at 765-513-5535
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- New Look............... -- Fred, 04:27:03 02/26/07 Mon
Check out the new look of my web site.....
I think Andy of Maxumum Dirt has done a great job!!
Plans are to get all photos up on site as soon as possible.
Also plan to have a photo sales area available at the track this seson for fans to be able to view, buy and order photos.
Can not wait to see you at the races!!!!!
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2004 OMO chassis for sale -- Matt Mitchell, 19:11:00 01/26/07 Fri
For sale 2004 OMO chassis.
Car is complete and I am selling out.
I have everything you need to run a successful micro sprint operation. Everything on the car is only a year and a half old, outside of the chassis.
The list includes:
The race ready car with a 2002 Honda f4-Iinjected motor nose wing and top wing the top wing has an electronic wing slider. The car has a dry cell battery and is sold as a complete car. The car has a fuel cell with a bladder. Spares include 7 spare tires and wheels all mounted up and ready, also have a bead breaker. Fresh powdercoating is on the car with spares including 2 Honda f4-I motors one used for parts or can be put back together. 2 power commanders, 2 sets of injectors 2 spare front axles a spare fuel pump 2 spare wiring harnesses, a full set of spare tierods and panhard bars. 2 spare sets of body panels, 2 spare air boxes. Over $8500.00 in spares. The car has a $4000.00 motor. The car is straight as an arrow and never been in a bad crash. For all of this I am only asking $9000.00 OBO best deal you are going to find on something that will win many many races and that is this reliable from track to track. Selling out make me an offer. Mitchell02_2@hotmail.com
Matt Mitchell
Mitchell Motorsports
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- Website -- racerfanx2, 11:55:07 01/23/07 Tue
We are working on the new website. It is not complete yet but getting closer. Unfortunately, I have not been able to link with this message board. I am working to correct this or at least transfer the info on here to the new board that has been set up. Please visit the new site and let me know if you have any questions or comments. It is located at www.miamicountyspeedway.com
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- It's Hoosier Racers Show Time! -- Craig Dori, 07:07:29 01/20/07 Sat
Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7
It's grown even bigger, it's grown even cooler, it's grown into a tradition, and it's back... The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7, January 27, 2007 @ the Indiana State Fairgrounds in Indianapolis, IN!
The Big: When the final entries arrived, over 350 booth spaces became occupied! Making the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show, the absolute biggest show of its kind in the entire Midwest!! Vendors from 10 States, and as far away as Alabama, Georgia, and North Carolina, make this the 2nd "DON'T MISS" event of the year (Chili Bowl was first :)!! This Swap Meet/Trade Show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies all under 1 massive roof! The 67,000 Sq. ft. Champions Pavilion sold-out by early-January, leaving promoters to add an outdoor Car Corral in order to accommodate the demand! The outdoor Car Corral will be right in front of the building, giving racers a great location to unload and try an sell their racers!! Only 26 of these spaces are available, and there is a place to move to, in case of really inclement weather. Vendors for the Car Corral will be welcome (in true swap meet fashion)... WITHOUT A RESERVATION!!!
The Cool: Roundtables have become a very popular off season attraction, and the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 does not disappoint. This panel has Indy 500 experience galore, countless Championships, records, and wins!!! It also has an awesome memory!! Almost never has the public had access to this stellar of line-up at one time! That's right, you will be able to ask the questions, and get the secrets of these big-time winners: Gary Bettenhausen, Mel Kenyon, Larry Rice, Greg Staab, Kevin Thomas, Legendary builder & mechanic A.J. Watson, and Butch Wilkerson *!! Oh, and who could “forget” 2 of the greatest memories in racing, Indianapolis Motor Speedway Historian Donald Davidson, and Sprint Car Racing’s very own “Sleaze”, Kevin Eckert!! This amazing panel will have plenty of stories to share, and should make for quite a memorable time! Plus, this is such a big event, you just never know who might stop by?!? Moderated by D.O. Laycock and Bullring K.O. don't miss your opportunity to be a part of the Racin' W/D.O. Legends Round Table, presented by Hoosier Auto Racing Fans (H.A.R.F.).
Plan to make a day of it because were not done yet!! After the Roundtable will be two brand new attractions this year:
Indy Race Parts Presents: The Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant where 50% of the vote will come from you the audience! Yes, were going to put them up on stage, and yes they will be wearing swimsuits. But! You will also have an opportunity meet these lovely ladies throughout the day! They will be spread out through the building working in sponsor/vendor’s booths from approx. 10am-12noon. Every patron that walks through the door will receive a token, and it is up to these ladies to earn these tokens as part of the Audience Participation Vote (A.P.V.)! The winner of the A.P.V. will receive $100 from Leader’s Edge. The overall winner of the pageant will receive a cool $500 plus two paid appearances next summer (1 each) @ Gas City I-69 Speedway and Kokomo Speedway!
You still won’t want to leave because following the pageant will be the Last Ditch Auction** presented by www.charterthecaribbean.com ! Our Legend Table guest Butch Wilkerson’s day isn’t finished because he is also an auctioneer (Auction License # AU01034606)! Vendors will be able to “unload” any last remaining items that they don’t want to take home in this auction. This will be a NO RESERVE, “Someone’s gotta give me somethin’ for it” kind of deal. You never know what kind of deal you could find here, in fact, nobody knows what maybe even be in the auction until later in the day?? It just might be that part that you couldn’t make-up your mind on?? It should be exciting nonetheless! Join us, it's gonna be COOL!
Just added: Micro Sprint Roundtable with many area tracks in attendance!!!
The Tradition: Indy finally has a Swap Meet/Trade Show BIG enough for "The Racing Capital of the World"!! After moving from our Kokomo, IN location last year, right into the heart of it all here in INDY, this show has turned into an annual date on many folks calendar!!! The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show has continued to expand, and we’re thrilled the show is in the place it belonged all along! The Indiana State Fairgrounds will continue to be our home, and they continue to help us as we expand! The central location has proved to be a big hit with vendors, and patrons alike. Be sure you join us in the Champions Pavilion for all the "wheelin', dealin', good times!!
Make your plans now to either vend or attend... You won't disappointed!
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 January 27, 2007 at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN. For further information go to: www.shoestringracing.com
or call 317-381-9931
General admission $8 (under 12 free)
Indy Fairgrounds Parking $3
Show opens to the public @ 8 A.M. Saturday January 27, 2007
Scheduled closing time is 4 P.M..
Round Table Scheduled to start at 1 P.M.
Pageant Scheduled to start at approx. 2:15 P.M.
Auction Scheduled to start at approx. 2:45 P.M.
* Line-up of Round Table Subject to change
** Auction is open to show vendors only. No outside consignments will be accepted.
Again, if you would like to attend as a vendor, we will accept some drive-up's for our Outdoor Car Corral (first come, first serve)! Space is limited, so we suggest you call first or reserve online. We do have an actual Corral for Outdoor vendors in case of really inclement weather. You can arrive during set-up hours on Friday between 3 P.M. and 9 P.M. (but you can’t unload Friday) or Saturday between 6 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.. Vendor doors will close at 7:45 A.M. sharp on Saturday morning. No trailers will be allowed if you are a Car Corral vendor, you must unload.
On the subject of trailers: The Fairgrounds does not allow trailer parking of any kind in the general parking area. If you do show-up with a trailer, you must park it inside the race track, between turns 3 & 4 (there is tunnel access, 11ft 1inch high) or outside the backstretch (see us for details when you arrive) . This is an Indy Fairgrounds policy, and it applies to all shows, vendors, and spectators. They do not make exceptions to this rule for anyone!! Call us if you have any questions. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
For the current list of reserved vendors, please visit “The Vendors” (it’s at the top) on our website (see above)!
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing everyone there! Shoestring Racing
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- Graphics -- Kustom DeZigns, 21:27:46 01/16/07 Tue
Needs graphics for the upcomming race season? Get the best with the best prices around. We have the experience along with the best looking car for the season of 2006 that won both WESTERN & EASTERN best looking car of 2006. Don't settle for rest till you had the best in graphics.
Go with somebody that has the experience and knowledge. Quick turn around with satisfation!
FRIENDLY and knowledgable. Willing to work with any budget. Send an e-mail or give us a call.
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- 2000 Bailey Ready to Run -- Tyler Stump, 18:52:28 01/15/07 Mon
2000 Bailey Chassis
car was built in 2000 but was bought in 2003 and wasnt raced until mid season. The car is a complete car with a honda f4. The car finished 3rd in points at mami county speedway by 7 points even though i missed a race. (with different motor) The car also finished 20th in the nation 3 years ago in the restrictor class . Can be set up for restrictor class (black 10square wing), open class (with red 12square wing shown in pictures), or stock class (black 10 square wing).
call 260-349-8229 if any questions
Does not come with Carbon Fiber Wheels
Does not come with Big Silver Wing
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- Micro Sprint Roundtable @ Indy Show!! -- Craig Dori, 12:41:33 01/15/07 Mon
The State of Micro Racing Roundtable:
To be held January 27th in the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7, at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Anyone who is involved in, or ever wished to be involved Micro Sprint Racing is invited to attend! This informative Roundtable will be held in one of the upstairs meeting rooms in the Champions Pavilion @ approx. 12:30pm.
Bring your 600 questions (no pun intended:) to a panel that will consisit of Owners and Representitives from Kokomo Speedway, Miami County Speedway, North Track Raceway, and U.S. 24 Speedway! Costs, Safety, Car Counts, NMMA, any and all subjects can be brought-up. Andy Emerick of MaximumDirt.com will be your moderator for this open discussion!!
More panelists maybe added!
Don't miss this rare opportunity to meet with everyone in one room at one time!! With the idea of looking towards the future of Micro Sprint Racing!
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- Indy Show Sold-Out! Outdoor Car Corral Available! -- Craig Dori, 15:26:04 01/12/07 Fri
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 is Sold-OUT!!
We will have very limited outdoor spots in front of the building for anyone trying to sell a car. These spots will be just to the right & left of the main entrance, and $50 will get you a space to put your car & anything you can fit around it. You must unload.. No trailers will be allowed in the area.
This will be kind of a car corral type deal if anyone is interested. Any questions, please call 317-381-9931 or reserve your outdoor space online @ [url]www.shoestringracing.com[/url] Thank you!
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- Shane Cottle -- Halen Shafer, 12:31:52 01/13/07 Sat
Good Job Shane on your Thursday A main win at the Chili bowl. Thanks for being my sponsor and doing so good this year in your racing with sprints and midgets. Win it tonight!
Halen 36s
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- 2003 Sawyer For Sale -- Blane, 09:33:37 12/20/06 Wed
2003 Sawyer Chassis. This is being sold as an "A" class car. This car has won the 2004 Miami County Speedway points (restrcted), was 2nd in 2005 (Multi). This car has won 3 state races, 2 region races, and 15 overall A mains. Was built with heavier tubing in main cockpit area for the 1/4 mile tracks (Does not weigh anymore). Car has not been wrecked hard. Car never ran until 2004, only 3 seasons on this car.
On the car...
4 Beadlocks
10 sq wing NMMA Legal
Front wing
Adj Rear panhard bar
easy up front shocks, 4-2 tie down on left, and straight valve on rr
14' Kirkey Lightweight seat
Concept sway bar
Sawyer Nose Cone
Spare front axle with spindles, nerf bars (left and right)
$5,500 for roller more pictures can be sent upon request.
Blane (c)260 609 1739 anytime
Dave (h) 260 691 2432 after 6 pm
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- Rules -- Connie, 22:56:05 01/08/07 Mon
Connie finally got her new computer and has been able to update the web site. The link to find your class is now on the front page. The schedule is also posted.
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- RULES -- Mike, 13:55:22 01/07/07 Sun
I need the rules this year for nonwing,stock, and open... I need to decide what i want to do, if you can please email them to me, thanks!
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- 2007 Non-Wing Rules -- Ryan Leek, 01:19:13 11/28/06 Tue
Non-Wing Rules
4) Sunshield and Body Panles
Front Sunshield only. No side shields permitted. Front sunshield not to exceed 3 1/2 inches. No Cockpit enclosures. No air deflecting devices.
What exactly does No Cockpit Enclosures, and No Air Deflecting Devices mean? These rules are very vague, and should not be subject to personal opinion. Could you please expand on this?
Ryan Leek
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- 2007 Non-Wing Ruls -- Ryan Leek, 02:28:36 12/08/06 Fri
I was wondering if I can get an answer to the question I posted below about the rules for the non-wing class. We were told the dished noses, rear sail panels, and front side panels that came from the factory on our Concept Chassis would possibly be Illegal. How will the body rules be teched? No Cockpit Enclosures sounds like any arm guard would be illegal, since it encloses the cockpit. Can somebody please explain how these rules will be handled.
Thank You,
Ryan Leek
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- Just 15 Booth Spaces Remain for Indy Show! -- Craig Dori, 14:12:10 01/04/07 Thu
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 January 27, 2007 @ The Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis!! This swap meet/trade show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies with thousands of potential customers... All in one day... All under one roof!!! Making it the BIGGEST pure Racers show in the Midwest! By Far!!!
As has been the case the last 5 years, we are on our way to another sold-out show!! With this release today (01/04), there are exactly 15 spaces left to be had (from over 350). Those spots will go quickly! So vendors, please don't delay and end up missing the show! Here's who is in the field so far:
A.E.D. Motorsports Products, A.M.S.A. (American Mini Sprint Assoc.), Accu-Force Shock Dynos, Advanced Racing Suspensions, AFCO, Arizona Sport Shirts/Gotta Race, Brad Armstrong, Bailey Chassis Co., Jack Ball, Steve Ball, John Batts, BDR Graphics, Benic Ent., Dallas Bilbee, Biro Motorsports, Bipco/John Dougherty, Bounty Hunter Motorsports, John Boyken, Mike Buschmann, ButlerBuilt Professional Seat Systems, C & D Racing Supply, Carrara Custom Powder Coaters, Chalk Racing Products, Checkered Connection (bring the wives, they'll love this), Checkered Past Racing Products, CK Designs, Competition Welding, Contos Racing, Coonan Motorsports, Coyer Ent./Longacre Products, Cyclone Custom Products, DAK Simulators, DASCO Race Supply, Diamond Racing Wheels and Rotors, Dirt Track Power, Joe Dooling, Robert Dorn, DRC Chassis Inc., Dynamite Welding, Elliott Brand Web Designs, Elliott's Trailer Connection, EMS Custom Signs, Etz's Sled Shed, Rocky Fisher, Force 1 Power Steering, FOXCO Engineering/Fox Bros. Racing, David Fuhrman, Funk Racing, John Galloway, Gamester Racing Products (GRP), Dave Gansert Photography, Larry Gentry, Gentry Brothers Racing, Eddie Griffith, H.A.R.F., Hagemier Racing, Hallmark Motorsports, Matt Hardin, P.E. Hewitt, Ted Hines, House Of Custom, Impact Racing, Indianaopenwheel.com, Indy Performance Composites, Indy Race Parts, Intense Motorsports, Ryan Irwin Motorsports, JMS Motorsports, Johnson's Carburetor Shop, Stuart Jones, Jim Jordan, KC Components, Kercher Engines, Ted Knorr, KO Tools, Kokomo Speedway, KT Race Services, Ron Lambertson, Jimmy Laser, Lawson Motorsports, Lawrenceburg Speedway (RPM Promotions), Leaders Edge, Let's Talk About Racing w/Host Danny Williams, M/R Racing Equipment, John Mahoney Photography, Malicoat Racing/OMO Wings, Jim Mann, Jay Mason, MaximumDirt.com, Robert McIntosh, Brain Menefee, Miami County Speedway, Midwest Slingshot, Millennium Trailers, National Fellowship of Raceway Ministries, National Speed Sport News, Nehaas Racing (Ed Hassler), North Track Raceway, Osborn Racing, Out-Pace Racing Products, Jim Payne, Pearce Racing, ProMax Performance Carbs & Parts, R & R Wireloom, Racin' W/D.O., Racing Rod Ends/QS Components Inc., Rapp's Racing Products, RCP Industries, Reel Racing Photos, William Shaw, Sherman Ent., Don Shoulders, Kevin Smith, Speed Creek II Raceway, SpeedPartz LLC, Sprint Mart, Stren-Flex, Mike Stuchell, T and D Toys & Hobby, Taterhead Motorsports, The Racers Source/Trackside Supply, Ron Titus Motorsports Art, TRE Racing, Tri-American Motorsports, Turner Racing, U.S. 24 Speedway, U.S. Smokeless Tobacco, Vermilion County Speedway, Jeff Walker Racing, Wildside Signs, Williams Precision Engines, Preston Windom Racing, Ned Yingst, Zander Radio Systems (who will do on-site radio repair, so bring in any radio you maybe having problems with)
Get your entry in today!!
For complete details please visit our website @ : www.shoestringracing.com
Where you can now reserve by credit card online!!! You can also get a copy of the show flyer and a registration form for the Pageant! If there is something on the site you didn't catch or we just didn't cover, please call us: 317-381-9931 or write [email]info@shoestringracing.com[/email]
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 in the Champions Pavilion @ the Indiana State Fairgrounds!
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- WCS -- Shannon, 12:01:36 01/04/07 Thu
Wayne County Speedway has a new website. It is not completely finished but we are working on it.
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- BDR Graphics -- Brian, 11:19:09 01/04/07 Thu
Check out are new website picture's of are work will be coming soon. We will be adding a little at a time it's still under construction.
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- CAR FOR SALE,CHEAP! -- GREG BAER, 15:17:04 01/03/07 Wed
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- ft wayne -- jim, 15:10:18 12/31/06 Sun
where are the 600 results from ft wayne posted?
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- Ft. Wayne Photos -- Fred, 09:30:04 12/31/06 Sun
Ft. Wayne photos are posted. You can get there from web page www.fredericsphoto.com and click on the photo reflect link. Or you can go directly to www.photoreflect.com and type in frederics photo in studio name! Then email me if you would like any of the photos!!!
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- Holiday Wishes -- Dwayne, 06:05:44 12/25/06 Mon
Merry Christmas from all of us at Miami County Speedway
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Baby's Arrival -- Autumn, 07:57:27 12/26/06 Tue
For those of you who asked to be notified when the baby was born I thought that I would let you know, he was born on Thrus. Dec 21st at 3:50pm. He was 8lbs 13 oz. We named him Glen, II. He is doing great. Very healthy. Hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday. Have a safe and happy new year. See you at the races.
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- Number Kits -- Brian Demland, 09:11:38 12/20/06 Wed
BDR Graphics
Racecar lettering, Custom signs, Boats, Cars, Trucks, Trailer’s
Go-Kart number kits, kit includes 4 6” numbers with STD colors
1 color $ 8:00
2 colors $ 10.00
2 colors with outline or shadow $ 16.00
For Specialty vinyl call for price.
Micro Sprint kit includes 4 12” 2 10” 1 20” numbers in STD colors
1 color $ 39.00
2 color $ 48.75
2 colors with outline or shadow $ 65.00
For specialty vinyl call for price.
Mods, Sportsman, late Model kits include 2 door numbers 21” 1 roof number 35” 2 front and rear numbers 6” in STD colors
1 color $ 45.00
2 colors $ 56.37
2 colors with outline or shadow $ 99.00
For specialty vinyl call for price.
Any size’s can be changed to fit your needs call or email with any question’s
Brian Demland
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- Yes! Bring The Family. Ferkel, Staab & Other Sorted Details! -- Craig Dori, 12:19:11 12/17/06 Sun
Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 January 27, 2007 @ the Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis!! This swap meet/trade show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies with thousands of potential customers... All in one day... All under one roof!!! Making it the BIGGEST pure Racers show in the Midwest! By Far!!
As the 67,000 Sq. Ft. building heads for another vendor sell-out (only 60 Booths Spces left from over 350!), we thought we might focus some attention on other parts of the show... Some in our building, some are not! :)..
Bring The Family:
Not only will we have vendors that might interest your wife, but there will be plenty to do outside our show for her and the kids! We know how sometimes the rest of the family can get bored looking at race cars & parts all day, so we thought we would let you know about some options going on.. Right there at the Fairgrounds!!
First. The Fairgrounds Pepsi Coliseum (which is right next door to our building) has public ice skating both Friday night (for you vendors during vendor set-up), and Saturday (day of the show)! Friday night (7:30-9:30pm) January 26th is Marsh Family Skate Night. Show your Marsh card and get admission for a family of 4 (including skate rentals) for $12!! Also, Saturday afternoon January 27th is also an open skate from 2:30-4:30pm! For more information call 317-927-7536 or visit: http://www.in.gov/statefair/events/skating/index.html
Second. In the West Pavilion and Expo Hall is the 2007 Indianapolis Home Show! Friday 11 am-9:30 pm; Saturday 10 am-9:30 pm. Admission: Adults $9; Children 6-12 $4; Children under 6 FREE. For more information contact DMG World Media (317) 705-8719 or visit www.indianapolishomeshow.com.
Third. In the Blue Ribbon Pavilion (right next door to our building) is the Indiana Judges Cup Gymnastics! Saturday 8 am-9 pm; Admission: $5 Adults; $3 Children. For more information contact Judy Kemp (812) 265-3586. So as you can see, when we say bring the family, we mean it.. There will be plenty to do for all!!
Meanwhile, We Have Added Some Attractions Of Our Own!
Two new attractions have been added this year, so plan to stick around for the excitement! The first annual Indy Race Parts "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" will be thrilling the stage followed by "Last Ditch Auction" presented by Charter Sailing Unlimited!!
The "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" will be hosted/MCed by none other than everybody's favorite "Homewrecker".... Tony Funk!!! Tony's not only going to introduce everyone to our lovely contestants, but he may even do that solo singing thing to the winner :).. If that isn't enough to entice you ladies to get your entries in... O.K., maybe it's not, but hopefully the $500 to win first place prize along with paid appearances next Summer at Gas City Speedway, and Kokomo Speedway will help!!?? 1st and 2nd runner-up's will receive $ too! We also have $100 cash from Leaders Edge for the winner of the audience participation vote! Get those entries in ladies!!
The "Last Ditch Auction" is just what it's called, a "Last Ditch" chance (for vendors only) to unload your... we'll just say Stuff! This will be a quick NO RESERVE auction hosted by H.A.R.F. Hall Of Famer and Auctioneer extraordinaire, Butch Wilkerson (R.D. Butch Wilkerson auction license: AU01034606). But first!!...
The Table Is Back!!
Back by popular demand will be the Racin' W/D.O. "Legends Roundtable" presented by H.A.R.F.! Last years addition was a huge hit, and were sure you'll like this years line-up just as well!! As previously announced Donald Davidson, Kevin Eckert, Mel Kenyon, Larry Rice, Kevin Thomas, A.J. Watson, and Butch Wilkerson. We are now happy to announce with this realease that we have rounded-out our table with 2 more excellent guests! Rick Ferkel and Greg Staab will be sitting down and joining an already legendary table! Coming in from Tiffin, OH "The Ohio Traveler" Ferkel, will be there to share his tales of being a true and original Outlaw (before it was a cliche term)!! He has truly done it all! So has are final guest Greg Staab! From Track promoter, car owner, mechanic, 5 time Lawrenceburg Sprint Car champ, USAC winner, to USAC Sprint Series Director (not all in order:), Staab may just have a tale or two up his sleeve! An excellent line-up that you will be able ask whatever it is you always wanted to know.. These guys will have the answer!! Heck, between the memories of Davidson and Eckert, we could solve the mysteries of the universe :)!! We hope your as excited about this line-up as we are!! Line-up subject change.
A BEAST Of A Room!!
Thanks to Janice and Bob East of East Enterprises, we have added an extra convenience for all of our patrons. The Beast Check Room will be a place for you to drop your "goodies", so that you can continue enjoying your day, without having to haul them around!! No more lugging your purchases around or having to take them out to the car. The Beast Check Room will hold your stuff securely, and you can continue chasing that next great deal!!
Just Show-Up, You Might Win Something Really Cool!!
Racers will want to hold on tight to those ticket stubs this year as we have, as they say, "Fabulous Prizes"!
Impact Racing has donated a brand new Champ Helmet!! The newly designed Champ is ready for all Short Track racers, and is super lightweight! It's also SFI/FIA & Snell 2005 approved. Impact will be at the show to get the winner the right size!!
Advanced Racing Suspensions has donated a $200 gift certificate good towards any of their products (thanks Corey)!!
National Speed Sport News, who will be in attendance as part of their "Grassroots Tour 2007", will be handing out a free One year subscription to "America's Weekly Motorsports Authority"!!
United States Auto Club (U.S.A.C.) has donated an instant classic, the Dick Wallen (massive) harbound book: U.S.A.C. Fifty Years Of Speed And Glory!
A.E.D. Motorsports Products is so cool, they're just going to pay 5 lucky people $20 each, for just showing-up! Can't beat that! (thanks AL)
Final Details!
For complete details please visit our website @ : www.shoestringracing.com
Where you can now reserve by credit card online!!! You can also get a copy of the show flyer and a registration form for the Pageant! General Admission is just $8 (under 12 free) and doors open to the public Saturday at 8AM! If there is something on the site you didn't catch or we just didn't cover, please call us: 317-381-9931 or write info@shoestringracing.com
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 in the Champions Pavilion @ the Indiana State Fairgrounds!
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- Hello! Friends and Race Fans!!! -- Fred, 11:25:26 12/16/06 Sat
The surgery went well, now on the road to recovery!!!
I will be submitting photos and race result articles this season to "Marc Times Racing News". You may want to contact them and subscribe....www.marctimes.com
The December issue contained an article and photo of the 2006 Champions.
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- banquet -- Rick, 11:05:17 12/14/06 Thu
We were very disappointed in the food at the banquet. We paid $100.00 for the 4 of to eat. The meat was horrible. I was quit embarrassed. I had told my parent that the food is good. They paid $40.00 to eat and see the awards. I felt like we were getting Thanksgiving leftovers that had been reheated. In the past we got steak. If this is the quality of food, I hope we have the option next year not to eat just attend for the awards. My family could have went somewhere really nice for the money spent. This is not a slam on Connie and Julie or those incharge of planning. This is the cater's fault. There were several people we spoke to who also expressed their disappointment in the food.
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- Wayne County Speedway 2007 Season -- Jeff Montgomery, 19:11:47 12/10/06 Sun
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Date Posted: 18:44:33 12/10/06 Sun
Author: Jeff Montgomery
Author Host/IP: client-216-176-89-200.consolidated.net /
Subject: Wayne County Speedway 2007 Season
Wayne County Speedway would like to say that we are very excited about the upcoming 2007 racing season. We have some very enthusiastic people helping WCS to move forward. We will be starting out the season with a POWRI outlaw show, also with 2 other classes; non-wing, restrictor or Jr. Sprints. We will be racing weekly's on Friday nights with Outlaw Multi's, Restrictor's, Non-wing's and JRs. We will be running POWRI rules in the multi's; non-wing and restrictor's rules may change slightly, Jrs will have a few changes which are: 1 engine- YAMAHA KT 100 ONLY, 1 FUEL ONLY--VP MS 98, 1 OIL AMZOIL SYNTHETIC ONLY. We will be doing away with the Can Muffler and going with a Tuned Pipe- KB 12 SPEEDWAY PIPE WITH HEADER. Most likely are going to raise the age limit to 14 {but must still be able to meet all safety requirements}. Full list of rules will be on our New Website coming soon. We are trying to keep rules simple and easy to tech, WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.
We had no choice but to leave the NMMA due to very low NMMA car count.
WCS Awards Banquet will be held Jan. 6th at 5pm at the Wayne City Community Building. Any non-members that would like to attend contact Shannon for ticket info. Come out to this fun time and auction of alot of great merchandise and certificates.
We hope you will come and race with us this summer. We have several new races and changes planned for WCS in 2007. We look forward to seeing you at the track!
Any ?, you can contact us at WCS.
Jeff Montgomery, President,
email cjmotorsports@consolidated.net
Charles Neal, Vice-President,
email charles2121@mvn.net
Shannon Owen, Secratary,
email gslo@earthlink.net
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- Just 100 Spots Left @ Indy Show! -- Craig Dori, 14:27:08 12/05/06 Tue
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 January 27, 2007!! This swap meet/trade show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies with thousands of potential customers... All in one day... All under one roof!!! Making it the BIGGEST pure Racers show in the Midwest! By Far!!!
As has been the case the last 5 years, we are on our way to another sold-out show!! With this release today (12/05), there are exactly 100 spaces left to be had. Those spots will go quickly! So vendors, please don't delay and end up missing the show! Here's who is in the field so far:
A.E.D. Motorsports Products, A.M.S.A. (American Mini Sprint Assoc.), Accu-Force Shock Dynos, Advanced Racing Suspensions, AFCO, Arizona Sport Shirts/Gotta Race, Brad Armstrong, Bailey Chassis Co., John Batts, BDR Graphics, Benic Ent., Bipco/John Dougherty, Bounty Hunter Motorsports, John Boyken, ButlerBuilt Professional Seat Systems, C & D Racing Supply, Carrara Custom Powder Coaters, Chalk Racing Products, Checkered Connection (bring the wives, they'll love this), CK Designs, Competition Welding, Coonan Motorsports, Cyclone Custom Products, DAK Simulators, DASCO Race Supply, Dirt Track Power, Joe Dooling, Robert Dorn, DRC Chassis Inc., Dynamite Welding, Elliott Brand Web Designs, FOXCO Engineering/Fox Bros. Racing, David Fuhrman, Funk Racing, Gamester Racing Products (GRP), Dave Gansert Photography, Larry Gentry, Gentry Brothers Racing, Eddie Griffith, H.A.R.F., Matt Hardin, Ted Hines, Impact Racing, Indianaopenwheel.com, Indy Performance Composites, Indy Race Parts, Intense Motorsports, Johnson's Carburetor Shop, Jim Jordan, KC Components, Kercher Engines, Ted Knorr, KO Tools, Kokomo Speedway, KT Race Services, Ron Lambertson, Jimmy Laser, Lawson Motorsports, Lawrenceburg Speedway (RPM Promotions), Leaders Edge, Let's Talk About Racing w/Host Danny Williams, M/R Racing Equipment, John Mahoney Photography, Malicoat Racing/OMO Wings, Jim Mann, Jay Mason, MaximumDirt.com, Miami County Speedway, National Speed Sport News, Nehaas Racing (Ed Hassler), North Track Raceway, Osborn Racing, R & R Wireloom, Racin' W/D.O., Racing Rod Ends/QS Components Inc., Rapp's Racing Products, Reel Racing Photos, Don Shoulders, SpeedPartz LLC, Sprint Mart, Mike Stuchell, T and D Toys & Hobby, The Racers Source/Trackside Supply, Tri-American Motorsports, Turner Racing, U.S. 24 Speedway, Wildside Signs, Preston Windom Racing, Ned Yingst, Zander Radio Systems (who will do on-site radio repair, so bring in any radio you maybe having problems with)
Get your entry in today!!
Two new attractions have been added this year, so plan to stick around for the excitment! The first annual Indy Race Parts "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" will be thrilling the stage followed by "Last Ditch Auction" presented by Charter Sailing Unlimited!!
The "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" will be hosted/MCed by none other than everybody's favorite "Homewrecker".... Tony Funk!!! Tony's not only going to introduce everyone to our lovely contestants, but he may even do that solo singing thing to the winner :).. If that isn't enough to entice you ladies to get your entries in... O.K., maybe it's not, but hopefully the $500 to win first place prize along with paid appearances next Summer at Gas City Speedway, and Kokomo Speedway will help!!?? We also have cash prizes for the winner of the audience participation vote, and 1st and 2nd runner-up's!! Get those entries in ladies!!
The "Last Ditch Auction" is just what it's called, a "Last Ditch" chance to unload your... we'll just say Stuff (quick note to vendors: You can try and run your used tires through the auction, but we will only accept a maximum of 5 used tires per vendor.. thanks)! This will be a quick NO RESERVE auction hosted by H.A.R.F. Hall Of Famer and Auctioneer extraordinaire, Butch Wilkerson (R.D. Butch Wilkerson auction license: AU01034606). But first!!...
Back by popular demand will be the Racin' W/D.O. "Legends Roundtable" presented by H.A.R.F.! Last years addition was a huge hit, and were sure you'll like this years line-up just as well!! Donald Davidson, Kevin Eckert, Mel Kenyon, Larry Rice, Kevin Thomas, A.J. Watson, and Butch Wilkerson. An excellent line-up that you will be able ask what ever it is you always wanted to know.. These guys will have the answer!! Heck, between the memories of Davidson and Eckert, we could solve the mysteries of the universe :)!! We hope your as excited about this line-up as we are, more name(s?) will be announced in the near future, line-up subject change
For complete details please visit our website @ : www.shoestringracing.com
Where you can now reserve by credit card online!!! You can also get a copy of the show flyer and a registration form for the Pageant! If there is something on the site you didn't catch or we just didn't cover, please call us: 317-381-9931 or write [email]info@shoestringracing.com[/email]
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!
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- 2003 Sawyer For Sale -- Blane, 18:06:34 12/03/06 Sun
2003 Sawyer Chassis. This is being sold as an "A" class car. This car has won the 2004 Miami County Speedway points (restrcted), was 2nd in 2005 (Multi). This car has won 3 state races, 2 region races, and 15 overall A mains. Was built with heavier tubing in main cockpit area for the 1/4 mile tracks (Does not weigh anymore). Car has not been wrecked hard. Car never ran until 2004, only 3 seasons on this car.
On the car...
4 Beadlocks
10 sq wing NMMA Legal
Front wing
Adj Rear panhard bar
easy up front shocks, 4-2 tie down on left, and straight valve on rr
14' Kirkey Lightweight seat
Concept sway bar
Sawyer Nose Cone
Spare front axle with spindles, nerf bars (left and right)
$7,000 with 2000 R6. Bo Rabe Carbs and airbox, ACE headers. Would like to be sold as turn key but can sell as roller for $5,500. more pictures can be sent upon request.
Blane (c)260 609 1739 anytime
Dave (h) 260 691 2432 after 6 pm
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- 2- complete two prong wiring harness -- Dave, 18:04:39 12/03/06 Sun
I have two complete 2-prong wiring harness, cdi box, rectifier, cylinoid...$225 each
260 691 2432
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- Tommy -- Monroe88m, 17:59:45 11/28/06 Tue
Hey Tommy..I need your email address...So if you or anyone could get me Tommy's Email that would be great.
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- Fastrax Chassis unleashes the FX3! -- realdeal, 19:00:31 11/30/06 Thu
Fastrax Chassis is proud to announce the unveiling their all new FX3 at the upcoming Tulsa Shootout. Stan Wiggam, owner and fabricator of Fastrax, will be shoeing the FX3 in the non-wing division, while Tim Dowden will be the pilot for the Outlaw Winged division.
The FX3 is a sure bet to end up in Victory Lane many times this upcoming season so be sure to stop by the Fastrax trailer and check out the quality and craftsmanship that goes into each and every Fastrax Chassis!
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- The Miami Co. Speedway Banquet -- LT, 16:55:38 11/28/06 Tue
Norm & Julie , Dwayne & Connie , Mr. DeGood and Tommy .
The Banquet was very well planned and ran GREAT .
LT (The Redneck Racing Team)
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- Non Sanctioned in2007 -- Dwayne, 14:01:18 11/02/06 Thu
The Management of the Miami County Speedway has decided not to sanction races with the NMMA for 2007
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- Thank You -- Dwayne, 08:37:14 11/27/06 Mon
Miani County Speedway would like to thank all of our Racers and friends for making our 2006 Banquet a success. We would also like to thank the people for the doorprizes and awards, Carquest of Logansport for the Frame Powercoat, Shafer Racing for the oil, Clens Cycle Sales for the gift certificates and T Shirts, Coca Cola for the Shirts and Drink glasses, Fred Patton for the great Photos, Red Dot Throphy for the Rookie Trophies, The NMMA the Trophies and Certificates and Region 1 for the beautiful Jackets
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- THANK YOU -- Fred Patton, 09:45:53 11/26/06 Sun
Thank you to Shafer Racing and all the folks at Miami County Speedway as it has been a special part of my life for sometime.
It has always been my belief that racing is the superior family sport that brings good people together. Sure the emotions can run high with the level of competition and the adrenaline rush. But that's part of the game and it is a game of consistency and 100% effort all the time. I know what a family has to give the sport, the sport they love. But I also believe, it can teach so much of the important aspects of life that are needed to survive and have a productive life. It teaches responsibility, dedication, compassion, truth and honesty. It brings together competition among friends as it builds trust among fellow competitors and shows that we are only human so mistakes can be made. Yes, it is something that's in your blood and you can possibly stray away but it never goes away. Few are in any aspect of the sport for the money. It's a love. It's a big family of friends and good times. Some move on and new friends take their place . . . rookies.
Look at our young champions we recognized last night: Barbie Kimmel, Halen Shafer, Brandon Rose and Jordan Lambert. All young with many years ahead of them and who knows what that will bring. But, at any point in time they can glance at that poster and go back in time and remember the feel of that high of a racing chammpiion that they shared with their Miami County racing family. And I was part of that.
For those of you who have not heard, I do have some medical issues that I should know more about after surgery December 7th. But, as it stands right now, my plans are to make the 2007 season my final season at Miami County. In addition, I plan to have my wife, Lynn, operate a photo sales area on the grandstand side. So, Just let us know what you want, need or desire. We are looking forward to 2007.
Happy Holidays and all the best to you for the New Year!
Fred Patton
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- 11-27 latest custom helmet paint job -- Robertson's Garage, 21:08:36 11/26/06 Sun
11-27 The lastest custom helmet paint job pics are posted at www.robertsonsgarage.com
Take a look.
Robertson's Garage
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- Banquet Photos Posted -- Fred, 16:01:38 11/26/06 Sun
Just posted all the photos from the banquet. Please go to www.photoreflect.com. When page comes up, put fredericsphoto in block for studio name. interest or questions on any...give me a holler!!
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- Thank You Fredericsphotos.com -- Shafer Racing, 05:04:08 11/26/06 Sun
Thank you for recognizing ALL of the Track Champions at the banquet last night. The huge pictures you presented to the drivers are awesome. Maybe we'll see each other at a track again, someday, and remember the good old days in the Miami County Speedway infield!!!
Todd & Halen Shafer
ps: get ahold of me re: some of the framed pictures you had Saturday night.
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- 2001 R6 Motor Kit -- Ryan Leek, 06:19:22 11/25/06 Sat
2001 R6 Motor Kit. Approx. 6000 miles. Straight from bike. Never Raced. Complete with harness, cdi, carbs, coils, and rectifier. $1500 SHIPPED
Ryan Leek
Warsaw, Indiana
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- Happy Thanksgiving -- Dwayne, 07:54:16 11/23/06 Thu
Miami County Speedway would like to wish all the drivers crews and fans a Happy Thanksgiving.
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- Out Law Rules -- Richard Smith, 08:00:28 11/22/06 Wed
For those of you who have called me or plan to call me! I have not been involved in the making of the New rules for Miami Co. Speedway. I Know no more than any of you at this time as to what they will be. I was told that they were trying to get them put together for the banquit. So by this time next week they should be out? I will say that I will support the Management of Miami county Speedway and what ever rules they chose to make for the 2007 season. I look foward to Seeing all of you at the swapmeets and at Play day 2007 and maybe a work detail or two at the track
Richard Smith
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- Joe Smiley Pitstop Article Nov. 2006 page 11 -- charles w neal, 03:31:06 11/22/06 Wed
Joe Smiley Pitstop Article Nov. 2006 page 11 - charles w neal (doc Chuck) 23:51:18 11/16/06
On page 11 Joe Smiley sts. "We do not allow rough driving of any kind and hold our drivers responsible for themselves and their pit crews conduct."
My son, 12 year old Kyle Neal R-38, sustained the only cussing of his life, at an NMMA event this past 2006 season in the pits at SIR. At the time of the rage, he was visiting with 3 other R drivers that witnessed his verbal assault.
The tongued woman had purchased a pit pass and signed in with her son, another R driver. Her husband, as you will recall, was Region 2 Chairman and my son had won the Illinois State race a couple weeks earlier at Wane City, with the Chairman's son finishing back in the pack.
I filed a written complaint to you, President Pat McGrath and Secretary Loretta Esworthy. You and Pat stated you had no power to do anything about her. As you will recall, you as Eastern V.P. and Pat as President stated to me. "I can't do anything about it." I received an official written response from Loretta Esworthy that was only 3 words, "Get over it." You and Pat said it had to come before the Board of Directors at the "Nationals" in Charleston for a proper hearing.
The hearing was held and my letter along with supporting documents of her verbage from adult witnesses who saw and heard this happen, was presented to the NMMA board members. As you will recall, nothing was done to the "responsible" driver or the fanged tongued pitcrew.
After the hearing Pat stated to me that "we are not going to do anything to this driver and we can't do anything to his mother because she is not an NMMA member."
When you personally as Eastern Vice President refused to enforce the rules and also did nothing to influence the National Board to enforce the rules, how can you now make such a statement in the PItStop to the membership of the NMMA?
2006 was the first year for Kyle and I to join and race in the NMMA. We thought we had joined a "family oriented organization." I am happy for LaRae and you that she was inducted to the Hall of Fame this year. Would you have enforced the rules if she had taken her first raged cussing at an NMMA event when she was 12???
Interesting that you close your article with "I HOPE WE NEVER CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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- FOR SALE: mini-sprint & trailer -- Danny, 20:40:01 11/21/06 Tue
Brodrix Chassis w/ R-6 Yamaha and 12 ft. open trailer w/tool box..3rd place Nationals in "A" class, Region 2 race winner, & track champion at Wayne County Speedway. Lots of extras..Race ready. Reason for selling: Wanting to move up.. 618-629-2632 or danthebrit10@yahoo.com
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- A.J. Watson, Kevin Eckert, and an Already Half Full Bldg.!! -- Craig Dori, 18:25:46 11/21/06 Tue
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 January 27, 2007!! This swap meet/trade show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies with thousands of potential customers... All in one day... All under one roof!!! Making it the BIGGEST pure Racers show in the Midwest! By Far!!!
Two new attractions have been added this year, so plan to stick around for the excitment! The first annual Indy Race Parts "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" will be thrilling the stage followed by "Last Ditch Auction" presented by Charter Sailing Unlimited!!
The "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" will be hosted/MCed by none other than everybody's favorite "Homewrecker"....
Tony Funk!!! Tony's not only going to introduce everyone to our lovely contestants, but he may even do that solo singing thing to the winner :).. If that isn't enough to entice you ladies to get your entries in... O.K., maybe it's not, but hopefully the $500 to win first place prize along with paid appearnaces next Summer at Gas City Speedway, and Kokomo Speedway will help!!?? We also have cash prizes for the winner of the audience participation vote, and 1st and 2nd runner-up's!! Get those entries in ladies!!
The "Last Ditch Auction" is just what it's called, a "Last Ditch" chance to unload your... we'll just say Stuff (quick note to vendors: You can try and run your used tires through the auction, but we will only accept a maximum of 5 used tires per vendor.. thanks)! This will be a quick NO RESERVE auction hosted by H.A.R.F. Hall Of Famer and Auctioneer extraordinaire, Butch Wilkerson (R.D. Butch Wilkerson auction license: AU01034606). But first!!...
Back by popular demand will be the Racin' W/D.O. "Legends Roundtable" presented by H.A.R.F.! Last years addition was a huge hit, and were sure you'll like this years line-up just as well!! Joining previously announced guests Donald Davidson, Mel Kenyon, Larry Rice, and Butch Wilkerson. We cover a wide spectrum with the announcement of these 3 additions to the table. First, we are more than thrilled to announce one of the most legendary names in the history of racing will be joining us January 27th, A.J. Watson!!! The amount of racing history this man achieved cannot even be scratched here, so your either going to have to get the book: "The Watson Years" "When Roadsters Ruled The Speedway" to get just some of his past, or join us at the Roundtable!! Also, returning this year to the Roundtable, and is always good for a tale or two will be 4-time Sprint Week Champion Kevin Thomas! Then, to mix it up even further, we're happy to announce a guy who has more miles under his belt than most of today's Outlaws, yet retains his "Old School" ways, Openwheeltimes.com Kevin Eckert. This master of the written word will probably not add much, as he is known for keeping all of his opinions strictly to himself :)!! We hope your as excited about this line-up as we are, more name(s?) will be announced in the near future, line-up subject to change.
Racers will want to hold on tight to those ticket stubs this year as we have, as they say, "Fabulous Prizes"!
Impact Racing has donated a brand new Champ Helmet!! The newly designed Champ is ready for all Short Track racers, and is super lightweight! It's also SFI/FIA & Snell 2005 approved. Impact will be at the show to get the winner the right size!!
Advanced Racing Suspensions has donated a $200 gift certificate good towards any of their products (thanks Corey)!!
National Speed Sport News will be handing out a free One year subscription to "America's Weekly Motorsports Authority"!!
Check back, as we hope to announce some more great door prizes soon!
If your a vendor, we have hit the 1/2 full mark, so get those entries in! Here's who's in the show now!:
A.E.D. Motorsports Products, A.M.S.A. (American Mini Sprint Assoc.), Accu-Force Shock Dynos, Advanced Racing Suspensions, AFCO, Arizona Sprint Shirts/Gotta Race, Bailey Chassis Co., John Batts, BDR Graphics, Benic Ent., Bounty Hunter Motorsports, John Boyken, C & D Racing Supply, Carrara Custom Powder Coaters, CK Designs, Competition Welding, Cyclone Custom Products, DAK Simulators, DASCO Race Supply, Joe Dooling, Robert Dorn, DRC Chassis Inc., Dynamite Welding, Elliott Brand Web Designs, David Fuhrman, Funk Racing, Gamester Racing Products (GRP), Eddie Griffith, H.A.R.F., Matt Hardin, Ted Hines, Impact Racing, Indianaopenwheel.com, Indy Performance Composites, Indy Race Parts, Intense Motorsports, Jim Jordan, KC Components, Kercher Engines, Ted Knorr, KO Tools, Kokomo Speedway, KT Race Services, Ron Lambertson, Jimmy Laser, Lawson Motorsports, Lawrenceburg Speedway (RPM Promotions), Leaders Edge, Let's Talk About Racing w/Host Danny Williams, M/R Racing Equipment, Jim Mann, Jay Mason, MaximumDirt.com, Miami County Speedway, Nehaas Racing (Ed Hassler), R & R Wireloom, Racin' W/D.O., Rapp's Racing Products, Reel Racing Photos, Don Shoulders, Sprint Mart, Mike Stuchell, T and D Toys & Hobby, Trackside Supply, Turner Racing, U.S. 24 Speedway, Wildside Signs, Preston Windom Racing, Ned Yingst, Zander Radio Systems (who will do on-site radio repair, so bring in any radio you maybe having problems with)
Get your entry in today!!
For complete details please visit our newly designed website @ : www.shoestringracing.com
Where you can now reserve by credit card online!!! You can also get a copy of the show flyer and a registration form for the Pageant! If there is something on the site you didn't catch or we just didn't cover, please call us: 317-381-9931 or write info@shoestringracing.com
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!
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- SWAP MEET -- TOM ERWIN, 07:39:06 11/13/06 Mon
Racer’s Swap Meet
Date: November 24th, 2006 (The Friday after Thanksgiving, let the girls go shopping, while you go shopping too!)
Cost: $0.00—No charge for admission, no charge for set up/display—ENTIRELY FREE!
Where: Erwin Motorsports, 7117 US 6, Butler, IN 46721 260-868-0123
Time: Set up begins at 7:00, we’ll close up when everyone’s done! (Last year was around 3:30)
What: EVERYTHING! You are invited to bring anything Micro Sprint related you have for sale, or trade, as well.
The shop will be open as it was last year. Concessions will be available. Any questions, please feel free to give us a call.
Directions: We are on the north side of US 6 between Butler IN and Edgerton, OH.
Partial Listing of Items to Be Sold:
All used parts: tires (APPROX. 100 TO SELL), components, wings, etc. MUST GO! Huge inventory of used parts this year!
Cars: 270 King Car
race ready 600 Hyper
2 stroke chassis
Leader roller
2004 KAW Engine, includes header, power commander (dyno tuned to motor) and complete Guhl injection system.
Complete 2 stroke engine kits (incl carb and pipe)
New Parts:
Tires $10.00 off
Racing Shoes from $65.00
Gloves from $35.00
Wheels and halves
Radius Rod
Wheel Nut Wrenches
And More!
Welding: Jerry Mills will be on hand to do any TIG or MIG welding you may need. This is the perfect time to make the needed repairs while they are fresh on your mind! Please be sure parts are as clean as possible and ready to be welded.
Vinyl/Graphics: Cheryl will be able to do simple cuts like numbers and letters on this day. More intricate or involved designs will need to be “by appointment” please.
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- DuQuion Indoors -- Shafer, 09:34:38 11/13/06 Mon
Does anyone have info on the indoor series at DuQuion? thanks
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- dirt mod -- Keith, 13:40:40 11/15/06 Wed
1998 lightning complete roller. G.M. 2 speed tranny, new rear gear, new fast shaft drive shaft, new moroso dist, new(never assembled) wires, new fuel log w/ regulator, gearte carb, radiator, tilton clutch, quarter master starter, new water pump and pullies, power steering pump and tank, fuel pump. $3200. or make an offer
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- Update: Great Roundtable Guests and Door Prizes! -- Craig Dori, 14:25:13 11/10/06 Fri
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 January 27, 2007!! This swap meet/trade show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies with thousands of potential customers... All in one day... All under one roof!!! Making it the BIGGEST pure Racers show in the Midwest! By Far!!!
Two new attractions have been added this year, so plan to stick around for the excitment! The first annual Indy Race Parts "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" will be thrilling the stage followed by "Last Ditch Auction" presented by Charter Sailing Unlimited!! The "Last Ditch Auction" is just what it's called, a "Last Ditch" chance to unload your... we'll just say Stuff! This will be a quick NO RESERVE auction hosted by H.A.R.F. Hall Of Famer and Auctioneer extraordinaire, Butch Wilkerson (R.D. Butch Wilkerson auction license: AU01034606). But first!!...
Back by popular demand will be the Racin' W/D.O. "Legends Roundtable" presented by H.A.R.F.! Last years addition was a huge hit, and were sure you'll like this years line-up just as well!! Of course we can't have the aforementioned auction without Butch Wilkerson, so were gonna let the former racing great warm-up his voice on the "Legends Roundtable"! And, while on the subject of racing greats, were happy to have Motorsports Hall Of Fame Member Mel Kenyon back and Former Indy 500 Rookie of the Year, as well as former USAC Midget and Silver Crown Champion, Larry Rice!!! Then, just to add a little British flair :), we are really excited to announce that the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Historian/Story Teller supreme, Donald Davidson will also be joining the panel!! You won't want to miss this! More names will be announced in the near future, line-up subject to change.
Racers will want to hold on tight to those ticket stubs this year as we have, as they say, "Fabulous Prizes"!
Impact Racing has donated a brand new Champ Helmet!! The newly designed Champ is ready for all Short Track racers, and is super lightweight! It's also SFI/FIA & Snell 2005 approved. Impact will be at the show to get the winner the right size!!
Advanced Racing Suspensions has donated a $200 gift certificate good towards any of their products (thanks Corey)!!
National Speed Sport News will be handing out a free One year subscription to "America's Weekly Motorsports Authority"!!
Check back, as we hope to announce some more great door prizes soon!
If your a vendor, we have hit the 1/3 full mark, so get those entries in! Here's who's in the show now!:
Accu-Force Shock Dynos, Advanced Racing Suspensions, AFCO, Arizona Sprint Shirts/Gotta Race, John Batts, BDR Graphics, Bounty Hunter Motorsports, Carrara Custom Powder Coaters, CK Designs, Competition Welding, Cyclone Custom Products, DAK Simulators, Joe Dooling, Robert Dorn, Dynamite Welding, Elliott Brand Web Designs, Flat Out & Dirt Late Model Magazine, David Fuhrman, Funk Racing, Gamester Racing Products (GRP), Eddie Griffith, H.A.R.F., Matt Hardin, Impact Racing, Indianaopenwheel.com, Indy Performance Composites, Indy Race Parts, Intense Motorsports, Jim Jordan, KC Components, Kercher Engines, Ted Knorr, Kokomo Speedway, KT Race Services, Jimmy Laser, Lawson Motorsports, Lawrenceburg Speedway (RPM Promotions), Leaders Edge, Let's Talk About Racing w/Host Danny Williams, M/R Racing Equipment, Jim Mann, Jay Mason, R & R Wireloom, Racin' W/D.O., Rapp's Racing Products, Reel Racing Photos, Sprint Mart, Mike Stuchell, T and D Toys & Hobby, Turner Racing, U.S. 24 Speedway, Preston Windom Racing, Ned Yingst, Zander Radio Systems (who will do on-site radio repair, so bring in any radio you maybe having problems with)
Get your entry in today!!
For complete details please visit our newly designed website @ : www.shoestringracing.com
Where you can now reserve by credit card online!!! You can also get a copy of the show flyer and a registration form for the Pageant! If there is something on the site you didn't catch or we just didn't cover, please call us: 317-381-9931 or write info@shoestringracing.com
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!
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- NEW TO THIS -- STACY, 04:31:20 11/08/06 Wed
my son is starting in racing would like to chat about onfo on this please rules etc
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- Powder Coating -- Chris, 17:11:06 11/09/06 Thu
If anyone's interested in some info for a special on powder coating until 1/1/07 call 574-722-1046 or send me an email !
Thanks, Chris
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- Awards Banquet -- Dwayne, 10:51:03 11/09/06 Thu
Friday Nov 10th is the last day to make reservations for the banquet. If you want to attend please make your reservations
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- Car For Sale -- BClay, 05:45:11 11/08/06 Wed
98 concept chassis, 2004 Suzuki with spare motor. Some spares. Turn key $4200 or $4800 with trailer. Call Bruce (574)295-1958 or email....
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- PHOTOS -- Fred, 06:36:19 11/07/06 Tue
Any photos you may desire for delivery at the banquet must be ordered by 21 November.
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- Number Kits -- Brian, 05:59:46 11/06/06 Mon
BDR Graphics
Racecar lettering, Custom signs, Boats, Cars, Trucks, Trailer’s
Go-Kart number kits, kit includes 4 6” numbers with STD colors
1 color $ 8.00
2 colors $ 10.00
2 colors with outline or shadow $ 16.00
For Specialty vinyl call for price.
Micro Sprint kit includes 4 12” 2 10” 1 20” numbers in STD colors
1 color $ 39.00
2 color $ 48.75
2 colors with outline or shadow $ 78.8
For specialty vinyl call for price.
Mods, Sportsman, late Model kits include 2 door numbers 21” 1 roof number 35” 2 front and rear numbers 6” in STD colors
1 color $ 45.00
2 colors $ 56.37
2 colors with outline or shadow $ 99.00
For specialty vinyl call for price.
Any size’s can be changed to fit your needs call or email with any question’s
Brian Demland
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- Complete Midget Operation For Sale -- Mike, 18:29:05 10/25/06 Wed
Complete Midget Operation For Sale - Hawk combo car (coil front, bar rear) with a fresh 166 Pro II Autocraft (McNutt house motor). All top notch components on the car, many are new. Car is basically race ready minus a few items. All midget parts and (many) spares going with the car. This is a proven package that has many wins. Excellent car for USAC Regional, UMARA, WOWMS, X2RA, Indoors, etc. $11,200 OBO for the complete operation with all the spares. Will consider karting equipment in partial trade. Call or email for more info. and/or pictures.
(616) 636-5681
(616) 554-6802
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- Checking your Santa list??? -- Robertson's Garage, 20:48:50 11/02/06 Thu
Got a driver on your list? Don't know what to get him/her? Looking for a great gift idea? How about a custom helmet paint job? Get him/her a custom helmet paint job gift certificate from Robertson's Garage. It's a great gift idea that still allows them to make the decisions on the paint job. Contact us for details.
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- Banquet -- Connie, 16:48:00 10/25/06 Wed
Miami County Speedway
Saturday November 25th
American Legion
Logansport, In.
Bar Opens at 6:00 with dinner at 6:30
Track awards, Region awards and National awards to follow dinner.
We will have a DJ in for dancing following the awards presentations.
Cost: 20.00 for adults
10.00 for children
For reservations and tickets contact
Julie at 765-513-5535 or
Connie at 574-753-3238
Deadline for tickets will be
November 10th
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- Status of Track -- Joe, 10:36:39 10/29/06 Sun
When will it be announced rather Miami county will be NMMA or Outlaw next year?
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- JR. SPRINT FOR SALE!!! -- KYLE, 18:41:36 10/29/06 Sun
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- Jr Sprints at Ft Wayne, IN and Columbus, OH -- Chuck Kidwell, 17:09:49 10/29/06 Sun
Jr Sprints at the Rumble in Fr Wayne and Columbus!!!!! Briggs only Jr Sprints have been added to the program for the Rumble Series on Dec 29th and 30th and in the January race in Columbus, OH. US 24 rules will be used. Sorry, no Yamahas. There has been money and contingencies added to the payoff. More on this later…….Load in and practice on Thursday evening and two separate shows, one Friday and one Saturday. Information on the Columbus date will be posted as soon as available. Entry fee is $35 (70% payback) each night with pit passed the same for a single night or $50 for both nights. Thursday night practice is $15. Entry blanks available by contacting Chuck Kidwell (email: chuck@kidwellracecars.com or phone: 317-507-5968. The 600’s are also running along with karts and quarter midgets and entry blanks are available at the Rumbleseries.com website.. Hope to see all you Briggs Jr Sprints there.
Chuck Kidwell
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- Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 -- Craig Dori, 08:43:36 10/29/06 Sun
The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7 January 27, 2007!! This swap meet/trade show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies with thousands of potential customers... All in one day... All under one roof!!! Making it the BIGGEST pure Racers show in the Midwest! By Far!!!
ONE HUGE BUILDING will be greeting vendors and patrons alike when they arrive! The 67,000 Sq. Ft. Champions Pavilion @ the Indiana State Fairgrounds will now be our home! The move to Indy has proved to be a very popular one as last years show had over 300 booths in 2 buildings. Now, the completely renovated ($8 million worth) and modern Champions Pavilion, will be able to accomodate everyone together! Along with all the modern amenities of this first class facility, the building also holds meeting rooms available for product seminars, promoters, sanctioning bodies, or race shops (call for availability)!!
A bigger show means even more "attractions"! Back by popular demand will be the Racin' W/D.O. "Legends Roundtable" presented by H.A.R.F.! Then you'll want to stick around for the Indy Race Parts "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" followed by "Last Ditch Auction" presented by Charter Sailing Unlimited!! The "Last Ditch Auction" is just what it's called, a "Last Ditch" chance to unload your... we'll just say Stuff! This will be a quick NO RESERVE auction hosted by H.A.R.F. Hall Of Famer and Auctioneer extraordinaire, Butch Wilkerson (R.D. Butch Wilkerson auction license: AU01034606). For a very small fee we will send your parts, cars, engines, whatever it is that you just want to get rid of and not go home with (please no wives or drivers:) through the auction line and hopefully get you a little more $!! No walk-in consignments will be accepted, nust be a vendor at the show.
Check back for more details on the Roundtable and Pageant!
So if your a local racer wanting to unload a few parts, or a manufacturer of the best racing chassis ever, you''ll want to participate in this show! Last year we had vendors from 11 States, and as far away as Georgia making it a sell-out 5 years running!!.. Don't miss-out on the 2nd "Don't Miss" event of the new year (Chili Bowl is first:), The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!
Here's who is already booked for this year's show.. Get your entry in and join this stellar field!:
Accu-Force Shock Dynos, Arizona Sprint Shirts/Gotta Race, John Batts, BDR Graphics, Carrara Custom Powder Coaters, CK Designs, Competition Welding, Cyclone Custom Products, DAK Simulators, Joe Dooling, David Fuhrman, Funk Racing, Gamester Racing Products (GRP), Eddie Griffith, H.A.R.F., Matt Hardin, Indianaopenwheel.com, Indy Performance Composites, Indy Race Parts, Intense Motorsports, KC Components, Kercher Engines, Ted Knorr, Kokomo Speedway, Jimmy Laser, Lawson Motorsports, Lawrenceburg Speedway (RPM Promotions), Leaders Edge, M/R Racing Equipment, Jim Mann, Jay Mason, R & R Wireloom, Racin' W/D.O., Rapp's Racing Products, Reel Racing Photos, Sprint Mart, Mike Stuchell, T and D Toys & Hobby, Turner Racing, U.S. 24 Speedway, Preston Windom Racing
Get your entry in today!!
For complete details please visit our newly designed website @ : www.shoestringracing.com
Where you can now reserve by credit card online!!! You can also get a copy of the show flyer and a registration form for the Pageant! If there is something on the site you didn't catch or we just didn't cover, please call us: 317-381-9931 or write info@shoestringracing.com
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!
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- Update -- Connie, 19:08:00 10/23/06 Mon
Dwayne is coming home tomorrow! He has to go see the surgen every other day to have the dressing changes and the pump changed but at least he will be at home. Ot will be awhile before he can wear shoes again and we'll have to be awfully careful for awhile because the foot has not been closed. It must start to heal fron the inside out. He is planning on being at the banquet the end of November. I'm sure he will be in here tomorrow night to catch up on all that he's missed.
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- 2001 Stock R6 -- Ryan Leek, 04:37:35 10/24/06 Tue
2001 R6. Stock and straight from bike. Never Raced. 6800 miles. Motor includes carbs with jet kit and coils. No wiring harness, cdi, or rectifier. $1350. Prefer pick-up, possibly ship.
Ryan Leek
Warsaw, Indiana
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- Photos -- Frederics Photo, 02:15:11 10/23/06 Mon
Hello! Most of photos from season are up on www.photoreflect.com. You can get there from link on my web page, www.fredericsphoto.com. Or you can just go to www.photoreflect.com. You will need to type in studio/ photographers name: fredericsphoto.
This will take you to listing of photos available to view.
If interested in any photos email me the location and photo number.
Hope to see you all at the Banquet and next season.
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- Dwayne Update -- Connie, 17:50:15 10/21/06 Sat
Just got home from the hospital. They are taking him back into surgery at 8 in the morning to clean the bone and tissue again. The new medicine the started yesterday is not working the way they want it to. At this time we're not sure whats going on with the spot they are concerned with. He is also having trouble with his sugar count and they started him on insulin last night. Won't know anything more until I talk to the Dr after surgery.
Until tomorrow.
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- Latest custom helmet paint job 10-21-06 -- Robertson's Garage, 16:45:02 10/21/06 Sat
The latest custom helmet pics are posted at
Also, we always are taking your submissions for our "your rides" page. Just send us a picture of your ride with some info about yourself and your ride and we'll post it.
Robertson's Garage
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- Update -- Connie, 06:14:32 10/21/06 Sat
Mac has had no surgerys now for 2 days. Yesterday the Dr said he thinks the may have it 90% cured. There is one small spot that they are keeping an eye on now and if all goes well over the weekend he may get to come home on Monday. The foot will remain open with a vacumn dressing on it for drainage and I will have to take him in every other day to have it changed. He still has a long road to healing and he will get awfully board with the house before he's done but at least he's still here. I am sorry I haven't been on for a couple of days but the body has worn out. I'm off work for the weekend so when I come in from the hospital tonight I will update again.
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- Dwayne Update -- Connie, 18:47:46 10/17/06 Tue
Dwayne came thru the second surgery well. The Dr's are very hopeful. He did loose another small portion of the side of his foot today. He has to go into surgery again tomorrow and possibly may have to have many more surgerys to clean the bones and flesh. He will probably be in the hospital for many weeks. As many of you know Dwayne is a diabetic which makes his feet and legs very vunerable to infection. Dwayne's case is a little more serious. Because of his spinal cord injury he has very little if any feeling from his knees down so he can't feel it if he gets hurt. This injury was caused by a sprained ankle he received a week ago at the track. He got a blister on his foot on Friday because of the swelling and by Mon. the infection in his foot caused the small toe to turn black. As a result he is now going thru something that most of us would be screaming in agony from. Because he cannot feel he was awake for his second surgery and and has only had one shot for pain. His spirits are good and he now knows how very careful he has to be. He said to tell anyone with this desease to be very careful and do alot of inspections daily. By the way--he said he dosen't need the missing toe any way--it just whined and whined all the way home.
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- Region Awards -- Richard Smith, 16:55:22 10/17/06 Tue
I need to hear from the following people by friday Please call me I need your jacket size:
Clayton Maynard
Trent Perry
Morgan Hoover
Jacob Kincaid
Tom Knepper
Mike Stahl
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- UP date on Dwayne -- Richard, 11:45:50 10/17/06 Tue
They took him back in to sugery to make sure they got it all today. He is at Logansport Hosp. Rm 250 he is in good spirits and will be there awhile. I Still have not talked to Connie this info came from her Mother.
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- Dwayne In hospital -- Richard Smith, 08:26:05 10/17/06 Tue
Dwayne is in the hospital and was scheduled to have emergency surgery on his foot. The information I have is: that he has gangrene in his toe and it is unknown how deep it is. I have no further information at this time. I will try to get a hospital and room number. Connie is very busy with Dwayne and work she had her mother relay the information so any time she get at home will be well need rest please refrain from calling We will try to keep everyone posted. Thought and prayers are appreciated.
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- 2003 Sawyer For Sale -- Blane, 13:23:40 10/14/06 Sat
2003 Sawyer Chassis. This car has won the 2004 Miami County Speedway points (restrcted), was 2nd in 2005 (Multi). This car has won 3 state races, 2 region races. Was built with heavier tubing in main cockpit area for the 1/4 mile tracks. Car has not been wrecked hard.
This car has left front brake (adj), adj rear panhard bar, electric wing slider, 4 beadlocks all the way around, easy up shock on the right front, 4-2 tie down on the left, the other 2 are straight valve shocks, has spuds for sway bar (concept sway bar), has 2 inch shorter pedals which can easily be brought back to normal distance... I am only 5'4 so I needed the shorter distance. 99-02 R6 mounts or 03-05 R6 mounts. Car is still fast as it was right there to win the MiCRO Challenge 10-7-06, just looking to update.
$6,000 Roller (no wiring, carbs, headers) $8,000 with stock 2000 R6 (w/ wiring headers and carbs) Pictures can be sent upon request.
Blane (c)260 609 1739 anytime
Dave (h) 260 691 2432 (c) 574 527 8398
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- Attn: Vendors -- Craig Dori, 19:11:54 10/13/06 Fri
ONE HUGE BUILDING will be greeting vendors and patrons alike when they arrive for the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!! The 67,000 Sq. Ft. Champions Pavilion @ the Indiana State Fairgrounds will now be our home! The move to Indy has proved to be a very popular one as last years show had over 300 booths in 2 buildings. Now, the completely renovated ($8 million worth) and modern Champions Pavilion, will be able to accomodate everyone together! Along with all the modern amenities, the building also has meeting rooms available for you promoters, sanctioning bodies, or race shops (call for availability)!!
January 27, 2007 this swap meet/trade show will bring together local racers, professional racers, racing business's (manufacturers & dealers), race tracks, and sanctioning bodies with thousands of potential customers... All in one day... All under one roof!!!
We have also added to the "attraction" part of the day! Back by popular demand will be the Racin' W/D.O."Legends Roundtable" presented by H.A.R.F.! Then you'll want to stick around for the Indy Race Parts "Ms. Hoosier Motorsports Pageant" and the "Last Ditch Auction" presented by Charter Sailing Unlimited!! It's all gonna add up to one action packed day!
So if your a local racer wanting to unload a few parts, or a manufacturer of the best racing chassis ever, you''ll want to participate in this show! Last year we had vendors from 11 States, and as far away as Georgia making it a sell-out 5 years running!!.. Don't miss-out on the 2nd "Don't Miss" event of the new year (Chili Bowl is first:), The Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!
For complete details please visit our newly designed website @ :
Where you can now reserve by credit card online!!! You can also get a copy of the show flyer and a registration form for the Pageant! If there is something on the site you didn't catch or we just didn't cover, please call us: 317-381-9931 or write info@shoestringracing.com
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you at the Hoosier Racers Swap Meet & Trade Show 7!
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- Points -- Connie, 19:43:36 10/11/06 Wed
Final club points have been posted to the points page and the final Region 1 points have been posted to a link on the front page.
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- Results -- Connie, 20:21:00 10/10/06 Tue
Results have been posted--Region points and Club points will be on tomorrow night.
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- Outlaw Race -- Fuzzy, 11:41:37 10/10/06 Tue
Are you going to post the results from the Outlaw Race? Thanx, John.
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- Sara Elrod -- Dwayne, 18:06:48 10/08/06 Sun
I was busy Sat night and didnt get to talk to you. So Happy belated Birthday !!!!! Dwayne
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- Big Thank You -- Richard Smith, 02:12:30 10/09/06 Mon
Thanks C&D Racing for the extra $25.00 added to the dash money on Saturday night we had fun and are looking forward to next year
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- Thanks! -- Julie, 22:58:41 10/07/06 Sat
Thanks to the drivers, owners, families, crews and fans that made the Outlaw Challenge a success!!! We appreciate your support and hope to see you all next year. Don't forget to get your tickets for the Awards Banquet. Contact Connie or Julie to get them.
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- 2001 Factor 1 for sale -- Kent, 15:14:58 10/08/06 Sun
2001 Factor 1 w/ 2002 R6 motor for sale. Odum carbs, light weight kirky seat, carrera shocks, extra wing,and some spares.
This car won first feature of the year at MCS, broke and still holds track record in stock class, and placed 2cnd in the Outlaw Challenge at MCS. Asking $6500.00.
Call Kent (#19) 765-860-7153
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- Congratulations HAlen Shafer -- ShaneCottle.com, 13:01:42 10/06/06 Fri
Great job this year on your Peru Track Championship. I know how hard that is to do! All of us here at Edison Motorsports and Crume-Evans Insurance are very proud of you and your team for the hard work it takes to get there! Maybe you can give us a few tips for next year! But don't get to cocky, I did win more then 7 features this year!
You can't have my job just yet! See at the year end party!
Your old buddy,
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- For sale -- Bill, 10:01:17 10/07/06 Sat
2000 F4 Car Kit Complete $1000.00 (just taken out of car)
Kinser air box
Carbs by Eric Shively
S&S Header w/ muffler
2 fuel pumps (1 NIB)
Motor sprockets 12,14,15
CDI & coplete wire harness
Temp gauge
"NMMA" restrictor plates
2004 Factor 1 motor plates
Honda shop manual
2000 F4 complete motor $500.00
2 stock cdi boxes $75.00 ea
1 carb set for parts $50.00
1 13" Kirkey LW Sprint Deluxe youth seat w/ headrests $175.00
1 Simpson 2 layer suit childs sz L with built in arm restraints and 4" leg ext. $100.00
1 10 sq wing $50.00
1 Holley black pump $100.00
1 Bypass reg $50.00
1 set stock rods $100.00
more misc parts, valves, springs,carb boots, wire harness, thermostat, relays
( Clean out garage $2000.00 will deliver within resonable distance or meet 1/2 way )
Bill (219) 261-4281
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2003 Factor 1 Car For Sale -- Bob, 07:05:50 10/07/06 Sat
2003 factor 1 car for sale. All new chassis parts this year.Very strong honda f4 motor. Car is race ready. spare wheels and tires. 10'&12' square top wings.Asking price is $5000.00. Call Bob Bell for details (765)883-8158.
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- time for oct.7th -- Kylee Brown, 19:36:02 10/06/06 Fri
when do hot laps start for the outlaw race?
Brown Motorsports
14B-Kylee Brown
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- Wheelie Contest! -- A.D.S. Custom Graphics, 15:46:38 10/06/06 Fri
A.D.S. Custom Graphics will be donating a 3 foot custom trophy to the winner of the "Wheelie Contest" at the Miami County Speedway Micro Challenge. Goshen Express Lube will also offer a $50 cash prize to the winner! Free Entry. Good Luck!
Ryan Leek
A.D.S. Custom Graphics
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- Goshen Express Lube offers Wheelie Cash -- Dwayne, 12:56:34 10/05/06 Thu
Goshen Express Lube in Goshen In. has offered a $50 cash prize to the Micro Sprint Driver who can do the best wheelie at intermission of the Micro Sprint Outlaw Challenge at Miami Co. Speedway in Peru In Sat Oct. 7th
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- outlaw race -- Lloyd, 19:13:11 10/04/06 Wed
If an old man gets tired, are we allowed to switch drivers??
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- #8 Junior Sprint For Sale -- Joe, 19:17:20 10/05/06 Thu
Yellow Jacket Racing is selling the #8 Junior Sprint. Barbie Kimmel is moving to the Restrictor class.
It is a Kidwell chassis and will be sold with all new, white fiberglass body panels and a new wing (you decide the specs. and color of the wing). It also comes with two Cruse KT100 Yamaha engines and all of the junior sprint parts that we have accumulated for the last four years.
Barbie was the track champ at Miami County Speedway for the last three years and placed 6th at the Tulsa Shootout this year with this car.
The car will be at Peru on Saturday for the Outlaw Challenge Race and on Sunday for "Play Day."
If interested or for more information, please call Joe at 574-328-0441.
Thanks, Yellow Jacket Racing
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- FUEL AND OPEN TRAILER FOR SALE -- GREG BAER, 13:07:20 10/05/06 Thu
CALL 574-709-8811 LOGANSPORT
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- grandstand's -- scott, 16:35:37 10/04/06 Wed
courious, 12 and under $5 w/ adult $5, or was this a mis print? hope we dont get rained out this week!
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- Outlaw Challenge Race -- Julie, 18:09:28 10/03/06 Tue
2006 Micro Sprint Outlaw Challenge
October 7th
Guaranteed Purse....no minimum car count required!!!
600 Open
$500 to win
$40 to start
600 Restrictor
$300 to win
$40 to start
JRs will run NMMA rules.
$75 to win $25 to start
If over 10 cars we will pay $100 to win.
Gates open at 3:30
Hotlaps at 5:00
$25 entry fee each car and driver
Pit Passes $25
12 and under $5 with an adult Grandstands $5
Notice: This is an Outlaw event no memberships are required to participate.
Both Classes
1. No wings outside the rear tires
2. 750lb weight car and driver
3. Safety equipment required
4. 63in outside to outside rear tires
5. Any 4 stroke motor up to 640cc
6. Any one under the age of 18 who has not raced at Miami County Speedway during the 2006 season must provide a birth certificate and have a signed release by BOTH parents.
600 Open
1. Any size wing allowed as long as it does not exceed the outside of the rear tires.
2. Age limit 12 allowed only WITH THE APPROVAL OF PROMOTER.
600 Restrictor
1. 10 sq ft. wings only
2. Age limit is 10 years old if accumulated NMMA points otherwise 12 and up.
3. ¾ inch (0.750) Restrictor Plates 0.020 min. thickness. Hole must be in the center and plates must cover inside of boot. NO CONES ALLOWED
4. Right rear tire must be a plate NMMA tire. Tires may be siped or grooved. Any left rear tire allowed.
Additional Notes:
1. Top two qualifiers in each class will secure a starting spot in the field.
2. Dash winner will roll die to determine invert.
3. Car count will determine number of cars taken from the “B” Main.
4. 20 Car A main 30laps
For more information call: 574-753-3238 or 765-513-5535
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- 9/30/06 -- Fred, 15:19:59 10/03/06 Tue
Photos are posted of 9/30/06 event on www.photoreflect.com
You will need to put photographers name in bottom block on left. fredericsphoto
Thanks for your support this season and will see you at the banquet.
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- Play day -- Steve, 12:21:44 10/03/06 Tue
Any one know what time play day is Sunday?
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- Outlaw Race -- Dwayne, 18:02:46 10/02/06 Mon
Oct 7th race, restrictor motors -- Robert Jackson, 13:28:01 10/02/06 Mon
Just want to see if we can run o4 black R6 at your Oct. 7th race. And what plates we need (we have 3/4 U.S. 24 plates) Thanks Robert Jackson
You can run any motor and any plates as long as they pass 3/4 inch no go.Restrictors must run 10sq or smaller wing and a NMMA Spec right rear. Tire can be cut.
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- Oct 7th race, restrictor motors -- Robert Jackson, 13:28:01 10/02/06 Mon
Just want to see if we can run o4 black R6 at your Oct. 7th race. And what plates we need (we have 3/4 U.S. 24 plates) Thanks Robert Jackson
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- Photos Up -- Fred, 13:56:29 10/02/06 Mon
Rain out photos are up on www.photoreflect.com
You need to type in fredericsphoto in photographers box and that will get you to the photos to view.
Thanks for your support this season. Hope to see all at the banquet!!!!
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- 2000 Factor One -- Wooten, 05:32:37 10/01/06 Sun
2000 Factor One Wide Body. Just powdercoated candy apple blue, new bearings on all corners, new torsion bushings, new steering shaft and steering gear, Ultrashield seat, three race old Ron Davis radiator, LF Brake, Double Stage Wings, Phantom Autometer Guages, Daytona Tac, new master cyliner, car comes with 2 spare front axles, spare rear axle, many spare heims, radius rods, 10 and 12sq wing, extra wheels and tires, and is plumbed with all AN fitting for an R6 with Holley black pump and Kinser Filter. Car can come wired and ready to bolt your R6 in and go.
NO Disapointments. Car has won many bigger races and won the Miami County Track Championship.
$4500 as posted
$5000 with Clifford Headers, Clifford Hot Box, ODUM Carbs.
Email at sethwoooten72@yahoo.com or call 765-776-6696
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- play day -- Steve, 08:07:16 10/02/06 Mon
What time does play day start next Sunday?
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- Outlaw Race info -- Julie, 18:04:21 09/25/06 Mon
2006 Micro Sprint Outlaw Challenge
October 7th
Guaranteed Purse....no minimum car count required!!!
600 Open
$500 to win
$40 to start
600 Restrictor
$300 to win
$40 to start
Gates open at 3:30
Hotlaps at 5:00
$25 entry fee each car and driver
Pit Passes $25
12 and under $5 with an adult Grandstands $5
Notice: This is an Outlaw event no memberships are required to participate.
Both Classes
1. No wings outside the rear tires
2. 750lb weight car and driver
3. Safety equipment required
4. 63in outside to outside rear tires
5. Any 4 stroke motor up to 640cc
6. Any one under the age of 18 who has not raced at Miami County Speedway during the 2006 season must provide a birth certificate and have a signed release by BOTH parents.
600 Open
1. Any size wing allowed as long as it does not exceed the outside of the rear tires.
2. Age limit 12 allowed only WITH THE APPROVAL OF PROMOTER.
600 Restrictor
1. 10 sq ft. wings only
2. Age limit is 10 years old if accumulated NMMA points otherwise 12 and up.
3. ¾ inch (0.750) Restrictor Plates 0.020 min. thickness. Hole must be in the center and plates must cover inside of boot. NO CONES ALLOWED
4. Right rear tire must be a plate NMMA tire. Tires may be siped or grooved. Any left rear tire allowed.
Additional Notes:
1. Top two qualifiers in each class will secure a starting spot in the field.
2. Dash winner will roll die to determine invert.
3. Car count will determine number of cars taken from the “B” Main.
4. 20 Car A main 30laps
For more information call: 574-753-3238 or 765-513-5535
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- Yellow Jacket's Jr. Sprint For Sale -- Joe, 16:10:17 10/01/06 Sun
Barbie Kimmel's Jr. Sprint is for sale. She is moving up.
It is a Kidwell and will be sold with all new fiberglass body pieces and a new wing (you choose the colors/specs). It comes with two Cruse KT100 engines and all junior sprint parts that we have. Everything goes.
She has been track champ at Miami County for the last three years, finished 6th at the Tulsa Shootout, and finished 5th at the nationals at Coles County this year with this car.
If interested, call Joe at 574-328-0441.
Thanks, Yellow Jacket Racing
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- Saturday 9/30/06 -- Mike Braden, 05:05:25 10/01/06 Sun
I want to thank Dawayne and crew for doing every thing you could to get the race in, it would of been the best track of the year. Some times mother nature can be so evil.
Tipical woman LOL.
Man i'am going to catch hell for that one.
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- FUEL AND OPEN TRAILER FOR SALE -- GREG BAER, 16:11:01 09/30/06 Sat
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- How is the track - Race or rain ? -- LT, 06:41:57 09/30/06 Sat
As of now it must be Race Day ?
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- Outlaw Race -- Norm, 06:25:51 09/28/06 Thu
This outlaw race,(Third annual),on Oct.7, has been a Wing only show in the past and has been advertised all year as a wing show. We have figured the purse to be a wing only show for the 3 classes only. These are the classes that have supported us all year long. If we go outlaw next year and Non-Wings bring us a good car count, they may be added on next years program. Thanks for all your support this season. Norm Bailey CO-Owner & CO-Promoter
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- Make Up Race?? -- Kylee Brown, 16:18:52 09/24/06 Sun
when will the make up race be for the september 23 race? and also will we have to pay for that night since we already paid?
Brown Motorsports
14B-Kylee Brown
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- Outlaw Race Question -- Monroe88m, 08:28:54 09/19/06 Tue
Any chance of adding a non-wing show on with the rest of the program?
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- Fan Appreciation Night -- Julie, 09:42:33 09/26/06 Tue
This Saturday will be Fan Appreciation night!! All grandstand admission will be FREE!!!!! This will be our final points night as well. Thanks for supporting the Miami County Speedway!!!
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- Gas City -- Julie, 09:51:20 09/22/06 Fri
Gas City has rained out for September 22nd.
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- I let you down this week--sincere apology -- Region 1 Secretary, 22:10:12 09/21/06 Thu
I would like to apologize to everyone. For those of you who don't know me very well, here is my list of excuses. I started a new full-time job about a month ago and was only given about 5 days notice before I found out I was being transferred. I also work a part-time job and haul my kids around to practices and competitions for four different sports (in addition to racing). I just finished my Master's Degree course work last week. The 2-day shows for the past few weekends just got the better of me.
I messed up this week and did not get the race reports finished until about an hour ago. Mary Ellen is very efficient and had already finished updating the national points before I got our points emailed to her. So . . . our last two races are not included in the most recent postings of the national points, and it is entirely my fault.
I sincerely apologize and I will make every effort to do better for the rest of the season. Please forgive me this time.
Thanks, Cindy Kimmel--Region 1 Secretary (MiCRO--Peru, IN)
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