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Date Posted: Sun August 26, 2012 11:03:39AM
Author: Dave In NC
Subject: Re: Alternator?
In reply to: Northern NJ Voyager 's message, "Re: Alternator?" on Tue August 21, 2012 6:23:33AM

Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago on the Blue Ridge Parkway in western NC. I thought I was having a fuel delivery problem (clogged air cleaner, fouled plugs, fuel pump, etc) as it would bog and back fire when I tried to give it too much gas. Then the final backfire and it just died. Coasted into an overlook, battery dead and no cell signal.

Checked all fuel related, even drained the #4 carb with a vise grip. When fuel came out I figured it was electrical. Took off as much plastic as I could and checked all wiring and connectors. Reassembled thinking of what to do next...and it started right up.

The thing that irritated me the most was it was clear I was in trouble based on the real estate I was taking up at the overlook with all the plastic on the ground, and of the 100+ motorcycles that drove by (including a park ranger) no one stopped to see if I was OK.

Made it a few more miles before it died for the final time. Turned out to be a bad alternator when I finally got it home. Fortunatly I had a spare becuase a new one is close to $800. Actually after disassembleing it I determined it was the rotor. I intend to rebuild at some point.

During the repair I also added a volt meter on the right hand fairing cover so I can monitor charging. I can post a picture if someone tells me how.

If you don't have the manual and need a copy, please feel free to contact me off line.

PS: Where in Northern NJ. I'm originally from Paramus.

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