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Date Posted: Wed December 18, 2013 8:21:27AM
Author: doug of no fl
Subject: Re: How clunky should the transmission be?
In reply to: Joe 's message, "Re: How clunky should the transmission be?" on Mon December 16, 2013 2:26:17PM

There are no synchroinizers in the transmission of a XII, YOU are the synchroinizer! The straight cut gears are just that and they have to be meshed correctly or they will clunk & bang. With proper RPM and throttle & clutch operation they shift perfect.. Most have a tendancy to shift at to low of rpm, The gear ratios of the XII are designred so that you have to use the rpms to reach the mph for the next shift, so you do not lug the engine. In low it is designed so you can not even get it out of low to second unless you are going fast enough. I like the ratio of the XII, because I consider it "long legged" Most MC you have to shift out of low to soon for me. The XII can reach the speed limit "40mph" easily before you need to shift. I had 3,000mi on my new to to me wing before I started to shift correctly. And still screw up at 11,000 mi. Best way to practice is by yourself in a non congested area. Unless you have a mechanical problem, as I stated in the other post, the XII will shift correctly if YOU shift it correctly. And you CAN do it.

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