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Date Posted: Mon November 28, 2016 1:02:48PM
Author: doug of no fl
Subject: Re: radio
In reply to: Paul Aggar 's message, "Re: radio" on Mon November 28, 2016 2:49:01AM

You have a "MUTE" button on the left handlebar it may be pushed in or you also have a "MUTE" button on the passenger left armrest that is pushed in. Should be in out position for radio volume. or your volume is turned down very low on the radio itself, left side of radio round knob, or on the left handlebar it has a volume lever up or down The face of the radio has squares on the led display the volume increase or decrease shows up there as it puts black dots in the squares as the volume moves up or down the display should have 3squares filled with black dots and that should be fairly high volume. 2 is normal.
Clock, right end of display has "M" = Memory & Miniutes "H" = Hours buttons. If you go to the AVA MSG board = "American Voyager Association", you can get a manual to download from Mr Jenesse. This board is not used much any more. If you have any questions psot back & we could hook up by phone but for the best info just go to the AVA board or just read through this board everything you need to know is here someplace.. If you find that the radio is actually malfunctioning go the a post on this board with "PETE's" name and click on it and it will give you his contact info he is a expert on this radio and repairs them for all of us..

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