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Date Posted: Mon January 09, 2017 9:51:48AM
Author: doug of so fl
Subject: Re: Ignition switch gremlins.
In reply to: A. Banks 's message, "Re: Ignition switch gremlins." on Sun January 08, 2017 8:13:06PM

This board is not being used by anyone anymore your could try the American Voyager Association board http://amervoyassoc.org/

Or contact Carl Leo at voyagerparts@bellsouth.net He is the best at helping with XII problems.

You have a ignition harness that comes down from the bottom of the switch and goes to the left and some of them were ty-wrapped to the frame just to the left of the battery and when you turn handle bars to the right it stretches the harness to tight and then when you turn them to the right it kinks them and after time some of the small wires will break. open harness and look for kinks or deformed small wires. Also this harness keeps going toward the left and goes into a large white connector and it sometimes gets corroded and you maybe able to just clean it. Also clean all other connectors you can get at. Also check the bottom of the fuse box in front of the battery for corrosion as well as checking the fuses them selves, sometimes they blow but they will look good or do not have a good connection. hope this helps. pm me if you can't get anywhere..

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