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Date Posted: Fri July 24, 2009 12:37:35PM
Author: marlowe
Subject: Re: Everybody love a good deal
In reply to: Craig O 's message, "Everybody love a good deal" on Thu July 23, 2009 8:01:55PM

make that 8523 mile. we rode yesterday two up and that was about the first long ride wife was with me [437]miles and she asked me what i did to the bike because it rode so nice and felt solid.ya i know i don't like to skimp on tires but was sick and tired of spending 150 for so called good tire and having them go to he-- in 9000 miles or less. [have a stack any one can have for free] of blistered and cuped and just plane poor ware patterns on Metz,Dun, Cont,SO i went out side the box and started looking at other brands. i have two big bikes Cavalcade and Voyager that i ride all the time so i use up some tires.i did and do a lot of research be for i buy any tire and check the load rating witch most don't or they would not end up with 404s on a Voyager and dealers could care less what they sell you. I would never tell anyone to use or not to use any tire that i have not used my self and have had trusted results.i used a lot of Conts.but they don't last like they did and Metz. i would not ever put a set on my bike again after 2 blistered tires and Metz said to bad and did nothing. so as to DURO it is a very old tire co that builds a wide range of tires and the load rating is right up with all the others 960 some thing so that is what i chose and am MORE then happy with them so far they are wearing straight i get NO low speed wobble at all [Metz at 30 and below i always had it with new or old tires].also just as soon as i can find a car tire that will fit on the rear i will have one on it on my old wing i ran a car tire and loved it and a lot of wing rides run them to this day know of 4 and one has 37,000 miles on the rear. i just fell that some times it pays to look at other brands and some time high price don't mean a better product

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