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Date Posted: Thu June 27, 2013 7:28:30AM
Author: doug of no fl
Subject: Re: Rear brake pad replacement
In reply to: Steven Higgins 's message, "Rear brake pad replacement" on Thu June 27, 2013 12:51:12AM

1. Unplug wiregoing to saddlebag lites at top of saddlebag near frame.
2. Remove saddlebag by pilling pin with large round ring inside bag,Lift up on bag and remove.
3 Puah caliper in (compress) as far in as you can.
4. Remove the 2 allen head bolts that hold caliper on bracket.
5. Lift caliper off of bracket & rotor.
6. Small pad will just lift ourfrom spring band.
7. Large pad, you have to compress the one or both stantions it hangs on & force it off of the end of one of them, very close fit but it will come off.
8. Replace pads same position as they came off.
9. Reassemble same as you removed makeing sure that pads stay where they are supposed to be.
10. Pump up rear brake until you have a solid pedal.
11. Test on center stand before you ride it ..

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