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Date Posted: Sun August 11, 2013 5:46:56PM
Author: doug of no fl
Subject: Re: HELP! Serious and Mysterious oil leak
In reply to: Rich 's message, "Re: HELP! Serious and Mysterious oil leak" on Sun August 11, 2013 11:58:50AM

Clean the area around and up into waterpump hsg & then look for the leak, maybe spray some baby powder so you can see it fast. The most commeon leak is the water pump shaft seal, Take a mirror and put it on the floor under water pump using a flashlite, shine it at the mirror, and you can find a small space that goes between water pump and engine about 1/4" wide and 3/4" inch long at the top of this cavity you will see a 1/8" dia hole, that is the weep hole for the water pump, if oil is coming out of there just a drop, you need to replace the seal, That leak can be prevented by only filling the oil level with 3qts, 22oz no more & no less...!! Carl Leo can get you the seal kit for the whole pump, very reasonable. Kaw does not sell the seal for the XII, but it is the same one for a older Concours. also you need the o-ring for around the water pump and 0-rings for the pipes on the water pump, all come in the kit from Carl, 731-413-8666, voyagerparts@bellsouth.net The leak also could be your clutch slave cylinder or the oil psi sensor , all in the same area, But water pump seal is most common. If you need directions on how to change it e-mail me or post a question or ask Carl. It is a pia job but doable and we have shortcuts.

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