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Date Posted: Sun December 22, 2013 2:58:03PM
Author: Jim W
Subject: Re: Forum will be closing at the end of 2013.
In reply to: BobK 's message, "Re: Forum will be closing at the end of 2013." on Sat December 21, 2013 2:04:45PM

This forum space is free. The space where the header (the information that no one really looked at or really followed the suggestions when they posted a message.) and all the FAQ's (which have been gone for over a year now) and the associated pages were at a web host provider that I currently pay for but I am not planning on renewing my contract at the first of the year. The web space I pay for doesn't cost a bunch of $$ but it takes a lot of my free time. I can't really keep asking for donations as a donation is just that, it is from the heart and those willing to donate can do just that. If the donations don't reach the break even point, then what, ask for more many would say but that's not really what donating is about. No one should be forced to donate, being forced to donate is not a donation. For the multitude of years I've kept this going, the donations came close to breaking even one year. And that's just it, I've tried to keep it running on less so the FAQ's and other features were removed and I lowered the amount of web space I paid for at that time to lessen my expenses. I am not going to put a number on it as there have been arguments here in the past about this and it's not worth arguing about. A donation is what you feel you can give and should never be what someone else makes you give. My intentions were to never to try to make a profit as I would be happy just to break even and if ever the donations were to at some point exceed the costs then I had planned on several new things I was going to add but that never happened. I am just like everyone else here, I am a working man, just getting by on what I earn and making ends meet the best I can and I can't keep footing the bill.

The forum as you see it now is the free part, it could be left like this if this is what you wish. I used to visit several times a day but now am only here on a few occasions. If you want it left like this, I'll leave it up.

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