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Date Posted: 13:37:55 04/05/03 Sat
Author: Det. Vic Mackey
Subject: Burial of a hero

(ooc: present day)

As TAPS plays in the background. Every officer in Juno is gathered at the Juno Cemetary for the burial of Det. Terry Crowley.

Capt. Aceveda deliveres the eulogy "There is an epitaph for an unknown soilder that reads. Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep. With my brothers in the field I kneel, their lives, my merit, my death, their zeal...."

Mackey and Shane stand there listening, while in Mackey's mind he is reliveing what really happened. He took Two-Time's gun and shot Terry, and the only two people who know about it are Mackey and Shane.

"...I believe these sentiments describe Detective Terry Crowley. An exceptional officer who loved his family, friends and loved being a cop. I think I speak for the entire department when I say Terry, our lives are your merit, and your death gives us zeal." Aceveda finished.

The 21 gun salute begins as the American flag is folded up and given to Det. Crowley's mother.

A short time later...

Mackey and Shane are walking away, Shane pulls out a cigarette. "What are you doing?" Mackey asks. Shane doesn't answer. "Save it for the car ride Shane." Mackey says. "I just didn't expect his mother to be here." Shane says. "Yeah, he had a mom, so what?" Mackey says. "What did we do Vic?" Shane asks.

Mackey pulls Shane a few more feet away from some passing officers. "What we had to do. We made him one of us and what did he do? Huh?" Mackey asks. "He turned rat" Shane replied. "He tried to stick you and me both in a cage with same god damn animals we fight every day. Now did I enjoy it? No. Did it need to be done? You're god damn right it did." Mackey replies.

Shane and Mackey walk to the car. "Now we're gonna ride this out. I've got that Blitzkreig kid on Tuesday. Training will tkae our minds off of this, until internal Affairs' report comes out, and it will clear us" Vic says as they drive off.

"Where we going?" Shane asks. "Promo room, I've got something to get off my chest." Mackey says.

Mackey and Shane pull up to the Robo Arena and come in through the wrestler's enterance and head straight for the promo room.

Mackey enters alone, leaving Shane on the outside. "Roll cameras." Mackey says as he flashes his badge to the crew. They set up quickly.

"Rolling" One says. "Listen up Juno. I had to bury one of my own today so I'm not in a very good mood. "This Tuesday, I've got s shot at the Traditional Championship. After putting in a war with that Euro-trash Vanity ShowWood, this kid will be a pushover. But, I'm letting it be known here and now that I'm making my play for the World Title and Latin Lover..." Mackey pauses for a minute.

"...Double L. I've dealt with crap like you out on the streets of Juno. I've been on the force for 18 years. I was around when Hawaiian Superman made this town what it is today. I was taking down drug dealers when you will at your momma's teet. I'm going to be World Champion, like it or not." Vic says as he storms out of the promo room.

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