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Date Posted: 17:10:04 04/07/03 Mon
Author: The Latin Lover
Subject: Armory Level Minus 82

*** The scene fades in on The Latin Lover sitting in his pink recliner in his well furnished hotel suite in the beautiful city of Juno. The time is 3:33 PM and incase you haven't been keeping up on pop culture - basically Double L's life - he has been completely banned from entering the Robo Wrestling arena by Xavier X Channel,president of RWF. As icing on the cake,Tyrone Walker,the master of shit talking,SOMEHOW found a cassette of the night Double L destroyed Dav Pinnick's portrait. (obviously dude you skimmed through my promo,but no bother) No,he didn't find a cassette,his boy Norman Smiley performed fellatio on several men in the RWF building in order to gain access to the cassette. (I do believe I took all the cassettes recording that night,or something like that?) The Latin Lover looks like he's devising a plan. ***

Latin Lover
...So X Chimp...You think by keeping the Latin Lover out of the RWF building is gonna stop him from conquering all that is? Maybe so...But as long as I have the streets,camera crews lined up ready to listen to me speak,I'll always have means of spreading my gospel. Hhmm...it's funny though. You and I actually have something in common. We both love to hate Dav Pinnick!

*** The Latin Lover grabs his cellular phone. He opens the lid,presses a button and says... ***

Latin Lover
Rainbow Brite...

*** Double L waits for Rainbow to pick up. ***


Latin Lover
Hey champ what's happening? Listen,I got a job for you and Unknown Jobber.

Oh goody! Tell me boss,what are we going to be doing?

Latin Lover
I'm glad you're enthusiastic about it. Great. I want you to pick up Unknown Jobber,I sent him out to the market to buy some light bulbs. After you've done that,I want you to brief him on what I'm going to tell you right now. You see,I've been banned from the RWF arena because of what I've done. But this crime will not go un-punished. Okay,seeing as how I can't go in and all,I'm sending you guys in. I haven't gotten word yet if you guys have been banned from entering,but even so. You guys won't be going through the front door,I'm sending you in through the back!

*** Obviously Brite loves this idea. He can be heard giggling on the other end. ***

Latin Lover
Dammit Rainbow you're such a homo! (laughs) You guys are gonna sneak in,go back into the RWF Hall of Fame wing and deface a couple more portraits for me. In addition,you're gonna put a Mid-Carder portrait back in there. It's a different one,you guys are in it now by yourselves. I hope you enjoy it,if you succeed you guys will be amongst RWF's Hall of Fame were you belong.

Boss you're so so so smart!

Latin Lover
Shut up I know. Remember,this little stunt is gonna get us out the fryin' pan and right into the fire! I don't mind this,a little heat never killed anyone. I know you guys wanna make a name for yourselves,this is your chance. Sneak in there,fuck some shit up and then bounce.

*** The Latin Lover reaches over and picks up the remote. He turns on the television. ***

Will do captain,over and way out! (hangs up the phone,or cuts the line..or something)

*** Double L flips his cell closed and begins watching the screen On it is Tyrone Walker with a card-board cut-out of The Latin Lover. He smiles then laughs while watching this little segment,wondering how can someone of Tyrone's capacity come up with such wonderful comedy everyone enjoys. To the Latin Lover though...that's all it is...comedy. He laughs anyway though,because that's what it's intended for. The scene fades out. ***

Caption : 5 Hours Later

*** The scene fades in on Rainbow Brite and Unknown Jobber. Jobber is wearing his trademark paper-bag on his head and Brite is all decked out in a pink ninja out-fit. Jobber is carrying the portrait and for some strange reason,Brite has a rope around his arm. Suddenly someone walks around the corner,a RWF "superstar" whom I won't mention in name. Unknown Jobber and Rainbow Brite scramble to look casual. Great cover-up. ***

Unknown Jobber

*** Terrible...Brite begins laughing like this was THEE funniest joke ever told. The "superstar" walks by leering at both "men" before walking around another corner. As soon as he's gone,Brite and Jobber make a mad dash towards the Hall of Fame wing. While running,Jobber hands Brite a walkie-talkie.***

Boss...huff huff...We're inside the building! Over...

Walkie-Talkie Latin Lover
...CSSHH! I copy...Status report,over...

We could have been spotted by (bleep)om,but I don't think he's gonna bother turning us in. Over...

CSSHH! Copy...How much longer before you reach the hall? Over...

Not long and not good if it isn't! (laughs) Just a couple more feet boss. We are here...Over...

CSSHH! Tell me...What do you see? Over...

Two guards are guarding the hall. They've got guns...Over...

CSSHH! Not good. Okay,use the tear-gas if you've brought it. Over...

Hey Jobber honey,have you got the tear-gas?

YUP! Right here in my pouch...Over.

Silly! Okay,let's use it and make em' cry cry cry!

*** And that's what they did! The tear-gas container went flying and the two guards began choking and running around. Without hesitation,Jobber and Brite put plastic bags over their heads and also break out a couple of Lex-Flexers,then they move in on the choking men. A couple of Lex-Flexers to the throat cleanly put out the two police officers. Jobber begins tying them up as Brite opens the door to the hall. (Pulp Fiction effect time) ***


*** Now that both police officers have been detained,Jobber runs back and picks up the portrait left behind during the scramble. The both of them rush into the room breaking their plastic cover. (I'm surprised they didn't choke) Once they reached the new portrait of Dav Pinnick they grab it,toss it aside then rip open the packaging of the new portrait ready to take that ones place. Brite places it up on the hook,the both of them gaze in wonderment as they look at themselves on it. Big red letters spell out Mid-Carders while the remaining members pose. Death Warrior,Rainbow Brite,Captain Japan and Unknown Jobber. They flash a thumbs up sign to one another,then they dash over to X-Channels portrait. Brite pulls out a black thick magic marker from his pants and begins drawing a funny mustache on X's picture. They give him devil horns and criss-cross his eyes. Another thumbs up flash,they now run over to Hawaiian Superman's portrait. From out of his pants,Brite pulls out two tomatoes. He juggles them before tossing them towards the portrait. Direct hit!!! Jobber hops over the velvet rope and spins the portrait around. The Hawaiian Superman is now up-side down. ***

That'll teach em' to mess with our boss! Let's go!!

Wait baby,we got to get the tapes recording us doing it! Come on,let's go find them!!

CSSHH!!! How's the mission coming along boys?

We are done boss-a-rooni! All we got to do now is find the tapes...Over...

CSSHH!! Good good. Get THEM ALL! I don't want Tyrone Walker NOR X finding out who's done this. Surely the blame is gonna be placed on me but no worries. Over...

Copy! Over and out...


*** Brite and Jobber look at one another in total surprise. It was at this point that Unknown Jobber and Rainbow Brite went at it with about 8 cops and won! (First time huh?) The fight was straight out of a batman episode! A lot of WHAM,POWS and KAZOOM'S flashed on the screen as Jobber and Brite fought for their lives! 10 Minutes later the scene shifts to the back door of the RWF building. On the ground is a sleeping policeman. The door bursts open and out come flying Jobber and Brite. Laughing like idiots,they fly into the nights shadows to bring their boss,The Latin Lover,the tapes of the vandalism. And you know what? They got ALL the tapes! Somehow though I feel that someone will pull another tape out their ass? Whatever the case may be,that night Double L reviewed what they had done and how they had done it. Having completed a job like this fell greatly on Double L. He took both Rainbow Brite and Unknown Jobber out for some ice cream that very night. CSSHH! Over and out! ***

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