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Date Posted: 17:38:39 04/10/03 Thu
Author: RWF Webmaster
Subject: Locker Room Scoops

Hello and welcome to this edition of RWF Locker Room Scoops. We here at rwf.com will produce this weekly newsletter to let you the fans know about the backstage happenings of the RWF World.

- Latin Lover is very angry over his loss of the RWF World Title to Tyrone Walker, rumors say he's placing the blame on Cabbie Klowaski and Danielle Brisbane.

- While on the subject of Latin Lover, rumors are floating around the locker room that he is in talks with several major MCW Superstars to being a full scale invasion of the RWF. The most likely date for this to begin in on April 20th at the King of the Forest

-Tyrone Walker is fast becoming one of the most popular 'heels' in the RWF, and his recent World Title win may just put him over the top witht he fans. The coming weeks should get interesting for this rookie.

-Danielle Brisbane is looking for a World Title shot before the end of this season. Season 12 is Danielle's final season and she looks to enter the RWF Hall Of Fame, if so she will secure her place in history becoming the first female to be inducted into the RWF Hall of Fame.

-The return of Cabbie Klowaski surprised everyone, including most RWF superstars, who were unaware of the returning champion until they saw him walking through the hallways of the arena. Season 12 is also Cabbie's final season and he looks to break the record of most World Title reigns before entering the Hall of Fame. He has 5 right now, but the season has just begun.

-'Blitzkreig' Brian Von Braun and Det. Vic Mackey are both looking forward to their shots at the RWF World Champion and the RWF Tag Team Titles this coming week on Hangover. Both men are accomplished athletes and are looking to make their mark.

-If you noticed Det. Mackey embracing a woman and her kids in the crowd on Tuesday, the woman is Det. Mackey's wife, Corinne and his three kids Cassidy, Matt and Alexis.

-Kave Blackwell is growing increasingly frustrated as of late. He took a hit of acid on live TV, so that may be the reason. Before the show on Tuesday, he threw every can of beer out of his dressing room.......unopened. He's also been seen haging around with Ring of Honor stable Special K.

- Shay is fast becoming a popular star with the, hard to please, RWF fans. If he keeps up a winning streak, he will be due for a title shot.

-Ken Wild met with President Xavier Channel privately before Hangover ended, it is unknown what was talked about, but it presumably was a pep talk, much like X recieved during his rookie days.

Taht's all for this week RWF Fans. Enjoy Hangover

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