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Date Posted: 15:44:11 03/27/03 Thu
Author: Rowan and Tristan
Subject: Gettin' hot in herre!

Rowan felt a little conflicted at the moment. He had Soran in his arms, finally, his fingers lightly massaging the boy’s back as they embraced. The only thing separating their bodies was the thin material of his own shirt. Soran’s head was on his shoulder; he could smell the soap in his hair and the wine on his breath.

Gods damn him, though. He’d hugged like a little child, not as a potential lover, wrapping his arms around him and calling him “uncle.” Rowan didn’t know what to do except hold him and continue stroking his back. A sort of lump had arisen in his throat, so he didn’t want to try to talk.

When Soran drew back and looked him in the eyes again, little bells started going off in his head. Children, no matter what the case, did NOT look at adults like that. He’s got to be at least sixteen years old, he reasoned with himself. He knows what he’s doing. Then he remembered how angry he’d gotten with Jeremy for trying to take advantage of him the other night, and he cringed.

Soran smiled. “You gotta gimme a goodnight kiss, too,” he said, before tilting his head and meeting Rowan’s own lips with his own.

It occurred to him then, very briefly, that it would be very, very wrong to take this any further. Soran was drunk, clearly out of his head. Plus there was the chance that he didn’t know HOW to be close to someone without anticipating sex. He would regret this in the morning, when he sobered up and had a raging headache on his hands.

All that aside, Rowan knew he was a goner. His arms turned around Soran as he deepened the kiss, making little effort to hold back. He parted the boy’s lips with his own and probed the inside of his mouth with his tongue, stroking deeply and evoking a surprising moan from him. His hands wouldn’t stay still; they held and caressed Soran’s youthful body, stroking and exploring every inch of him, even slipping under the hem of the pants he’d just tugged on.

He was a little shocked when the boy lay down on his own accord, his hand reaching out to pull Rowan down on top of him. He wants this, he thought, kissing his lips again before moving to kiss down the side of his neck. In any case, Soran sure wasn’t ACTING like he didn’t want this. What was he supposed to do?”

“I’m sorry,” Rowan murmured, cupping the boy’s face with both hands and staring down into his eyes. “I’m just not strong enough for this.” Then he kissed him again, his hands resuming their slow, pleasant roaming. Any second, he expected to be pushed away, but when it didn’t happen, he began to grow more and more aroused, losing himself to the sweet sensuality of the moment.


Tristan was a little taken aback by Jeremy’s request to learn more about Soran in exchange for the pills. He let go of the coins in his pocket and gave him a curious look. Why Soran? What did he have to do with anything?

Did it matter? He eyed the pills in the bag hungrily and bit his lip. That was the key to their happiness, right there! If he felt himself getting upset or depressed, he could just pop one when Marz wasn’t looking. They would be, at most, simply helping him to handle his emotions better. Once he got used to being in a consistently good mood, he wouldn’t need them anymore. And if he did, well, at least he knew whom to go to, now.

But ratting out Soran—and it WAS ratting out on him, if he told Jeremy what he knew. He remembered the ex-prostitute had NOT been happy with him when he’d told Naiomi what he really was. Obviously, Soran wasn’t proud of his profession. He probably didn’t want the whole world to know what he was—or what he used to be, since Tristan assumed he’d given it up. His sister was safe and taken care of now, after all.

“Soran?” he asked, trying to stall.

Jeremy nodded. He looked really anxious, maybe even a little irritated.

Tristan bit his lip again. Well…but he really needed those pills. He really did. He couldn’t stand to lose Marz again, so he ought to do everything in his power to keep him.

“All right,” he agreed. “We found him about a week ago, lying in a cabin on the beach with a knife in his back. He worked as a prostitute. He needed drugs, not for himself, but for his little sister, for her health, to keep her calm. We took him home, cleaned them both up. The sister’s living with us, I think he lives with Rowan now.”

He shrugged. “He’s kind of touchy, but I don’t think he’s a bad guy, really. Think their parents must be dead, too. Anything else? That’s really all I know.”

Jeremy shook his head. He looked like he’d just had the shock of his life. “Here, dude,” he said, shoving the bag of pills into Tristan’s hand. Then he whirled around and took off, heading for a group of nearby tents.

Tristan watched for a second before turning and stuffing the pills into his pocket. He hummed happily to himself as he moved through the crowd, trying to pick out Marz and Breeze. His brow furrowed, though, when he saw her standing with a group of girls, all of them gossiping about something he couldn’t quite catch.

He stopped and made a complete circle, scanning the other dancers with such meticulous intensity that a few couples gave him odd looks. When he couldn’t find Marz, he felt a bit stumped. The fact that his lover was missing didn’t really bother or concern him, he was just confused. Where could he have run off to?

A grin tugged as his lips when he remembered their special trick all of a sudden. Closing his eyes, he concentrated very hard on Marz. A tingling feeling rushed through his entire body, and when he opened his eyes again, he just KNEW where he was—or at least in what direction he was in.

Smiling, he followed the slowly fading invisible link away from the camp and into the forest, eventually taking him to a small pond. A hot flush replaced the tingly feeling when he spotted Marz sitting on the bank, smoking a cigarette, completely naked.

As if sensing his presence, his lover looking up and grinned at him. Tristan grinned back and hurried to his side, plopping down beside him. He didn’t say a word, only took the cigarette from his hands and inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as he exhaled. Then he flicked it into the lake, and, still without speaking, turned to wrap his arms around Marz’s warm, naked body and began to kiss him passionately.

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