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Questions for Missionaries
This forum has been created so that people who have a desire to reach the world with the Gospel can be benefited by having the ability to ask experienced missionaries questions about principles and practices on the field.

Subject Author Date
If you can’t love a god who lets anyone suffer foreverRodger Tutt (http://www.tentmaker.org)08:10:13 04/22/08 Tue
If you cannot love a god who would let anyone suffer foreverRodger Tutt (http://www.tentmaker.org)10:47:10 05/07/08 Wed
Why I believe the Bible teaches universal salvationRodger Tutt (http://www.tentmaker.org)10:48:24 05/07/08 Wed
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If you cannot love an eternal torment godRodger Tutt (http://www.tentmaker.org)15:56:37 06/28/08 Sat
GOD WILL HAVE ALL MANKIND BE SAVEDRodger Tutt (http://www.tentmaker.org)10:11:58 11/17/08 Mon
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