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Date Posted: 01:18:48 03/21/01 Wed
Author: m&m
Subject: Investigator, I don't think that's fair to say nor the main factor to worry about, jmo...(click for reasoning)
In reply to: Investigator 's message, "In case you're interested, that fake name thing on TT started when a TNT fan started impersonating Babak, TerriL, Siren, OTWB, Candy, and other T&Bers. I honestly think it was just ONE TNTer doing it, because the writing style was the same in each case. That ONE person started all this trouble." on 21:32:01 03/20/01 Tue

...because to start with, like Jules said, I was never convinced that person was a TnTer to begin with. Yes, I've seen the threads where a TTer or two has been impersonated, but you know what? To me, it looks like a continuation of the niece, cousin, sister, whoever it was who came out of the anona-troublemaker closet (who's "relation" had become a regular Knoll person) on the old Grassy Knoll at the exact moment when the management was discussing outing the annoyance with ISP check.

It is my strong belief that that person was neither TnTer nor TTer for the simple reason that it was posting to annoy that board (which implies not a TTer in that sense), but what it was posting was mocking TnT fans as well, which might have been missed over there but was standing out like a red flag from this side of the fence, where the type of things being posted were as based on put downs and myth as the names used...'tea-is-my-life-I-die-without-her-and-pay-homage-to-an-icon-daily' kind of utter BS.

From that view, the instigator might not even 'fit' in a fanbase at all...so to chalk this up to a 'we didn't start this game' or it was all the work of "X" (whatever/whomever X was) really doesn't matter in the end does, it? It's great fuel to add to the fire and the idea that its okay to reduce it to 'well, weeee were invaded fiiiiirst'...I'd rather see it doused and renounced as a whole, all around...

What further bugs the heck out of me, is that it feels to me like to some, its annoying and cause for a bunch of collective name-calling at TnTers if its a TTer having that done to them, but I sure did notice a bunch of people enjoyed the heck out of the thread that Jules is referring to...

My question then becomes...so which is it? Do those hate that posters are being impersonated or does it only matter when it's 'your side' and when its someone else its a good time? Cause we too have our Faux Jackie, LindaB, check down the board for Nan, etc....so that alone will trample any idea that I see being taken from this in several cases---A). that it's just a TnT thing so this makes it okay to name-call, and B). that this makes it okay to keep fighting a war that too many of us, hopefully on both sides want OVER, and to have an excuse for the name calling that I'm seeing and turning purple over.

And though I'm gonna hate myself for going there, I've held back this frustration so long I'm about to burst...I've also seen some of the same souls who are so pissed off at being invaded by 'whoever' in the anon state of being in their home turn around and come over here and post anon, or something that at least has a name but is intended to incite (some of which have ran back and bragged about it to boot in one thread and then whined about anons in their zone in another)---so I'm really frustrated by any twist that worries about who does it first, but wish the resounding note instead would just be agreement by all of us frustrated with it that these games that affect REAL people, on whatever levels, were ignored, deleted, whatever the form of saying "this doesn't belong here".

"She did it first" doesn't matter in the face of Jules' anger or hurt over this, because Jules had no part in these games and got dragged over into it---that makes it wrong and unfair nevertheless---so it won't make it more right to her and it shouldn't either.

It's like when two kids are fighting and driving a mother nuts...mine in the heat of frustration used to scream "I don't care who did what to who first, it doesn't give you the right to do what back to who in turn" and that's where I think it's important to keep the emphasis...and its either one person or small group screwing with both sides and having a great laugh on the whole deal, or a domino war effect thingie kept going by a select few, but in the end, it's saying "this in any form isn't necessary---ENOUGH!" that's most important.


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