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Date Posted: 15:27:37 03/21/01 Wed
Author: Pilar
Subject: Apricot, please click here...
In reply to: Apricot 's message, "Re: 5) Correction, Apricot, “sexless” Todd version is NOT a Long/JFP creation! TnR, Post-Ireland, & TnT were YEARS of stories of Todd NOT having sex, for whatever reasons! Add up the years, Apricot, & tell me honestly which is majority of Todd’s story, T&B I AND BnT or ALL those stories!? Anyway, I’ve long know some fans fell for Malone’s rewrite, see “Todd Lord” as the Real Todd or “Malonian” Todd, I just totally disagree as that pov requires IGNORING way too much Toddian history!" on 11:55:38 03/21/01 Wed

“Then again, I try to avoid the notion that there is a RealTodd, and any other portrayals are somehow illegitimate.”

Apricot, I think there is some truth in that after all these years there isn’t as much left of RealTodd anymore, shame Toddian history and personality gets trashed to suit whatever lousy story Roger has to act… until he gets fed up & quits that is. And anyone who doesn't think he could walk again is kidding themselves.

“One of the things I loved most about TnT was the idea, in the early days, that Todd could move forward as a character, away from the real psychotic stuff of some of the earlier versions. I was always an advocate of Todd-in-therapy, which is anathema to those people who want him as bad as he can be. I never liked Todd killing people, or hurting them for no reason, and just walking away from what he did.”

I very much enjoyed TnR and TnT because in both relationships Todd was striving to grow as a human being, evolving and maturing in some ways - making some progress instead of settling and accepting he is garbage. He was still bad in many ways, capable of great rage but he was striving to overcome the abusive learned behavior of his childhood.

I find it really sad how BOTH Todd and Blair when together DENY their emotional problems, don't face their demons but whitewash them behind revenge kicks or crazy antics against others. NEITHER does any soul searching when together, worst part of T&B for me. Stagnate characters like Blair and a Lindsay never have appealed to me... that's why I love Todd who HAD grown so much over the years.

“It's one of the reasons I disliked his involvement in the shooting of Max. I hated Max, but Blair trying to kill him and not only walking away from it, but colluding with Todd to try and pin the blame on someone they knew was innocent really diminished T&B for me. I want that story gone - just like I wanted the bombing of the Armitage yacht or the shooting of R.J. gone.”

Todd is a bad guy, a villain with a huge heart but a big part of the fascination has always been that “edge” wherein his rage lies just below the surface. Strip it away and you get Todd Lord, more anti-hero than damaged, angry guy.

I wanted therapy for Todd BEFORE he morphs into someone who can control his rage… that’s difference between us then, as no I don’t want that part of Todd magically gone overnight.

“ITA agree that Todd was sexless from after the undeading to earlier this year - not just under JFP. I shouldn't have implied it was only her.”

That’s ok, I just get annoyed when Toddian history gets rewritten like only time in his story he never had sex was 2 years with Tea. Just ain’t truth, we BOTH know that but some NEW to Todd’s story do seem to buy spins way too much for my taste so sorry I tend to be on campaign NOT to support Toddian myths.

“I also agree that there has been no explanation for it - or for the miraculous disappearance of Todd's supposed sexual dysfunction.”

But here we disagree Todd’s dysfunction was not sexual… it was same he had from day one on show, fear of intimacy, and later fear of unleashing his sexually aggressive nature due to rapes. And this BnT story hasn’t cured him of either problem IMO. I found that BnT peculiar sex scene even worse than T&B I, Todd so submissive NOT capable of making love TO a woman or with a woman... but being taken is distasteful to me, BAD message to send that rapists can't unleash their sexual desires but must be dominated like that.

“But, in the absence of any explanation, I'm going with mine - it disappeared when TnT left last March, which is why she'll be coming back with Baby Boy Manning.”

I have NO interest in Todd having another baby with Blair or Tea…. His one child is screaming for a great story and I would hope someday TIIC stop the demon child laughs and start dealing with that serious troubled child… That would be a major evolution in Todd’s life IF forced to face what his behavior has resulted in his once beloved child.

“Is other history being ignored?”

I had some hopes in the jailhouse scenes T&B were going to hash out their real problems mutual lack of trust and communication. That’s been their problems for years, blaming THIS setup/incident IS ignoring their history. There is lots of reasons for Todd not to ever trust Blair in their history.

And w/specter scenes I had hopes Todd's past, his childhood demons would be addressed but that never happens in a BnT storyline as Blair and her issues take center stage as they are now.

“Well, all of his time with Téa certainly is presently being ignored.”

You know that doesn’t bother me like others, I got used to that when TnR was wiped from his memory and THAT was huge then… later ignoring Patrick dying & Marty’s accusing face got ignored, too… so ce la vie, writers have short attention spans that’s all.

“And this is hard for TnT fans because TnT had a rich and fascinating story, which is part of Todd's history.”

The progress Todd was making in NOT falling for that acceptance of being pathetic has been wiped out. He’s regressed back a great deal… still very much seeing himself as garbage but that’s Todd, he always regresses especially when his self-esteem is taking a beating.

“For what it's worth, at least the current characters aren't dissing or demeaning TnT, which I think would make for more potential problems - TnT simply aren't being mentioned. I assume this is deliberate, and leaves the door open for FL's return. But even if I hear "You're the only person I ever loved" from Blair (well, it isn't as if she hasn't said that to other men, pre- and post-Todd), or from Todd, well soaps are flexible, and one minute's truth is the next minute's misunderstanding.”

I think you’ve got me confused with TnTers who are worried about dialogue like that. Heck, Todd has said like words to all his women, we belong together, fated to be, yadayada like I said on this board Todd needs new pick up lines or writers more original ideas.

Nothing about BnT touches how I feel about TnT just like T&B I never damaged my love of TnR.

“I think Tomlin has a great interest in backstory, and in past characters - especially those he knew when he was a director, which would be pre-TnT.”

ITA, I hear he loves Todd and Nora most of the old characters.

“I don't think he's stupid enough or insensitive enough to trash a big fan base, which TnTer represent.”

I really don’t worry about him trashing TnT fanbase as I think MAJORITY of TnT fans put him first in their hearts and TNT is safely offscreen. I think a couple/character can only get truly trashed on screen, I watched it happen to T&B, felt more than enough closure but hey JMHO, they were ended & deserved to end w/Starr Wars I.

Anyways, I am finding online and offline Toddaholics like myself are the fanbase being trashed the worst. We just want the focus on Todd, I was happy for a few weeks when GT changed McHack’s own declared Blairian tale to more focused on Todd, insights into his feelings, working out HIS problems. Alas, back to it’s all about Blair and frankly even if I liked Blair, Todd is still my fave and I want him CENTER-STAGE not playing sidekick in her crazed, pathetic life.

“If he does intend to bring back FL (as rumours indicate), ignoring her at present may be deliberate policy to allow for a greater impact on her return. I am choosing to think so.”

Would love FL back, too. However, at this point I’ll settle for Roger staying and given a good story focused on Todd, who used to be the MOST fascinating character on OLTL, now’s he reduced to Max-like behaviour yuck.yuck.yuck.

Todd was and IS more important to me than Tea or TnT3.

Thanks for taking time to respond!

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