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Subject: Re: make thousands in weeks from 6$

test (test)
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Date Posted: 00:33:02 02/05/12 Sun
In reply to: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 's message, "make thousands in weeks from 6$" on 22:45:29 05/05/04 Wed

>Category: College
>Date: 5/26/03
>Time: 7:05:41 AM
>Remote Name:
>: Before I read it, I figured it was one of those
>things where you : have to do something questionable
>and you get like $5 a week or : something really
>crappy. When I looked at the message, it said I :
>could make thousands of dollars by investing only
>$6!!! AND I : would start bringing in the money almost
>right away. Still : certain that it must be a joke, I
>read on. Anyway, to make a : long, exciting, money
>making story short, I followed the : instructions (I
>copied them down for you below), decided I could : go
>ahead and waste 6 bucks which I'd probably never see
>again, : : and, well? It's just amazing if you ask me.
>: I've already doubled that six dollars about a
>zillion times : over...oh yeah, the other thing is
>that I still wasn't sure of : the legality of it all.
>I called the questions line of the U.S. : Postal
>Service (1-800-725-2161) just to make sure that the
>place : where I read the Postal Service said it's
>legal was telling the : truth (and it is indeed
>perfectly not against the law), and I've : heard from
>other people that this is also legal in Britain and :
>Canada (and must be in loads of other countries too).
>: Other people have been doing this, and raking in the
>thousands : just as I have. I haven't exactly kept
>track, but an example : from another person: : Week 1:
>About $25 : Week 2: Over $1,000 : Week 3: Over$10,000
>Week 4: Just over $42,000 I've been putting : mine in
>the bank at a high interest rate since I got enough
>for : one of those accounts, and am now getting even
>more money. : Forget about playing the lottery and not
>even being sure that : you'll win. Anyway, here's what
>you do to get loads of money : (you may want to print
>this so you can start carrying it out : right away): :
>STEP 1: Get 6 separate pieces of paper. On each piece
>of paper, : write these words: PLEASE PUT ME ON YOUR
>MAILING ADDRESS. Then : also put your name and address
>on each sheet of paper. : STEP 2: Get six U.S. $1
>bills (or, if you're not so lazy, the : currency of
>the country of the address you're writing to). Wrap :
>each of the pieces of paper around each of the dollar
>bills. : This can also help prevent the money being
>seen through the : envelope so it's not stolen (as if
>anyone would steal $1 out of : the mail anyway). :
>STEP 3: Get six stamped envelopes. Place the paper and
>money in : the envelopes. You should now have 6 sealed
>envelopes, each with : a piece of paper stating the
>above phrase, your name and : address, and a $1.00
>bill. What you are doing by this is : creating a
>service. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! : STEP 4: Mail the
>6 envelopes to the following addresses:
>: #1 Mark Armijo 7404 wolfcreek rd santa fe new mexico
>87501 : #2) ) B.J. Grissin 76 Falkirk Ave Wellington
>6003 New Zealand : #3 C.A. Spaniel 6503 Ranchito Av
>Van Nuys, CA 90401-1537 : #4) Roman Claude 201
>Hospital Dr. McKenzie, TN 38201 USA : #5) Ariel Skye,
>20 Franciscan Way, St. Augustine, FL 32084-5308 : #6)
>Alexander Nascimento 45 PARK GROVE ROAD, Leytonstone,
>London E11 4PT
>: PART II: Now take the #1 name off the list that you
>see above, : move the other names up (6 becomes 5, 5
>becomes 4, etc..) and : add YOUR Name as number 6 on
>the list. : Change anything you need to, but try to
>keep this article as : close to original as possible.
>: Now, post your amended article on at least 200
>newsgroups on the : Internet. (I believe there are
>close to 24,000 groups.) : All you need is 200; but,
>remember: the more you post, the more : money you
>Step 1) You do not need to re-type this entire letter
>to do your : own posting. Simply put your cursor at
>the beginning of this : letter and drag your cursor to
>the bottom of this document, and : select 'copy' from
>the edit menu. This will copy the entire : letter into
>the computer memory. : Step 2) Open a blank Notepad
>file and place your cursor at the : top of the blank
>page. From the 'edit' menu select 'paste'. This : will
>paste a copy of the letter into Notepad so that you
>can add : your name to the list. : Step 3) Save your
>new notepad file as a '.txt' file. If you want : to do
>your postings in different sittings, you'll always
>have : this file to go back to. : Step 4) Use Netscape
>or Internet explorer and try searching for : various
>newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat
>sites, : discussions.) : Step 5) Visit these message
>boards and post this article as a : new message by
>highlighting the text of this letter and : selecting
>paste from the edit menu. : Fill in the Subject, this
>will be the header that everyone sees : as they scroll
>through the list of postings in a particular : group,
>click the post message button. You're done with your :
>first one! : Congratulations...THAT'S IT! All you have
>to do is jump to : different newsgroups and post away,
>after you get the hang of : it, and it will take about
>30 seconds for each newsgroup! : REMEMBER, THE MORE
>it! You will begin receiving money from around the
>world : within days! You may eventually want to rent a
>P.O. Box due to : the large amount of mail you will
>receive. If you wish to stay : anonymous, you can
>invent a name to use, as long as the postman : will
>CORRECT. Now the WHY Part: : Out of 200 postings, say
>I receive only 5 replies (a very low : example). So
>then I made $5.00 with my name at #6 on the letter. :
>Now, each of the 5 persons who just sent me $1.00 make
>the : MINIMUM 200 postings, each with my name at #5
>and only 5 persons : respond to each of the original
>5, that is another $25.00 for : me, now those 25 each
>make 200 MINIMUM posts with my name at #4 : and only 5
>replies each, I will bring in an additional $125.00! :
>Now, those 125 persons turn around and post the
>MINIMUM 200 with : my name at #3 and only receive 5
>replies each, I will make an : additional $625.00! OK,
>now here is the fun part, each of those : 625 persons
>post a MINIMUM 200 letters with my name at #2 and :
>they each only receive 5 replies, that just made me
>$3,125.00!!! : Those 3,125 persons will all deliver
>this message to 200 : newsgroups with my name at #1
>and if still 5 persons per 200 : newsgroups react I
>will receive $15,625,00! With an original : investment
>of only $6.00! ($5 + $25 + $125 + $625 +$3,125 + :
>$15,625 = $19,530 in just 6 levels of the plan!)
>AMAZING! When : your name is no longer on the list,
>you just take the latest : posting in the Newsgroups,
>and send out another $6.00 to names : on the list,
>putting your name at number 6 again. And start :
>posting again. The thing to remember is, do you
>realize that : thousands of people all over the world
>are joining the Internet : and reading these articles
>everyday, JUST LIKE YOU are now!! So : can you afford
>$6.00 and see if it really works?? : I think so...
>People have said, "What if the plan is played out :
>and no one sends you the money?" So what! What are the
>chances : of that happening when there are tons of new
>honest users and : new honest people who are joining
>the Internet and newsgroups : every day and are
>willing to give it a try? Estimates are at : 20,000 to
>50,000 new users, every day, with thousands of those :
>joining the actual Internet. Remember, play FAIRLY and
>HONESTLY : and this will work 100%. : Peace for all.
>P.S. The reson for sending the money to the above six
>people is to build up your trust with other
>newsgroups; therefore, they will include you too!
>Last changed: May 26, 2003

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