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Subject: Are You Ready For This

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Date Posted: 17:44:54 08/18/03 Mon
In reply to: Lizbeth 's message, "~[Indifferent]~" on 15:41:22 08/13/03 Wed

(I am sooooo sorry it took me so long to reply, i was on vacation)
Young filla's head lifted instantly upon hearing the mares abroach. Small tail swept about her flanks riding herself of a stray fly as she listened to her speak. Dark orbs bore into the others soul as if searching for something. Audits flickered about with each new word the mare spoke. The small hairs of her mane were blown about as an intast gust of wind swept them. A small shiver drawing up her spine. A rabbit leapt at of the wood and Diva's eyes strayed a moment watch it pad up to a few clovers and beggin to eat. As soon as the mare finished speaking a long silence that was almost dreary swept betweeen them. Suddenly the silence broke and the filly's eye that were once far off deep in thought began to draw nearer until they came upon the mare standing before her. A sister, I've never had a sister before, actually I've never had a mother before she thought to herself still staring at the mare. Small hooves drew her a step forward "My name is Diva" she said suddenly beggining to eye the stranger, nothing more came out of her mouth even though the offer had been layed on the table she wasn't ready to pick it up and embrace it. She wasn't even sure she could trust this other.

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