Subject: Find me When It's Time |
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Date Posted: 17:41:42 10/17/03 Fri
In reply to:
My Immortal
's message, "Invisible..." on 19:45:55 10/03/03 Fri
The appoloosa stallion, walks over the filly and mare, the packs n his back growing heavy with the rain. Pity heavied his heart as her glaced down at the little one,scarred and hurt all over. SLowly he lowers himself to the ground, knocking the packs off his back. He drew one open, revealing oats and many other treats. He nodded to them, giving permision for the foal to help herself. He turned and opened a different pack, that had leaves and oter things in it. Carefully he picked up a dark green one with his teeth, and motioned for the mare. Setting it on a flat rock he began to instruct the mare. This is called an 'Iratral Leaf'. You must be very gentle with it, however the rain makes it strong. Inside it is a soulution that will help heal the young one's injuries. Over in the pack I opened is another leaf, a small brown one. Take that one and have her eat it, it won't taste good, but it will help heel that fractured leg of hers. Do this and call to me in about o week, I will ckeck how well the mixtue worked and see if there is anything else that needs to be done. He nodded to her and walked back over to the filly Keep that pack, miss. I have no nee of it.> he took the brownleaf out of the second pack, and flung the others over his back, and turned to leave.
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