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Subject: "And yet you're here, awaiting for an adult to show you guidance and offer you a place to stay."

Deepest Desire
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Date Posted: 03:40:07 10/14/02 Mon
In reply to: Ariani 's message, ""Just look at you all, disgraces to the Evil race!" +the crimson head shakes in disgust of his peers, and again the haughty voice rings out+ "All of you, coming here sick or injured...you wouldn't last a day!"" on 20:31:37 10/13/02 Sun

"And yet you're here, awaiting for an adult to show you guidance and offer you a place to stay." The mare says quietly, but with an amused expression carved on her face. "And brave? Pray, dear colt, do tell me why it is that your future guardian must be brave? Are you hard too handle, or is it only something you say to scare off the weak?" Her tone is not mocking, but rather brimming with interest. He reminds me of myself at his age...my, my, was I really so unapproachable? She thinks, cracking with mental laughter although expression stays calm.

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"Naturally...how else would I learn the ways of the shadowed?"Ariani16:17:53 10/14/02 Mon

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