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Date Posted: 09:19:39 09/30/04 Thu
Author: dave
Subject: Re: Red Yellow England (Italy to be more specific)
In reply to: anthony 's message, "Red Yellow England (Italy to be more specific)" on 18:52:45 09/27/04 Mon

Red Yellow England is the name of my new band actually. The old bassist we had was in another band at the same time and that other band got signed so we had to find another bassist. With that we changed the style of music and the band name. As for the design, it was all jim, i'm pretty confident he meant to have the colours that way, and the letters in the words to be mixed up as they are. For anyone whos intersted, our new band will sound along the lines of the police, the exit, the killers, and franz ferdinand. We should be playing shows within a couple months and i'll keep you posted. Sop if you think you would enjoy then keep checking for more info. We could use the support starting out.

>Red Yellow England is cool, I like it, but are the
>colors supposed to be swapped for red and yellow,
>cause the england is green, pretty clever, and who
>made it anyway, was it you jim.
>I am in the dark at this random attack of pefect
>P.S. Cole measures his relationship in Bandwidth.
>swerv on you 56k freak...

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  • Re: Red Yellow England (Italy to be more specific) -- Cole, 12:59:52 10/01/04 Fri
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