Subject: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh |
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Date Posted: 13:25:39 06/27/02 Thu
ohhhhhhhhh hit a raw nerve did i????? as you would say!
fucking pot calling the kettle black, u sit there calling me a keyboard warrior when ure just like sittin there doing exactly the same thing, and u know it!!
all this comes down to football in the end, why oh why u have somehting against birmingham is beyond me, and learn to fucking write sentances g2 u thick preston wanker who will be spending the next ten fucking years in division one!!
hahahaah, preston, their managers left and there best player went to man city, preston thought they were really someone when the beat us on penalties in the playoff final. there u all were, wearing ya baxi shirts running onto the pitch, was that the highlight of prestons footballing career?
u lot forgot the real resons u won on the night, a flukey shit last minute goal in injury time which was fucking offside (and u fuckin know it) to send the game into injury time. and then, u fuckin got battered by bolton in the final, at leats we would given them a match!!
but nevermind, us brummies stuck with our team, we kept right on and went on to win promotion at cardiff the following season, what spirit and passion we all show!!
enjoy playing gillingham next season u wanker g2, how u have got the nerve to blaze my team is just untrue u jealous fucking slag!
u can type what u like, but your shitty text cannot hide what u really feel inside, that birmingham city are a quality side with a loyl, massive fan base!!!
hahahhahaha, jealous wankers!! all of ya!!!!!!!!!!
and as for kent being better than birmingham, remind me how?
just full of fucking fields ent it~????????
just like ya team stewart, utter bolex!
bcfc til i die
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