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Subject: Sos got to correct u on this

Liam BlueNose Benton
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Date Posted: 20:39:38 07/04/02 Thu

First of all the score was 7-0

And This was not the last time we played them we played them in pre season last year i remember going to watch it and i also went to the 7-0 drubbing they were terrific at one point we were singing y y y delighla. I remember sitting in the stoke end for the match and laughing my bollocks off all the way through.

As for transfer news i know oliver oliseba ios not joining blues because he wants to hold on for a be=tter club.

And also Inter have know said that they want to keep mohamed kallon. (Does this mean ronaldo is Madrid Bound)

As for blues i know we have offered contracts to the following Ince, Mustoe, Ronnie Johnsson and irwin.

I would love to have them all apart from Irwin.

I have heard rumors off robbie savages web site that he is trying to sell the club to muzzie izzet Bruce asked him to talk to izzet about a possible transfer to the zulu's the offer has been accepted at 5.7million WOW BLUES ARE SIGNING A FEW CHECKS HOW BOUT A BLANK ONE FOR RONOLDINIHO.

So guys replie with all your quieries and opinions or write me a quiz i love general knoledge of the 1st div.

Yours Truely Bluey

#Liam The Blue Nose Benton KRO.....

Also for all you blues fans the tampera ias to be replaced SHOCK SHOCK HORROR HORROR

KRO......... To the Fa Barclaycard Premiership

Also i have 4 greenday tickets i am trying to sell for the 17th of July send us an e-mail if you would like to buy the 4 for 65 quid or nearest offer at bilabong182@hotmail.com they are for wembley arena

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it was 7-0 because i was there as well i rember singing stand up if ur 7-0 up!! what tune r we haing next sveason then? i liked the tamperer...i think we should buy bobby zamora and matt holland 4 next season!! KRO + SOTV (NT)bluenose_brummie_jen21:24:59 07/04/02 Thu

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