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Date Posted: 07:38:53 10/19/03 Sun
Author: Lucifer
Subject: The Demented Wrestling Alliance

Hello all you web surfers. Wouldn't you agree that E-feds have been on a major decline as of late? Don't you wish that you could find just one E-federation among the thousands that is actually full of decent and dedicated roleplayers? Well, that is my goal with the Demented Wrestling Alliance. I have been roleplaying for six years, and am majoring in English for College. I have always been told I write great RP's, and my ideas are very original, awesome and creative. In these past couple of years, I've been in E-feds that I've easily torn apart. Wouldn't you agree that it's just not fun RPing against people who write a paragraph a week? I remember the first federation I joined, called the Internet Wrestling Federation(It's gone now.), and that was when I was 12. Now that was an E-fed that challenged me, and was actually FUN. I LOVED Coming home from school and roleplaying against these people. Then, over the years, it just got to the point where it was work, having to roleplay against people in other feds. Having fun is what E-feds are all about, and if you want to join a federation like the greats years ago, check out the Demented Wrestling Alliance. Here is some info about the site:

The DWA site is still undergoing construction, so if there's anyone out there who is fluent in HTML/Photoshop and knows how to make an E-fed site look great, I'd be SO GRATEFUL if you could help me with that, even if you don't want to join the site. It would be a big time favor, and you WILL get credit for it on the site. Most of it is setup right now, I just need a little help with the main page.

The DWA site might look crappy you guys/girls, but it's just because I don't know very much HTML. It is NOT because I'm lazy. My friend helped me with what is there so far, but he's been getting lazy. I've wanted to get this site up and running for months! I believe I can make a great E-fed, and make it work.

I only want GOOD ROLEPLAYERS! Feel free to turn in an application, but if your sample RP sucks, you won't be hired. Try hard especially on your Sample RP because that is one of the major factors leading to your getting hired. I am going to bust my ass to write results, and I expect the very same from my Roleplayers, because I don't want to write long, detailed results for someone who writes a paragraph of crappy grammar every week. I want to make this federation actually fun to compete in, where the Championships actually mean something, and not just, "Oh! I beat a bunch of losers! I feel special!". I also need people who are MOTIVATED AND DEDICATED!! That is a big one. If you're not going to roleplay when you are scheduled, or if you're going to have to quit a little bit after you sign up, DON'T WASTE MY TIME! We need people who are motivated and dedicated because that's what makes E-fedding FUN! And fun is what it's all about.

The DWA site as it is now will most likely NOT be what it will look like for the rest of it's time. There probably will be sections that will be added. I will listen to your requests on the OOC Board. If someone requests an Awards section for instance, and most people second that, I will add an Awards section. I want to work together on this site and make it the best it can be.

In the DWA you will see some of the most insane matches you have ever seen. Trust me, I am VERY creative.

If this sounds interesting to you guys, I would really appreciate it if you would check out the site, at http://www.geocities.com/dementedwrestlingalliance2003/

Or Send me an E-mail at dementedwrestlingalliance2003@yahoo.com and I'll be glad to reply to any questions or comments you people send. Who knows? We could make the DWA the best E-fed in E-fed history. But before you even think of signing up, just ask yourself one question..."Am I Crazy Enough?"

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